STRAIN_RGD_ID STRAIN_ONT_ID STRAIN_SYMBOL CLINICAL_MEASUREMENT_ONT_ID CMO_TERM 70410 RS:0000007 AA CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549803 RS:0000029 ACI-Lystbg-Kyo/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2292567 RS:0001158 ACI.COP-(D10Mgh8-D10Rat4)/Shul CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 2292565 RS:0001159 ACI.COP-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat119)/Shul CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 2292566 RS:0001160 ACI.COP-(D3Rat130-D3Rat114)/Shul CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 2292564 RS:0001161 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 2292564 RS:0001161 ACI.COP-(D6Rat80-D6Rat146)/Shul CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547875 RS:0000016 ACI.FHH-(D17Rat117-D17Arb5)(D17Rat180-D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 1598801 RS:0001162 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Mit8)(D14Mit11-D14Hmgc14b)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1598801 RS:0001162 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Mit8)(D14Mit11-D14Hmgc14b)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 5143942 RS:0002619 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5143942 RS:0002619 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur CMO:0002379 ratio of the area occupied by protein casts to the total area of the kidney outer medulla outer stripe and cortex 5143942 RS:0002619 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Eur CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686832 RS:0003110 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686832 RS:0003110 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0002379 ratio of the area occupied by protein casts to the total area of the kidney outer medulla outer stripe and cortex 5686832 RS:0003110 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Got102-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686829 RS:0003109 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat6-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686829 RS:0003109 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat6-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0002379 ratio of the area occupied by protein casts to the total area of the kidney outer medulla outer stripe and cortex 5686829 RS:0003109 ACI.FHH-(D1Mit18-D1Rat90)(D3Rat6-D3Got149)(D14Mit11-D14Rat33)(D14Rat65-D14Rat90)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1579695 RS:0001164 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1579695 RS:0001164 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 1579695 RS:0001164 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat298-D1Rat90)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547871 RS:0000020 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat324-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 1598800 RS:0001165 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1598800 RS:0001165 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat156)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1598799 RS:0001166 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat452)(D17Rat61-D1Arb5)(D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1598799 RS:0001166 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat384-D1Rat452)(D17Rat61-D1Arb5)(D17Rat51)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1579700 RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1579700 RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 1579700 RS:0001167 ACI.FHH-(D1Rat475-D1Rat90)(D3Rat84-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1579678 RS:0001168 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1579678 RS:0001168 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 1579678 RS:0001168 ACI.FHH-(D3Wox2-D3Rat59)/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 14975244 RS:0004755 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs107095981)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975244 RS:0004755 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs107095981)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975246 RS:0004757 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198076037)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975246 RS:0004757 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198076037)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975245 RS:0004756 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198922144)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975245 RS:0004756 ACI.FHH-(rgdv393055223-rs198922144)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975247 RS:0004758 ACI.FHH-(rs105373896-rgdv253272372)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975247 RS:0004758 ACI.FHH-(rs105373896-rgdv253272372)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975242 RS:0004753 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs105373896)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975242 RS:0004753 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs105373896)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975243 RS:0004754 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs106411696)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975243 RS:0004754 ACI.FHH-(rs105487995-rs106411696)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 14975248 RS:0004759 ACI.FHH-(rs198076037-rs105278863)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 14975248 RS:0004759 ACI.FHH-(rs198076037-rs105278863)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547869 RS:0000021 ACI/Eur CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 7364991 RS:0003549 ACI/EurMcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000603 blood CD25 cell count to CD4 cell count ratio 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000604 blood CD25 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000596 blood CD4 cell count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000598 blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000597 blood CD8 cell count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000012 body weight 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000029 platelet count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10000 RS:0000023 ACI/N CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000012 body weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302717 RS:0000026 ACI/NHok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000012 body weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002285 percentage of study population developing stomach tumors during a period of time 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549811 RS:0000366 ACI/NJcl CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302643 RS:0000028 ACI/NKyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000012 body weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302688 RS:0000030 ACI/NMna CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302670 RS:0000031 ACI/NSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000613 absolute change in thymus weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000888 area of individual prostate tumorous lesion 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003689 area of individual ventral prostate tumorous lesion with a solid structure 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003690 area of individual ventral prostate tumorous lesion with round, irregular size nuclei 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000899 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions to total ventral prostate area ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003692 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei to total ventral prostate area ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003691 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions with solid structure to total ventral prostate area ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001795 benign colorectal tumor number 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001799 benign colorectal tumor surface area measurement 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002168 binary logarithm of pituitary gland wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003694 number of ventral prostate tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003693 number of ventral prostate tumorous lesions with solid structure 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001803 percentage of study population developing benign colorectal tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001264 percentage of study population developing bilateral testis tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001029 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002071 percentage of study population developing poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003387 percentage of study population developing subcutaneous tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0001261 percentage of study population developing testis tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000940 percentage of study population developing unilateral renal agenesis during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000943 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003687 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions with a solid structure during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003688 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002072 percentage of study population developing well differentiated malignant colorectal tumors during a period of time 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000853 pituitary gland wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002078 poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000652 prostate gland wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000884 prostate tumorous lesion number 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000855 thymus wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0000850 ventral prostate gland wet weight 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002075 well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor number 737892 RS:0000032 ACI/SegHsd CMO:0002077 well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302691 RS:0000040 ALB/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 6480218 RS:0003208 AR-Ednrbsl/Hkv CMO:0001839 percentage of study population developing colonic aganglionosis during a period of time 67958 RS:0000055 AS CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 67958 RS:0000055 AS CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 67958 RS:0000055 AS CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 6902893 RS:0003214 BB.SHR-(Acsm3-Igf2)/K CMO:0000012 body weight 1357980 RS:0000063 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K CMO:0001253 inguinal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1357980 RS:0000063 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1357980 RS:0000063 BB.SHR-(D4Got41-Tacr1)/K CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1357346 RS:0000371 BB.SHR-(D4Mit6-Spr)/K CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1357346 RS:0000371 BB.SHR-(D4Mit6-Spr)/K CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0001112 age at onset/diagnosis of diabetes mellitus 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000372 blood B lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002357 blood CD25 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002354 blood CD4 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002345 blood CD45RC(high) CD4 T cell count to CD45RC(low) CD4 T cell count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002358 blood CD45RC(high) CD4 T lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002359 blood CD45RC(low) CD4 T lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002355 blood CD8 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002356 blood RT6.1 positive cell count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000373 blood T lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0002353 blood natural killer cell count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000012 body weight 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0001114 percentage of study population developing diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549799 RS:0000372 BB.SHR-(D6Rat184-D6Rat3)/K CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0001112 age at onset/diagnosis of diabetes mellitus 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000372 blood B lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002357 blood CD25 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002354 blood CD4 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002345 blood CD45RC(high) CD4 T cell count to CD45RC(low) CD4 T cell count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002358 blood CD45RC(high) CD4 T lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002359 blood CD45RC(low) CD4 T lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002355 blood CD8 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002356 blood RT6.1 positive cell count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000373 blood T lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0002353 blood natural killer cell count to total lymphocyte count ratio 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000012 body weight 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0001114 percentage of study population developing diabetes mellitus during a period of time 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631700 RS:0000069 BB.SHR-(Gnal-D18Mit9)/K CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1358922 RS:0000066 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K CMO:0001253 inguinal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1358922 RS:0000066 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1358922 RS:0000066 BB.WOKW-(D4Got41-Fabp1)/K CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0000012 body weight 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0001253 inguinal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61107 RS:0000067 BB/OK CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1599675 RS:0001174 BBDP.WF-(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641857 RS:0001175 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat16-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1599674 RS:0001176 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat59-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641870 RS:0001177 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat121)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641855 RS:0001178 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat20)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641874 RS:0001179 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Rat90)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 7241811 RS:0003422 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)(D13Rat124-D13Mgh5)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641876 RS:0001180 BBDP.WF-(D8Rat73-D8Sunn1467)/Sunn CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1642018 RS:0001182 BBDP/WorBrm CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 2306529 RS:0001772 BBDR.BBDP-(D4Rhw11-D4Rhw10)/Rhw CMO:0001120 blood R73 cell to total mononuclear cell ratio 2306541 RS:0001782 BBDR.F344-(D4Rat153-D4Rhw6),BBDP-(D4Rhw6-D4Rhw10)/Rhw CMO:0001120 blood R73 cell to total mononuclear cell ratio 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0000598 blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001121 blood CD4 cell to R73 cell ratio 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001122 blood CD8 cell count to R73 cell count ratio 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001120 blood R73 cell to total mononuclear cell ratio 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001281 calculated serum anti-rat type 2 collagen autoantibody titer 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 10003 RS:0000073 BBDR/Rhw CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1304487 RS:0000076 BBDR/Wor CMO:0001114 percentage of study population developing diabetes mellitus during a period of time 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0000012 body weight 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001513 liver copper weight to body weight ratio 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001512 liver copper weight to liver dry weight ratio 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001511 liver copper weight to liver wet weight ratio 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001507 liver total copper weight 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0000487 serum aldosterone level 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001174 serum corticosterone level 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0001171 serum phospholipid level 10004 RS:0000082 BC/CpbU CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 67978 RS:0000089 BDIV CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 67978 RS:0000089 BDIV CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 67978 RS:0000089 BDIV CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 737921 RS:0000090 BDIV/lfz CMO:0002017 percentage of study population developing trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas during a period of time 737921 RS:0000090 BDIV/lfz CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 737921 RS:0000090 BDIV/lfz CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 61002 RS:0000091 BDIX CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 61002 RS:0000091 BDIX CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 61002 RS:0000091 BDIX CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 11554329 RS:0004258 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 11554329 RS:0004258 BDIX.BDIV-D10Got1-D10Rat45/Zte CMO:0002005 post-insult time of death 11554327 RS:0004257 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 11554327 RS:0004257 BDIX.BDIV-D10Mit3-D10Mgh16/Zte CMO:0002005 post-insult time of death 12738372 RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte CMO:0002017 percentage of study population developing trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas during a period of time 12738372 RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 12738372 RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 12738372 RS:0004304 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit1-D6Mgh2/Zte CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 12738394 RS:0004306 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 12738394 RS:0004306 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 12738394 RS:0004306 BDIX.BDIV-D6Mit8-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 12738388 RS:0004305 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Mgh3/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 12738388 RS:0004305 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Mgh3/Zte CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 12738388 RS:0004305 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Mgh3/Zte CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 32716420 RS:0004790 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 32716420 RS:0004790 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 32716420 RS:0004790 BDIX.BDIV-D6Rat132-D6Rat229/Zte CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003769 area under the anorectal pressure curve 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000111 blood granulocyte count 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000367 blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003763 duration of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003764 frequency of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0001348 mean platelet volume 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003437 metastatic lung tumor area measurement 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003434 metastatic lung tumor number 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003761 number of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure during a specified time 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003766 number of peaks in pressure per anorectal sphincter contraction 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003431 percentage of study population displaying metastatic tumors in the lung at a point in time 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000029 platelet count 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0001350 platelet distribution width 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003526 platelet distribution width (percentage) 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0001349 plateletcrit 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003768 range of pressure generated by anorectal contractions 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003519 serum amylase activity level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000668 serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003765 time to peak anorectal sphincter contraction 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 2311074 RS:0001789 BDIX/CrCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 10005 RS:0000092 BDIX/Han CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 10005 RS:0000092 BDIX/Han CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 10005 RS:0000092 BDIX/Han CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 10005 RS:0000092 BDIX/Han CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 10401918 RS:0004058 BDIX/HanHsd CMO:0003434 metastatic lung tumor number 10401918 RS:0004058 BDIX/HanHsd CMO:0003875 ratio of deaths related to FUDR toxicity to total study population during a period of time 2307318 RS:0001790 BDIX/Ifz CMO:0002017 percentage of study population developing trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas during a period of time 2307318 RS:0001790 BDIX/Ifz CMO:0003874 post-insult time of death due to ENU-induced malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors 2307318 RS:0001790 BDIX/Ifz CMO:0003873 ratio of survivors of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors to total study population during a period of time 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003816 number of blastocysts implanted per litter 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0002382 number of blastocysts/embryos lost postimplantation to litter size ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003834 number of fetuses with an ossified anterior arch of atlas to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003820 number of fetuses with brain hernia to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003824 number of fetuses with cardiovascular malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003832 number of fetuses with cervical rib variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003828 number of fetuses with cranial malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003819 number of fetuses with exencephaly to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003817 number of fetuses with external malformations to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003821 number of fetuses with eye malformations to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003823 number of fetuses with hydrocephaly to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003826 number of fetuses with left umbilical artery to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003833 number of fetuses with lumbar rib variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003825 number of fetuses with renal malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003827 number of fetuses with skeletal malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003831 number of fetuses with sternum variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003829 number of fetuses with vertebral malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003822 number of fetuses with visceral malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338474 RS:0004962 BDIX/Nem CMO:0003835 number of fetuses without an ossified first cervical vertebral body to total number of fetuses ratio 737902 RS:0000093 BDIX/Orl CMO:0000012 body weight 737902 RS:0000093 BDIX/Orl CMO:0001801 percentage of study population developing colorectal tumors during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0000599 blood CD25 cell count 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0000596 blood CD4 cell count 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0000597 blood CD8 cell count 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0001080 calculated liver tumorous lesion volume measurement 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0002191 calculated liver volume 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003757 increase in liver tumorous lesion volume between two points in time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003778 large liver metastatic tumorous lesion diameter measurement 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003759 liver volume after excision and regeneration 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003610 metastatic liver tumor number 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003613 number of large metastatic liver tumors 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003781 number of large metastatic liver tumors in the left liver 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003782 number of large metastatic liver tumors in the right liver 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003611 number of small metastatic liver tumors 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003776 number of small metastatic liver tumors in the left liver 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003775 number of small metastatic liver tumors in the right liver 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003784 percentage of study population developing ascites during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003785 percentage of study population developing extra-hepatic metastases during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003871 percentage of study population developing metastatic liver tumors during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003780 percentage of study population developing peritoneal carcinomatosis during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003760 post excision/regeneration liver volume to original liver volume ratio 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0002005 post-insult time of death 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0001421 ratio of proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive cells to total liver tumorous lesion cells 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0002737 ratio of survivors to total study population during a period of time 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003777 small liver metastatic tumorous lesion diameter measurement 2312473 RS:0001792 BDIX/OrlCrl CMO:0003758 subsequent liver tumorous lesion volume to precedent liver tumorous lesion volume ratio 150527860 RS:0005125 BDIX/OrlIco CMO:0003651 metastatic liver tumor area 150527860 RS:0005125 BDIX/OrlIco CMO:0003882 post-insult time of death due to metastatic liver tumors 1566456 RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte CMO:0002016 percentage of study population displaying trigeminal nerve neurilemmomas at a point in time 1566456 RS:0001189 BDIX/Zte CMO:0002005 post-insult time of death 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0000012 body weight 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0001705 liver remodeling tumorous lesion number to liver total tumorous lesion number ratio 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0002173 ratio of apoptotic bodies to intact tumor cells in nonremodelling liver tumorous lesions 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0002172 ratio of apoptotic bodies to intact tumor cells in remodelling liver tumorous lesions 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 60985 RS:0000113 BN CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0003555 plasma insulin level to plasma glucose level ratio 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0002997 urine sodium level to body weight ratio 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 6480866 RS:0003219 BN-Chr 13LH/MavRrrc CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303972 RS:0001797 BN-Chr 13SS/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2303972 RS:0001797 BN-Chr 13SS/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 2303972 RS:0001797 BN-Chr 13SS/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1642270 RS:0001193 BN-Lcatm3Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 61113 RS:0000114 BN-Lx CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 61113 RS:0000114 BN-Lx CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 61113 RS:0000114 BN-Lx CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 61113 RS:0000114 BN-Lx CMO:0000868 adipocyte volume 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001606 both epididymides wet weight 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001611 daily sperm count to epididymis weight ratio 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000642 litter size 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000638 motile sperm count to total sperm count ratio 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000644 normal sperm count to total sperm count ratio 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001601 saccharin intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001603 seminal vesicle wet weight 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001567 serum high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001564 serum intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001576 serum intermediate density lipoprotein phospholipid level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001570 serum low density lipoprotein phospholipid level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001171 serum phospholipid level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000650 serum very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001573 serum very low density lipoprotein phospholipid level 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0001609 sperm count to epididymis weight ratio 61117 RS:0000116 BN-Lx/Cub CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579688 RS:0001123 BN-Tgfbr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0003904 change in heart rate to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0002296 change in mean arterial blood pressure to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2301937 RS:0001665 BN.GH-(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2301986 RS:0001669 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301989 RS:0001672 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301987 RS:0001670 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0002296 change in mean arterial blood pressure to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2301939 RS:0001668 BN.GH-(D2Rat22-D2Mgh11)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2301988 RS:0001671 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)(D18Rat41-D18Mgh4)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0002296 change in mean arterial blood pressure to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2301938 RS:0001667 BN.GH-(D6Mit12-D6Rat15)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 4143459 RS:0001459 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Got149)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 4143457 RS:0002465 BN.GK-(D2Rat40-D2Wox35)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 4143456 RS:0002464 BN.GK-(D2Wox30-D2Wox68)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 4143458 RS:0002463 BN.GK-(D2Wox49-D2Rat70)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1331814 RS:0000117 BN.GK-(D8Got302-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1331813 RS:0000119 BN.GK-(D8Rat29-D8Got130)/Ox CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1578712 RS:0001202 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578712 RS:0001202 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578714 RS:0001201 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Rat80)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578714 RS:0001201 BN.LEW-(D10Mco17-D10Rat80)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1331817 RS:0000122 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Mgh4)/Rj CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1331817 RS:0000122 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Mgh4)/Rj CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 8549599 RS:0003637 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 8549599 RS:0003637 BN.LEW-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549802 RS:0001206 BN/1Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000012 body weight 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001817 calculated total pancreatic islet beta cell weight 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001820 duodenal region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas duodenal region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001228 plasma growth hormone level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001299 plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001170 plasma phospholipid level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001824 plasma prolactin level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001813 ratio of insulin-positive cell area to total area of duodenal region of pancreas 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001814 ratio of insulin-positive cell area to total area of splenic region of pancreas 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0001821 splenic region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas splenic region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 737972 RS:0000134 BN/Crl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 634367 RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 634367 RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 634367 RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj CMO:0001213 percentage of study population developing chronic pancreatitis during a period of time 634367 RS:0000133 BN/CrlCrlj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 737691 RS:0000135 BN/Crli CMO:0001470 liver tumorous lesion number to liver volume ratio 737691 RS:0000135 BN/Crli CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 737691 RS:0000135 BN/Crli CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 737899 RS:0000136 BN/Cub CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000012 body weight 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0003904 change in heart rate to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0002296 change in mean arterial blood pressure to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000002 heart rate 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 631602 RS:0000137 BN/Elh CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 2313222 RS:0001805 BN/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549809 RS:0001209 BN/KtsSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549800 RS:0001208 BN/KunKtsSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0003555 plasma insulin level to plasma glucose level ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0001897 ratio of change in renal blood flow rate to kidney weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0002997 urine sodium level to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000625 urine total protein level 61498 RS:0000145 BN/NHsdMcwi CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737964 RS:0000146 BN/OlaHsd CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0001739 brain spike-and-wave discharge rate 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0001008 plasma epinephrine level 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0001010 plasma norepinephrine level 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1354669 RS:0000148 BN/OrlIcoCrlf CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5508393 RS:0002938 BN/RijHsd CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 5508393 RS:0002938 BN/RijHsd CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 5508393 RS:0002938 BN/RijHsd CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 5508393 RS:0002938 BN/RijHsd CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002002 aorta wall extracellular elastin dry weight to aorta wall dry weight ratio 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002003 aorta wall extracellular elastin dry weight to aorta wall extracellular collagen weight ratio 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002564 arterial internal elastic lamina rupture composite score 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0001990 blood CD45RC(high) CD8 T cell count to CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell count ratio 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002562 number of ruptures of the internal elastic lamina of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002563 number of ruptures of the internal elastic lamina of the renal arteries 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0002566 patent ductus arteriosus score 631594 RS:0000152 BN/Rj CMO:0001203 percentage of study population developing hematuria during a period of time 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0001194 white adipose tissue weight to body weight ratio 1549801 RS:0000430 BN/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000603 blood CD25 cell count to CD4 cell count ratio 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000596 blood CD4 cell count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000598 blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000597 blood CD8 cell count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000012 body weight 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0001399 body weight loss 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0001278 calculated serum anti-porcine type 2 collagen antibody titer 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0001281 calculated serum anti-rat type 2 collagen autoantibody titer 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000029 platelet count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61115 RS:0000154 BN/SsN CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000613 absolute change in thymus weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001409 artery lumen area 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002168 binary logarithm of pituitary gland wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000015 body temperature 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0003646 circular vessel area 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000002 heart rate 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002600 hepatocellular carcinoma tumor number 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001417 lesioned artery residual lumen area 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002602 percentage of study population developing hepatocellular carcinoma during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001622 percentage of study population developing pituitary gland hyperplastic lesions during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001619 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that invade the glandular capsule during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001618 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace a portion of the gland during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001617 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace the entire gland during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000940 percentage of study population developing unilateral renal agenesis during a period of time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000853 pituitary gland wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000029 platelet count 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000855 thymus wet weight 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 10008 RS:0000155 BN/SsNHsd CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0001810 pigmented coat/hair area to total coat/hair area ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0001811 pigmented dorsal coat/hair area to total dorsal coat/hair area ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0001812 pigmented ventral coat/hair area to total ventral coat/hair area ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302631 RS:0000156 BN/SsNSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000012 body weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302613 RS:0000157 BN/fMaiHok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0003616 free water reabsorption level to body weight ratio 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0003617 kidney cortex hyaluronic acid level 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0003621 kidney cortex hyaluronidase activity to total protein level ratio 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0003618 kidney papilla hyaluronic acid level 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0003622 kidney papilla hyaluronidase activity to total protein level ratio 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314655 RS:0002019 BRAT-Avpdi/BluHsd CMO:0000385 urine osmolality 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000015 body temperature 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000012 body weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000002 heart rate 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000029 platelet count 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61118 RS:0000165 BUF/Mna CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000012 body weight 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000037 hematocrit 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000029 platelet count 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 60986 RS:0000166 BUF/N CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1358998 RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358998 RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1358998 RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 1358998 RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 1358998 RS:0000167 BUF/NHsd CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1549804 RS:0000467 BUF/NacJcl CMO:0002285 percentage of study population developing stomach tumors during a period of time 2307359 RS:0001813 BUF/SimRijHsd CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 2307359 RS:0001813 BUF/SimRijHsd CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 2307359 RS:0001813 BUF/SimRijHsd CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 2307359 RS:0001813 BUF/SimRijHsd CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307121 RS:0001819 BXH2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0000012 body weight 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0000420 body weight gain 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0002209 food calorie intake level to change in body weight ratio 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0002212 food intake weight to change in body weight ratio 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0000564 serum estradiol level 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0000568 serum testosterone level 5508398 RS:0002943 BluHsd:LE CMO:0002178 total food calorie intake rate 1357191 RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1357191 RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1357191 RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1357191 RS:0000181 CDS/Ygl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 60998 RS:0000184 COP CMO:0001705 liver remodeling tumorous lesion number to liver total tumorous lesion number ratio 60998 RS:0000184 COP CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0002069 abdominal subcutaneous fat pad weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0001406 maximum distance run on treadmill 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1599764 RS:0001215 COP.DA-(D16Rat12-D16Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0001406 maximum distance run on treadmill 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1599769 RS:0001216 COP.DA-(D3Rat233-D3Mgh14)/Mco CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1358153 RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 1358153 RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1358153 RS:0000185 COP/CrCrl CMO:0000853 pituitary gland wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0002069 abdominal subcutaneous fat pad weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0001406 maximum distance run on treadmill 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0002306 maximum time spent running to exhaustion on treadmill 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 10011 RS:0000186 COP/OlaHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000379 blood pH 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000015 body temperature 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000012 body weight 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000427 food intake rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003082 full retina thickness 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000002 heart rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000037 hematocrit 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002482 liver oxidized glutathione level to liver weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002483 liver reduced glutathione level to liver weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002405 liver wet weight to body weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003076 plasma AMG-8718 level area under curve (AUC) 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003078 plasma AMG-8718 maximum concentration 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002469 plasma acetaminophen level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002473 plasma acetaminophen level area under curve 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002476 plasma glutamate dehydrogenase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0001305 plasma lactate level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002424 plasma pyruvate level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000289 respiration rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003084 retinal inner layer thickness 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003083 retinal outer layer thickness 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003085 retinal outer nuclear layer photoreceptor nucleus count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0003086 retinal outer nuclear layer thickness 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000564 serum estradiol level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000566 serum progesterone level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000222 tidal volume 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002427 urine creatine excretion rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0002430 urine taurine excretion rate 734476 RS:0000064 Crl:CD(SD) CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000485 blood adiponectin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000555 blood adrenocorticotropic hormone level (ACTH) 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000576 blood alkaline phosphatase activity level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000578 blood angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000515 blood cortisol level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003030 blood galanin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0001297 blood insulin-like growth factor 1 level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000779 blood leptin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003032 blood lutenizing hormone level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000514 blood progesterone level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0001822 blood prolactin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002335 blood segmented neutrophil count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000512 blood testosterone level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000012 body weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002411 both adrenal glands wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003016 gastrointestinal tract weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003029 gastrointestinal tract weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000017 heart weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002408 heart wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003022 hemoglobin distribution width 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000092 liver weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000096 lung weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002406 lung wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003696 plasma Complement C3a des Arg level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002240 plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003695 plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000029 platelet count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003021 reticulocyte count to total red blood cell count ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003060 serum KIM-1/TIM-1/HAVCR1 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003040 serum beta-2 microglobulin 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003042 serum calbindin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003044 serum clusterin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002779 serum cystatin C level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003046 serum glutathione S-transferase-alpha level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003048 serum glutathione S-transferase-u level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003056 serum lipocalin 2 level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003058 serum osteopontin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003279 serum sorbital dehydrogenase activity 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003050 serum tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003052 serum vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-a) 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000147 spleen weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002409 spleen wet weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000151 testis weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000610 thymus weight 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003020 total reticulocyte count 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003038 urine KIM-1/TIM-1/HAVCR level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000130 urine albumin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003024 urine chloride level to urine creatinine level ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003036 urine lipocalin 2 level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0003037 urine osteopontin level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000257 urine specific gravity 2308852 RS:0001827 Crl:LE CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002199 bisphenol A in fructose drink intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000012 body weight 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000420 body weight gain 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001937 brain campesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001935 brain cholesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001936 brain phytosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001938 brain sitosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001407 ethanol drink intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002177 food calorie intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000427 food intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002251 fructose drink calorie intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002198 fructose drink intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002195 left renal fat pad weight 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002197 left renal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001941 liver campesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002190 liver fat volume to total liver volume ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001942 liver phytosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001940 liver sitosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000092 liver weight 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002431 metformin drink intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002954 number of podocytes per kidney glomerulus 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002955 number of podocytes to glomerular volume ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001944 plasma campesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002240 plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002401 plasma globulin level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001296 plasma glucagon level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001945 plasma phytosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0001943 plasma sitosterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0003026 serum total bile acid 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002181 total body fat volume 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002253 total calorie intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002186 whole body lean tissue volume 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002182 whole body subcutaneous fat volume 737891 RS:0000695 Crl:SD CMO:0002183 whole body visceral fat volume 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002872 A wave velocity 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002874 A' wave velocity 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002503 E wave velocity 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002873 E' wave velocity 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002789 E/A wave ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002862 E/E' wave ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002885 arterial elastance 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003010 blood dipeptidyl peptidase 4 activity level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002447 blood malondialdehyde level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000012 body weight 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000137 brain weight 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002881 cardiac index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000197 cardiac output 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003908 coronary blood flow rate to heart weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003906 coronary perfusion pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000427 food intake rate 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002864 heart free fatty acid level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002893 heart left ventricle end-diastolic anterior wall index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003220 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002891 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002869 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002867 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000002 heart rate 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002865 heart triglyceride level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002895 heart ventricle end-diastolic septal wall index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002871 heart ventricle end-systolic septal wall index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000017 heart weight 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000081 kidney weight 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002555 left ventricular ejection time 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002541 left ventricular isovolumetric contraction time 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002540 left ventricular isovolumetric relaxation time 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002889 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure to left ventricular end-diastolic volume ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003721 mesenteric artery adventitial thickness 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003720 mesenteric artery media thickness 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003719 mesenteric artery wall thickness 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001545 myocardial flow rate 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002556 myocardial performance index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003450 percentage of study population displaying glycosuria at a point in time 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001204 percentage of study population displaying hematuria at a point in time 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002877 plasma NH2-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002879 plasma aldosterone level to plasma renin activity ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001286 plasma troponin T level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003714 podocyte foot process width 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002888 preload recruitable left ventricle stroke work 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003717 pulse wave velocity 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000487 serum aldosterone level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0002883 stroke index 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000223 stroke volume 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000220 systemic vascular resistance 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000450 tibia length 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003889 tissue mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000383 urine glucose level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0001629 urine norepinephrine level 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0003752 volume of kidney cortical interstitium to total volume of kidney cortex ratio 737929 RS:0001011 Crl:WI CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000012 body weight 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000563 plasma estradiol level 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2308816 RS:0001833 Crl:WI(Han) CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2312472 RS:0001834 Crl:WI(WU) CMO:0000012 body weight 2312472 RS:0001834 Crl:WI(WU) CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2312472 RS:0001834 Crl:WI(WU) CMO:0000112 plasma angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000037 hematocrit 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000029 platelet count 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0002698 urine ketone body level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000258 urine pH 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000591 urine protein level 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000257 urine specific gravity 11040548 RS:0004102 CrlCembe:WI CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000012 body weight 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001937 brain campesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001935 brain cholesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001936 brain phytosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001938 brain sitosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000002 heart rate 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001941 liver campesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001942 liver phytosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001940 liver sitosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0003584 measurement of minimal stimulus of cornea needed to elicit eyelid blinking 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001944 plasma campesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001945 plasma phytosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0001943 plasma sitosterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 2312504 RS:0001840 Crlj:WI CMO:0003583 tear secretion rate 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0002174 bisphenol A drink intake rate 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0000012 body weight 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0000427 food intake rate 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0001601 saccharin intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0002200 sucrose drink intake volume 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0002202 sucrose intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 8547938 RS:0000696 CrljJcl:SD CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 14394619 RS:0004703 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394619 RS:0004703 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394619 RS:0004703 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 14394620 RS:0004704 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/- CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394620 RS:0004704 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/- CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394620 RS:0004704 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi+/- CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 14394621 RS:0004705 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394621 RS:0004705 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394621 RS:0004705 DA-Tph2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 14394616 RS:0004697 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394616 RS:0004697 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394616 RS:0004697 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 14394617 RS:0004702 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394617 RS:0004702 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394617 RS:0004702 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 14394618 RS:0004701 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0003094 forebrain dopamine level 14394618 RS:0004701 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0003095 forebrain norepinephrine level 14394618 RS:0004701 DA-Tph2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0003092 forebrain serotonin level 1331827 RS:0000196 DA.ACI-(D10Rat10-D10Rat142) CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331827 RS:0000196 DA.ACI-(D10Rat10-D10Rat142) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331827 RS:0000196 DA.ACI-(D10Rat10-D10Rat142) CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331828 RS:0000197 DA.ACI-(D10Rat12-D10Rat144) CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331828 RS:0000197 DA.ACI-(D10Rat12-D10Rat144) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331828 RS:0000197 DA.ACI-(D10Rat12-D10Rat144) CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331833 RS:0000198 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331833 RS:0000198 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331833 RS:0000198 DA.ACI-(D10Rat15-D10Rat29) CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331816 RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331816 RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 1331816 RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331816 RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331816 RS:0000199 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat29)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 1331822 RS:0000200 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat6) CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331822 RS:0000200 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat6) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331822 RS:0000200 DA.ACI-(D10Rat2-D10Rat6) CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331824 RS:0000201 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 1331824 RS:0000201 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 1331824 RS:0000201 DA.ACI-(D10Rat219-D10Rat29) CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 7244380 RS:0003430 DA.F344(Cia3c)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 7244381 RS:0003431 DA.F344(Cia3e)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 631282 RS:0000209 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631282 RS:0000209 DA.F344-(D10Arb20-D10Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 631283 RS:0000210 DA.F344-(D10Arb21-D10Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 1299877 RS:0001225 DA.F344-(D10Rat204-D10Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 1299871 RS:0000212 DA.F344-(D20Arb2-D20Arb8)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 1299878 RS:0000213 DA.F344-(D4Arb30-D4Arb4)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 7243955 RS:0003425 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Arb21)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 7243960 RS:0003426 DA.F344-(D4Got44-D4Rat128)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 7243963 RS:0003427 DA.F344-(D4Uia2-D4Wox21)/Arb CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 1299875 RS:0000214 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Mit2)/Nsi CMO:0001431 inflammatory exudate neutrophil count 1299875 RS:0000214 DA.F344-(D7Rat22-D7Mit2)/Nsi CMO:0001435 inflammatory exudate tumor necrosis factor level 1299872 RS:0000216 DA.F344-(D8Arb15-D8Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001431 inflammatory exudate neutrophil count 1299872 RS:0000216 DA.F344-(D8Arb15-D8Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001436 inflammatory exudate nitric oxide level 1299872 RS:0000216 DA.F344-(D8Arb15-D8Arb22)/Arb CMO:0001435 inflammatory exudate tumor necrosis factor level 629491 RS:0000221 DA.F344-Aia1/2 CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 8551864 RS:0003683 DA.LEW.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Mgh21)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 731193 RS:0000225 DA.PVG-(D4Rat141-D4Mgh11) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 731193 RS:0000225 DA.PVG-(D4Rat141-D4Mgh11) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 4889890 RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini CMO:0000012 body weight 4889890 RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 4889890 RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 4889890 RS:0002506 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 7349357 RS:0003524 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Got136) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 7349357 RS:0003524 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Got136) CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 7349357 RS:0003524 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Got136) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 7349357 RS:0003524 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Got136) CMO:0003802 ratio of deaths related to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis to total study population during a period of time 8551887 RS:0003694 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551887 RS:0003694 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got126-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2317599 RS:0002389 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got211-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317599 RS:0002389 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got211-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2317599 RS:0002389 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got211-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 2317791 RS:0002390 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got60-D4Kini1)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317791 RS:0002390 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got60-D4Kini1)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2317791 RS:0002390 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Got60-D4Kini1)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 737859 RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737859 RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737859 RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737859 RS:0000226 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56) CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 8551885 RS:0003693 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mit22-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551885 RS:0003693 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mit22-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2317596 RS:0002387 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat103-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317596 RS:0002387 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat103-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 7240512 RS:0003371 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru80)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 7240512 RS:0003371 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru80)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 7240510 RS:0003370 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru96)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 7240510 RS:0003370 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Kiru96)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 8551892 RS:0003696 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Rat62)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551892 RS:0003696 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat113-D4Rat62)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 8551872 RS:0003688 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat113)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551872 RS:0003688 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat113)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737857 RS:0000227 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737857 RS:0000227 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737857 RS:0000227 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737857 RS:0000227 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84) CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 737858 RS:0000228 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737858 RS:0000228 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737858 RS:0000228 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737858 RS:0000228 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr) CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 8551876 RS:0003690 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Got130)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551876 RS:0003690 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Got130)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 8551882 RS:0003692 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Mit22)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551882 RS:0003692 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat203-D4Mit22)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2317595 RS:0002386 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317595 RS:0002386 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2317595 RS:0002386 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 2317590 RS:0002385 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Rat108)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317590 RS:0002385 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Rat108)/Kini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2317590 RS:0002385 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat23-D4Rat108)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 2317598 RS:0002388 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2317598 RS:0002388 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 2317598 RS:0002388 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2317598 RS:0002388 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat231-D4Mit12)/Kini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 8551889 RS:0003695 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat62-D4Got136)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551889 RS:0003695 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat62-D4Got136)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737861 RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737861 RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737861 RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737861 RS:0000229 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203) CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 8551880 RS:0003691 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551880 RS:0003691 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 8551874 RS:0003689 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551874 RS:0003689 DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001399 body weight loss 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001278 calculated serum anti-porcine type 2 collagen antibody titer 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001281 calculated serum anti-rat type 2 collagen autoantibody titer 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 61114 RS:0000239 DA/Bkl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000034 blood basophil count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001438 inflammatory exudate leukotriene B4 level 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001441 inflammatory exudate leukotriene B4 level to lipoxin A4 level ratio 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001439 inflammatory exudate lipoxin A4 level 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001432 inflammatory exudate mononuclear leukocyte count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001431 inflammatory exudate neutrophil count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001436 inflammatory exudate nitric oxide level 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0001435 inflammatory exudate tumor necrosis factor level 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1600340 RS:0001227 DA/BklArbNsi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000105 body mass index (BMI) 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000012 body weight 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0001639 both inguinal fat pads weight to body weight ratio 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0001253 inguinal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1357345 RS:0000243 DA/K CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0001406 maximum distance run on treadmill 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0002306 maximum time spent running to exhaustion on treadmill 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 734475 RS:0000244 DA/OlaHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001877 non-tongue squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001950 number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 3 mm 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001879 number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 5 mm 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001896 post-insult time to onset of moribundity 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001876 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001875 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue maximum tumor diameter 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001878 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue tumor number 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 61111 RS:0000247 DA/Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0000420 body weight gain 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001859 percentage of study population developing acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 737950 RS:0000242 DA/Ztm CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0000012 body weight 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0002316 inguinal lymph node wet weight to body weight ratio 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001402 percentage of study population developing relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001467 plasma orosomucoid 1 level 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0003802 ratio of deaths related to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis to total study population during a period of time 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2307156 RS:0001858 DA/ZtmKini CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 634373 RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd CMO:0001460 arthritic paw count 634373 RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 634373 RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 634373 RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 634373 RS:0001675 DA/ZtmRhd CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000012 body weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304037 RS:0001859 DDI/Ddia CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302645 RS:0000252 DMY/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304286 RS:0001860 DMYC/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000012 body weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304305 RS:0001861 DOB/Oda CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302719 RS:0000378 DON/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001098 TUNEL-positive cell number to total cell number ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001071 area of individual liver tumorous lesion 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001094 area of liver occupied by fibrotic lesions to total liver area ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001074 area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver area 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000012 body weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001210 liver tumorous lesion number to liver area ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304125 RS:0001862 DRH.F344-(D1Mgh8-D1Mgh12)/Shigm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001098 TUNEL-positive cell number to total cell number ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001071 area of individual liver tumorous lesion 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001094 area of liver occupied by fibrotic lesions to total liver area ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001074 area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver area 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001118 liver ornithine decarboxylase activity 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001210 liver tumorous lesion number to liver area ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001594 percentage of study population developing liver tumors during a period of time 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001761 total surface area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 625659 RS:0000249 DRH/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60995 RS:0000250 DRY CMO:0000012 body weight 60995 RS:0000250 DRY CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 60995 RS:0000250 DRY CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 60995 RS:0000250 DRY CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631158 RS:0000382 DXE1/Ztm CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631158 RS:0000382 DXE1/Ztm CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631160 RS:0000383 DXE2/Ztm CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 631160 RS:0000383 DXE2/Ztm CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631160 RS:0000383 DXE2/Ztm CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631161 RS:0000384 DXE3/Ztm CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 631161 RS:0000384 DXE3/Ztm CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631161 RS:0000384 DXE3/Ztm CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 61013 RS:0000202 E3 CMO:0001460 arthritic paw count 61013 RS:0000202 E3 CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 61013 RS:0000202 E3 CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 61013 RS:0000202 E3 CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 737913 RS:0000261 E3/Ztm CMO:0000420 body weight gain 737913 RS:0000261 E3/Ztm CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 634374 RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd CMO:0001460 arthritic paw count 634374 RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 634374 RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 634374 RS:0000208 E3/ZtmRhd CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0001194 white adipose tissue weight to body weight ratio 1302711 RS:0000269 ExHC/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306090 RS:0001867 ExHC/Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000233 PR interval 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000267 QRS duration 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000235 QT interval 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000234 ST interval 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0003169 cerebrum infarct volume to total cerebrum volume ratio 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000002 heart rate 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0003680 measurement of the 50% threshold of mechanical stimulus needed to elicit evasive reaction 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0003090 number of abdominal retractions 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0003089 number of lower body licking events 60994 RS:0000215 F344 CMO:0003678 ventricular late potential 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290141 RS:0001234 F344-AbatTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.163Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306036 RS:0001868 F344-Apcm1Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290082 RS:0001246 F344-Brinp3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.189Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2299140 RS:0001626 F344-DccTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.205Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314170 RS:0001870 F344-Egrm1Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290056 RS:0001280 F344-Elmod3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.42Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2299137 RS:0001623 F344-Erbb4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.208Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290113 RS:0001264 F344-Fam19a2Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.184Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314230 RS:0001882 F344-HrKrh/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000427 food intake rate 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 13800557 RS:0004656 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul+/+ CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000427 food intake rate 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 13800556 RS:0004653 F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/- CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290162 RS:0001260 F344-Inpp4bTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.143Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314167 RS:0001873 F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314164 RS:0001875 F344-Kuru2/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290110 RS:0001278 F344-Lims1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.169Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290078 RS:0001269 F344-Myo9aTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.186Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290103 RS:0001271 F344-Nrg1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.183Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314162 RS:0001876 F344-Oune/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2302652 RS:0001696 F344-Pde4dTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.285Mcwi CMO:0003169 cerebrum infarct volume to total cerebrum volume ratio 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290166 RS:0001273 F344-Plcb3Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.69Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290146 RS:0001274 F344-Plce1Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.146Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306042 RS:0001877 F344-Scn1am1Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306041 RS:0001878 F344-Scn1am2Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2292451 RS:0001287 F344-Stxbp5lTn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.202Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800671 RS:0003622 F344-Sv2am1Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314168 RS:0001879 F344-Tbr1/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314368 RS:0001881 F344-Trdk/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2290064 RS:0001295 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 14696721 RS:0004750 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/+ CMO:0003090 number of abdominal retractions 14696721 RS:0004750 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/+ CMO:0003089 number of lower body licking events 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0000233 PR interval 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0000267 QRS duration 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0000235 QT interval 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0000234 ST interval 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0003090 number of abdominal retractions 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0003089 number of lower body licking events 14696720 RS:0004749 F344-Trpc4Tn(sb-T2/Bart3)2.192Mcwi-/- CMO:0003678 ventricular late potential 6480223 RS:0003210 F344.AR-EdnrbslHkv CMO:0001839 percentage of study population developing colonic aganglionosis during a period of time 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001076 liver tumorous lesion diameter measurement 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001470 liver tumorous lesion number to liver volume ratio 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001421 ratio of proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive cells to total liver tumorous lesion cells 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0000564 serum estradiol level 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0000568 serum testosterone level 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001079 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions 1599755 RS:0001296 F344.BN-(D16Mit5-D16Rat75) CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 728146 RS:0000273 F344.BN-(D3Mgh13-D3Mgh7)/Dlw CMO:0001757 lactotroph count to total pituicyte count ratio in prolactinoma 1331830 RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw CMO:0001757 lactotroph count to total pituicyte count ratio in prolactinoma 1331830 RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw CMO:0001622 percentage of study population developing pituitary gland hyperplastic lesions during a period of time 1331830 RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw CMO:0001619 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that invade the glandular capsule during a period of time 1331830 RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw CMO:0001618 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace a portion of the gland during a period of time 1331830 RS:0001297 F344.BN-(D5Rat1-D5Mit5)/Dlw CMO:0001617 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace the entire gland during a period of time 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304017 RS:0001926 F344.CVD-Unc5ccvd/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800661 RS:0003617 F344.Cg-Du, TyrCKyo+/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800659 RS:0003614 F344.Cg-Du, TyrC/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2303996 RS:0001927 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnu/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800667 RS:0003620 F344.Cg-Foxn1rnuKyo-/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631294 RS:0000280 F344.GK-(D1Arb42a-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1600342 RS:0001290 F344.GK-(D1Got250-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 634370 RS:0000281 F344.GK-(D1Mgh10-D1Rat119)/Swe CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1600337 RS:0001298 F344.GK-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1600344 RS:0001300 F344.GK-(D1Rat175-D1Rat90)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1600345 RS:0001301 F344.GK-(D1Rat83-D1Rat376)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0000012 body weight 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 1600346 RS:0001302 F344.GK-(D1Swe4-D1Rat85)/Swe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000012 body weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304293 RS:0001930 F344.LEC-xhs1/1Nrs CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000012 body weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304316 RS:0001931 F344.LEC-xhs1/2Nrs CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306035 RS:0001936 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314316 RS:0001934 F344.NER-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat73)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314315 RS:0001935 F344.NER-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat36)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302630 RS:0000286 F344.OLETF-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302630 RS:0000286 F344.OLETF-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302630 RS:0000286 F344.OLETF-(D10Wox7-D10Wox6)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 2306016 RS:0001937 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/2Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2306016 RS:0001937 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/2Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2306016 RS:0001937 F344.OLETF-(D11Mgh4-D11Mgh1)/2Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 2304000 RS:0001940 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2304000 RS:0001940 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2304000 RS:0001940 F344.OLETF-(D12Wox5-D12Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000876 adipocyte basal free fatty acid secretion 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1302661 RS:0000289 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2306013 RS:0001958 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2306013 RS:0001958 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2306013 RS:0001958 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/2Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302685 RS:0000290 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302685 RS:0000290 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302685 RS:0000290 F344.OLETF-(D14Rat8-D14Rat26)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302625 RS:0000291 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302625 RS:0000291 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302625 RS:0000291 F344.OLETF-(D16Wox4-D16Rat13)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 2306019 RS:0001964 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/2Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2306019 RS:0001964 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/2Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2306019 RS:0001964 F344.OLETF-(D1Mit20-D1Mgh26)/2Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1358995 RS:0000292 F344.OLETF-(D1Rat166-D1Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 2303994 RS:0001969 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2303994 RS:0001969 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2303994 RS:0001969 F344.OLETF-(D5Mgh4-D5Rat21)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1302647 RS:0000478 F344.OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1302654 RS:0001734 F344.OLETF-(D7Mgh16-D7Mgh20)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1643010 RS:0001303 F344.OLETF-(D7Rat18-D7Mit2)(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2306014 RS:0001738 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2306014 RS:0001738 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2306014 RS:0001738 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat54-D8Mgh17)/2Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1302713 RS:0000296 F344.OLETF-(D8Rat58-D8Mgh17)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2306018 RS:0001987 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/2Tj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2306018 RS:0001987 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/2Tj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 2306018 RS:0001987 F344.OLETF-(D9Mgh8-D9Mit2)/2Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000876 adipocyte basal free fatty acid secretion 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 10755350 RS:0004089 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D14Rat23-D14Rat12)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 11532753 RS:0004218 F344.ZUC-(Leprfa),OLETF-(D5Rat166-D5Rat90)/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000876 adipocyte basal free fatty acid secretion 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000012 body weight 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2304047 RS:0001991 F344.ZUC-Leprfa/Tj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 737690 RS:0000307 F344/Crli CMO:0001470 liver tumorous lesion number to liver volume ratio 737690 RS:0000307 F344/Crli CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 737690 RS:0000307 F344/Crli CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000379 blood pH 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000015 body temperature 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000354 change in blood insulin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000289 respiration rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000222 tidal volume 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 734478 RS:0000179 F344/DuCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000015 body temperature 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000002 heart rate 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000037 hematocrit 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000029 platelet count 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 69643 RS:0000305 F344/DuCrlCrlj CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2302067 RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe CMO:0001062 beta cell area to total pancreatic islet area ratio 2302067 RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe CMO:0001144 pancreas insulin level to pancreas total protein ratio 2302067 RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 2302067 RS:0001673 F344/DuCrlSwe CMO:0001058 pancreatic islet area to total pancreatic area ratio 1354670 RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 1354670 RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 1354670 RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 1354670 RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 1354670 RS:0000311 F344/IcoCrlf CMO:0001299 plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000888 area of individual prostate tumorous lesion 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003689 area of individual ventral prostate tumorous lesion with a solid structure 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003690 area of individual ventral prostate tumorous lesion with round, irregular size nuclei 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000899 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions to total ventral prostate area ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003692 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei to total ventral prostate area ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003691 area of ventral prostate occupied by tumorous lesions with solid structure to total ventral prostate area ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000012 body weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003694 number of ventral prostate tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003693 number of ventral prostate tumorous lesions with solid structure 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0001264 percentage of study population developing bilateral testis tumors during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003387 percentage of study population developing subcutaneous tumors during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0001261 percentage of study population developing testis tumors during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000940 percentage of study population developing unilateral renal agenesis during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000943 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003687 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions with a solid structure during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0003688 percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions with round, irregular size nuclei during a period of time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000029 platelet count 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000652 prostate gland wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000884 prostate tumorous lesion number 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000850 ventral prostate gland wet weight 1547866 RS:0000312 F344/Jcl CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737926 RS:0000306 F344/NCrl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 737926 RS:0000306 F344/NCrl CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 737926 RS:0000306 F344/NCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000034 blood basophil count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001749 duration of grooming in an experimental apparatus 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0003280 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle plus septum weight ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002600 hepatocellular carcinoma tumor number 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001438 inflammatory exudate leukotriene B4 level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001441 inflammatory exudate leukotriene B4 level to lipoxin A4 level ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001439 inflammatory exudate lipoxin A4 level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001432 inflammatory exudate mononuclear leukocyte count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001431 inflammatory exudate neutrophil count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001436 inflammatory exudate nitric oxide level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001435 inflammatory exudate tumor necrosis factor level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001757 lactotroph count to total pituicyte count ratio in prolactinoma 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000778 mean pulmonary arterial blood pressure 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001752 number of rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001801 percentage of study population developing colorectal tumors during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002602 percentage of study population developing hepatocellular carcinoma during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001622 percentage of study population developing pituitary gland hyperplastic lesions during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001619 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that invade the glandular capsule during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001618 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace a portion of the gland during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001617 percentage of study population developing pituitary tumors that replace the entire gland during a period of time 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002241 serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001248 serum thyroid stimulating hormone level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0000763 urine calcium excretion rate 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0001553 volumetric bone mineral density 61109 RS:0000363 F344/NHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001071 area of individual liver tumorous lesion 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001074 area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver area 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001707 benign liver tumor number 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000603 blood CD25 cell count to CD4 cell count ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000604 blood CD25 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000596 blood CD4 cell count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000598 blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000597 blood CD8 cell count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000012 body weight 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001162 intramuscular fat area 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001161 intramuscular fat area to body weight ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001118 liver ornithine decarboxylase activity 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001705 liver remodeling tumorous lesion number to liver total tumorous lesion number ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001068 liver tumorous lesion number 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001210 liver tumorous lesion number to liver area ratio 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001708 malignant liver tumor number 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001711 percentage of study population developing benign liver tumors during a period of time 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001594 percentage of study population developing liver tumors during a period of time 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001712 percentage of study population developing malignant liver tumors during a period of time 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000029 platelet count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0002173 ratio of apoptotic bodies to intact tumor cells in nonremodelling liver tumorous lesions 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0002172 ratio of apoptotic bodies to intact tumor cells in remodelling liver tumorous lesions 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001472 serum alpha-fetoprotein level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001761 total surface area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0001081 volume of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver volume 70509 RS:0000313 F344/NRrrc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000876 adipocyte basal free fatty acid secretion 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000654 mesenteric fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302627 RS:0000364 F344/NSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1358919 RS:0000427 F344/Seac CMO:0001098 TUNEL-positive cell number to total cell number ratio 1358919 RS:0000427 F344/Seac CMO:0001071 area of individual liver tumorous lesion 1358919 RS:0000427 F344/Seac CMO:0001094 area of liver occupied by fibrotic lesions to total liver area ratio 1358919 RS:0000427 F344/Seac CMO:0001074 area of liver occupied by tumorous lesions as percentage of total liver area 1358919 RS:0000427 F344/Seac CMO:0001210 liver tumorous lesion number to liver area ratio 1556748 RS:0001304 F344/Snk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1556748 RS:0001304 F344/Snk CMO:0003682 percentage of full platelet aggregation generated by thrombin 1556748 RS:0001304 F344/Snk CMO:0000922 platelet intracellular calcium level 1556748 RS:0001304 F344/Snk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302686 RS:0000428 F344/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302696 RS:0000317 FH/HamSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60993 RS:0000017 FHH CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 60993 RS:0000017 FHH CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 60993 RS:0000017 FHH CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579711 RS:0001134 FHH-Adipoqm1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579707 RS:0001133 FHH-Adipoqm2Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579906 RS:0001135 FHH-Adipoqm3Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579698 RS:0001128 FHH-Adra1am1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579704 RS:0001130 FHH-Agtr1bm1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579910 RS:0001140 FHH-Ccr2m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547876 RS:0000319 FHH-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358173 RS:0000320 FHH-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629512 RS:0000321 FHH-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358179 RS:0000322 FHH-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547870 RS:0000323 FHH-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547873 RS:0000324 FHH-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358158 RS:0000325 FHH-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358164 RS:0000326 FHH-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358176 RS:0000327 FHH-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358180 RS:0000328 FHH-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688109 RS:0003185 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688107 RS:0003156 FHH-Chr 1BN-Sorcs1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629520 RS:0000329 FHH-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358175 RS:0000330 FHH-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547868 RS:0000331 FHH-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547865 RS:0000332 FHH-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547867 RS:0000333 FHH-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358170 RS:0000334 FHH-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358159 RS:0000335 FHH-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358157 RS:0000336 FHH-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358151 RS:0000337 FHH-Chr 8BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1566448 RS:0001110 FHH-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547872 RS:0000338 FHH-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1547874 RS:0000339 FHH-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579694 RS:0001127 FHH-Egln3m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579689 RS:0001124 FHH-F10m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579912 RS:0001142 FHH-F10m2Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579683 RS:0001119 FHH-Ghsrm1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1581644 RS:0001151 FHH-Htr1am1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579692 RS:0001126 FHH-Lcatm1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579705 RS:0001131 FHH-Nr0b2m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 1579706 RS:0001132 FHH-Nr4a1m1Mcwi CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579687 RS:0001122 FHH-Procm1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579684 RS:0001120 FHH-Slc8a2m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 5687688 RS:0003111 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687688 RS:0003111 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687688 RS:0003111 FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579685 RS:0001121 FHH-Tgfbr2m2Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579682 RS:0001116 FHH-Tlr4m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1357959 RS:0000341 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357959 RS:0000341 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1357959 RS:0000341 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688090 RS:0003181 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688087 RS:0003152 FHH.BN-(D1Hmgc14-D1Hmgc15)/Mcwi-Rab38em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1582193 RS:0001306 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Mgh13-D1Rat89)/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 1582195 RS:0001307 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat173F6B-D1Rat84)/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 1582186 RS:0001308 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat183-D1Rat76)/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 1582196 RS:0001309 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat234-D1Rat265)/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 1582191 RS:0001310 FHH.FHH.1BN-(D1Rat287-D1Rat84)/Mcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0001094 area of liver occupied by fibrotic lesions to total liver area ratio 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0000092 liver weight 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5147594 RS:0002296 FHH.PCK-(D9Rat35-D9Rat70)/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10015 RS:0000018 FHH/Eur CMO:0000012 body weight 10015 RS:0000018 FHH/Eur CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 10015 RS:0000018 FHH/Eur CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10015 RS:0000018 FHH/Eur CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 10015 RS:0000018 FHH/Eur CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0001239 ratio of change in renal blood flow to change in renal perfusion pressure 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000907 renal blood flow rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0001270 urine albumin excretion rate to body weight ratio 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629509 RS:0000342 FHH/EurMcwi CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003607 calculated plasma triglyceride level 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003734 plasma arginine level 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003739 plasma arginine level to asymmetric dimethylarginine level ratio 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003735 plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine level 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003736 plasma symmetric dimethylarginine level 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 2311072 RS:0000178 FHH/EurMcwiCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000012 body weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306024 RS:0001994 FOK/Ncu CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302602 RS:0000349 FXLE12/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302665 RS:0000350 FXLE13/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302615 RS:0000351 FXLE14/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302673 RS:0000352 FXLE15/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302619 RS:0000353 FXLE16/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302708 RS:0000354 FXLE17/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302682 RS:0000355 FXLE18/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302690 RS:0000356 FXLE19/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302633 RS:0000357 FXLE20/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302607 RS:0000358 FXLE21/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302683 RS:0000359 FXLE22/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302601 RS:0000360 FXLE23/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302611 RS:0000361 FXLE24/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302603 RS:0001313 FXLE25/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302598 RS:0001314 FXLE26/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000015 body temperature 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000012 body weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001741 brain spike-and-wave discharge amplitude 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001742 brain spike-and-wave discharge frequency 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001739 brain spike-and-wave discharge rate 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001740 brain total spike-and-wave discharge duration 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000002 heart rate 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000029 platelet count 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1554304 RS:0000481 GAERS/Mave CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60984 RS:0000318 GH CMO:0001944 plasma campesterol level 60984 RS:0000318 GH CMO:0001945 plasma phytosterol level 60984 RS:0000318 GH CMO:0001943 plasma sitosterol level 60984 RS:0000318 GH CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000012 body weight 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0003904 change in heart rate to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0002296 change in mean arterial blood pressure to change in vasoactive chemical dose ratio 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000002 heart rate 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 10016 RS:0000374 GH/Omr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1579686 RS:0001108 GH/OmrMcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 634372 RS:0001315 GHS CMO:0000763 urine calcium excretion rate 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0002853 aorta wall phosphorylated eNOS level to total eNOS level ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000012 body weight 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003593 capillary number to soleus muscle fiber number ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003243 heart left ventricle infarction area to total heart left ventricle area ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000002 heart rate 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0002852 mesenteric artery phosphorylated eNOS level to total eNOS level ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003644 number of spontaneous locomotor movements per unit time 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0001857 pancreatic islet insulin level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0001216 pancreatic islet insulin release measurement 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000563 plasma estradiol level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003641 plasma gastric inhibitory polypeptide level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003638 plasma glucagon-like peptide 1 level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003555 plasma insulin level to plasma glucose level ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0002856 serum fructosamine level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003591 soleus muscle weight 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0003592 soleus muscle weight to body weight ratio 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13506737 RS:0001299 GK CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0003608 plasma triglyceride level area under curve 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 39128239 RS:0004817 GK/CskCrlj CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002872 A wave velocity 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002874 A' wave velocity 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002503 E wave velocity 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002873 E' wave velocity 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002789 E/A wave ratio 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002862 E/E' wave ratio 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002864 heart free fatty acid level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0003220 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter to body weight ratio 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002891 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall index 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002869 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter to body weight ratio 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002867 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall index 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002865 heart triglyceride level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002895 heart ventricle end-diastolic septal wall index 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002871 heart ventricle end-systolic septal wall index 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002555 left ventricular ejection time 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002541 left ventricular isovolumetric contraction time 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002540 left ventricular isovolumetric relaxation time 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0003584 measurement of minimal stimulus of cornea needed to elicit eyelid blinking 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0001545 myocardial flow rate 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0002556 myocardial performance index 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2308885 RS:0001995 GK/CskCrljCrl CMO:0003583 tear secretion rate 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000012 body weight 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1579710 RS:0001316 GK/Far CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000012 body weight 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0002481 calculated liver glutathione level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000427 food intake rate 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000017 heart weight 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003007 liver glucokinase level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003519 serum amylase activity level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003639 serum glucagon-like peptide 1 level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003005 serum hesperetin level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003009 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level to serum total cholesterol level ratio 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0003754 serum lipase activity level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 13506739 RS:0004580 GK/Jcl CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000012 body weight 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000420 body weight gain 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0003846 hepatic extraction fraction 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000092 liver weight 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0002448 plasma malondialdehyde level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0002245 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level to alanine aminotransferase activity level ratio 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0002241 serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0003841 serum non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0003845 urine 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine level 41404660 RS:0004851 GK/Jpe CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 10017 RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 10017 RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 10017 RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 10017 RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe CMO:0000012 body weight 10017 RS:0000118 GK/KyoSwe CMO:0000354 change in blood insulin level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003660 A23187-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003002 Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002885 arterial elastance 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003010 blood dipeptidyl peptidase 4 activity level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003000 blood insulin level AUC to blood glucose level AUC ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002447 blood malondialdehyde level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000012 body weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002881 cardiac index 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000197 cardiac output 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000427 food intake rate 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002893 heart left ventricle end-diastolic anterior wall index 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003220 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter to body weight ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002891 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall index 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000002 heart rate 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000017 heart weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003403 kidney fractional mesangial volume 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003401 kidney glomerulus basement membrane thickness 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000092 liver weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002889 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure to left ventricular end-diastolic volume ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003716 mesangium volume per glomerulus 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003625 middle cerebral artery outer diameter 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002877 plasma NH2-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002879 plasma aldosterone level to plasma renin activity ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0001286 plasma troponin T level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002888 preload recruitable left ventricle stroke work 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003405 serum 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000487 serum aldosterone level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003519 serum amylase activity level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002856 serum fructosamine level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0002883 stroke index 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000223 stroke volume 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000220 systemic vascular resistance 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003889 tissue mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA ratio 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0000383 urine glucose level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0001629 urine norepinephrine level 1566447 RS:0001317 GK/MolTac CMO:0003001 whole body insulin sensitivity index 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0000012 body weight 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001817 calculated total pancreatic islet beta cell weight 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001820 duodenal region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas duodenal region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001228 plasma growth hormone level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001299 plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001824 plasma prolactin level 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001813 ratio of insulin-positive cell area to total area of duodenal region of pancreas 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001814 ratio of insulin-positive cell area to total area of splenic region of pancreas 4889464 RS:0002495 GK/Ox CMO:0001821 splenic region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas splenic region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area 13506738 RS:0004579 GK/Par CMO:0000012 body weight 13506738 RS:0004579 GK/Par CMO:0000017 heart weight 13506738 RS:0004579 GK/Par CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13506738 RS:0004579 GK/Par CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 13506738 RS:0004579 GK/Par CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000538 blood creatinine level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000117 blood free fatty acids level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002898 blood glycated albumin level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002896 urine 3-hydroxybutyrate level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002897 urine acetoacetone level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000383 urine glucose level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002698 urine ketone body level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1554306 RS:0000482 GK/Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000012 body weight 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0003908 coronary blood flow rate to heart weight ratio 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0003906 coronary perfusion pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000002 heart rate 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000017 heart weight 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 127284837 RS:0004950 GK/Wnsm CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000015 body temperature 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000012 body weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000002 heart rate 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000029 platelet count 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1599759 RS:0001318 GRY/Idr CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1554308 RS:0001320 Gunn-Ugt1a1jSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000015 body temperature 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000012 body weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000002 heart rate 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000029 platelet count 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1300432 RS:0000388 HAA/FDSC CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 738038 RS:0000392 HEP CMO:0001772 blood ethanol clearance rate 738038 RS:0000392 HEP CMO:0001773 decrease in blood ethanol level to body weight ratio per unit time 738038 RS:0000392 HEP CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 738038 RS:0000392 HEP CMO:0001591 ethanol intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000015 body temperature 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000012 body weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000002 heart rate 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000029 platelet count 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1554302 RS:0000486 HOB-Unc5chob/Snk CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000012 body weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302700 RS:0000395 HOB/Snk CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000012 body weight 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0001008 plasma epinephrine level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0001010 plasma norepinephrine level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302795 RS:0000397 HTG CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302600 RS:0000399 HTX/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302718 RS:0000400 HWY/Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0003660 A23187-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002385 anogenital distance 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002386 areola mammae/nipple number 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000012 body weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000420 body weight gain 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0001606 both epididymides wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0001605 both seminal vesicles wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002395 bulbourethral gland wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002387 combined levator ani and bulbocavernosus muscle weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000427 food intake rate 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000467 gestation period length 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000017 heart weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002491 left ovary wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000178 left testis wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000642 litter size 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000092 liver weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0003625 middle cerebral artery outer diameter 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002382 number of blastocysts/embryos lost postimplantation to litter size ratio 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002383 number of fetuses lost perinatally to litter size ratio 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002494 number of male offspring to litter size ratio 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002384 number of perinatal live-born offspring deaths to litter size ratio 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002490 right ovary wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000177 right testis wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0002392 thyroid gland wet weight 1566433 RS:0001592 HanTac:WH CMO:0000850 ventral prostate gland wet weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002205 auditory brainstem response threshold 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002205 auditory brainstem response threshold 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002402 blood albumin level to blood globulin level ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002402 blood albumin level to blood globulin level ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000034 blood basophil count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000034 blood basophil count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000209 blood fibrinogen level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000209 blood fibrinogen level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002340 blood non-specified leukocyte count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002340 blood non-specified leukocyte count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000379 blood pH 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000379 blood pH 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000015 body temperature 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000015 body temperature 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000012 body weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000012 body weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000407 both ovaries weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000407 both ovaries weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003019 both ovaries weight to body weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003019 both ovaries weight to body weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000137 brain weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000137 brain weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000637 epididymides weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000637 epididymides weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000002 heart rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000002 heart rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000017 heart weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000017 heart weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000037 hematocrit 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000081 kidney weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000081 kidney weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000092 liver weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000092 liver weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000096 lung weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000096 lung weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000333 pancreas weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000333 pancreas weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003702 photopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003702 photopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000615 pituitary gland weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000615 pituitary gland weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003903 plasma IDL and LDL cholesterol 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003903 plasma IDL and LDL cholesterol 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000582 plasma adiponectin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000582 plasma adiponectin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003901 plasma chylomicron and VLDL cholesterol level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003901 plasma chylomicron and VLDL cholesterol level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003695 plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003695 plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000029 platelet count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000029 platelet count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000847 prostate gland weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000847 prostate gland weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000289 respiration rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000289 respiration rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003706 scotopic A wave amplitude of ERG waveform 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003706 scotopic A wave amplitude of ERG waveform 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003026 serum total bile acid 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0003026 serum total bile acid 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000147 spleen weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000147 spleen weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000610 thymus weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000610 thymus weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002390 thyroid gland weight 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0002390 thyroid gland weight 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000222 tidal volume 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000222 tidal volume 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737903 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 8140 RS:0000698 Hsd:SD CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000012 body weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002216 change in body weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002224 kidney catalase activity to total protein level ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0003674 kidney glomerular density 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0003488 kidney glomerular surface area 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002235 kidney glutathione level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002231 kidney glutathione peroxidase activity to glutathione reductase activity ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002227 kidney glutathione peroxidase activity to total protein level ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002246 kidney lipid peroxide level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002230 kidney paraoxonase1 activity to total protein level ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002238 kidney platinum level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002229 kidney superoxide dismutase activity to total protein level ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002232 kidney superoxide dismutase to catalase activity ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002233 kidney superoxide dismutase to glutathione peroxidase ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002234 kidney superoxide dismutase to paraoxonase1 activity ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002485 liver malondialdehyde level to liver weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002079 neonatal body weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002042 plasma uric acid level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0001953 right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002442 serum glutathione peroxidase activity level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000668 serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002449 serum malondialdehyde level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002435 serum oxidized glutathione level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0002445 serum superoxide dismutase activity level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 737960 RS:0001014 Hsd:WI CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0002790 artery tunica media width to artery inner diameter ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003868 blood B-type natriuretic peptide level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000012 body weight 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003840 cardiac myocyte cross-sectional area 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003657 central venous pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000427 food intake rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003745 heart left ventricle interstitial fibrotic lesion area to total heart left ventricule area ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003746 heart left ventricle perivascular fibrotic lesion area to total heart left ventricule area ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000002 heart rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000037 hematocrit 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003674 kidney glomerular density 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003747 kidney interstitial fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0002406 lung wet weight to body weight ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003658 number of capillaries per cardiomyocyte 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0003838 number of capillaries per cross-sectional area of left ventricular myocardium 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000029 platelet count 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0001955 renal blood flow rate to kidney weight ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0001898 renal vascular resistance 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0001953 right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000220 systemic vascular resistance 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 38548927 RS:0004793 HsdCpb:WU CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631285 RS:0000405 IER/Ihr CMO:0001586 percentage of study population developing cataract during a period of time 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 10018 RS:0000410 IS/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003534 CD11b/c+ splenocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003540 CD11b/c+ splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003533 CD3+ splenocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003517 CD3+ thymocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003531 CD4+CD25+ splenocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003538 CD4+CD25+ splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003530 CD4+CD25+ thymocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003528 CD4+CD8+ thymocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003542 CD4-CD25+ splenocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003529 CD4-CD8+ thymocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003541 CD45RA+ splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003808 amount of time spent exploring a familiar object in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003807 amount of time spent exploring a novel object in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003796 amount of time spent making head dipping movements in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003790 amount of time spent making rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003804 amount of time spent making stretched-attend posture movements in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0002340 blood non-specified leukocyte count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000012 body weight 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0002411 both adrenal glands wet weight to body weight ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001749 duration of grooming in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000467 gestation period length 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000642 litter size 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003794 number of head dipping movements in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001751 number of periods of grooming in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001752 number of rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001039 number of stretched-attend posture movements 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003788 percentage of 13 cm2 floor sectors crossed into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000961 percentage of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000959 percentage of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001566 plasma high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0002117 spleen cell count 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001375 stillborn offspring number 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003789 time to first grooming within an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003795 time to first head dip within an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003791 time to first rearing within an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0003805 time to first stretched-attend posture movement within an experimental apparatus 2292168 RS:0001334 ISIAH CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0000012 body weight 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0000442 femur length 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0000469 humerus length 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0000450 tibia length 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 631844 RS:0000389 Iusm:HAD1 CMO:0000440 ulna length 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0000012 body weight 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0000442 femur length 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0000469 humerus length 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0000450 tibia length 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 731187 RS:0000390 Iusm:HAD2 CMO:0000440 ulna length 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0000012 body weight 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0000442 femur length 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0000469 humerus length 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0000450 tibia length 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 631845 RS:0000423 Iusm:LAD1 CMO:0000440 ulna length 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0000012 body weight 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0000442 femur length 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0000469 humerus length 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0000450 tibia length 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 731188 RS:0000425 Iusm:LAD2 CMO:0000440 ulna length 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0000012 body weight 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0000442 femur length 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0000469 humerus length 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0000450 tibia length 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 1641873 RS:0001375 Iusm:NP CMO:0000440 ulna length 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0000012 body weight 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0001730 compact volumetric bone mineral density 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0000442 femur length 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0000469 humerus length 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0000450 tibia length 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0001729 trabecular volumetric bone mineral density 1641867 RS:0001377 Iusm:P CMO:0000440 ulna length 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000012 body weight 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0002481 calculated liver glutathione level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000427 food intake rate 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000017 heart weight 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0003007 liver glucokinase level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0003519 serum amylase activity level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0003639 serum glucagon-like peptide 1 level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0003009 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level to serum total cholesterol level ratio 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0003754 serum lipase activity level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 12879431 RS:0004409 Jcl:WI CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000012 body weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304296 RS:0002024 KB/Oda CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306022 RS:0002025 KCI/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314365 RS:0002031 KFRS2/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800673 RS:0003623 KFRS2/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314383 RS:0002032 KFRS3A/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800676 RS:0003626 KFRS3A/Kyo+/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314377 RS:0002033 KFRS3B/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314376 RS:0002034 KFRS4/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314379 RS:0002039 KFRS6/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302639 RS:0000415 KHR/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800705 RS:0003629 KHR/Kyo-/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800702 RS:0003634 KHR/Kyo-/- CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68061 RS:0000434 KYN/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000012 body weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302693 RS:0001336 KZ-LeprfaTky CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000015 body temperature 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000012 body weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000002 heart rate 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000029 platelet count 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1300433 RS:0000424 LAA/FDSC CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000485 blood adiponectin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000555 blood adrenocorticotropic hormone level (ACTH) 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000576 blood alkaline phosphatase activity level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000578 blood angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000515 blood cortisol level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003030 blood galanin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0001297 blood insulin-like growth factor 1 level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000779 blood leptin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003032 blood lutenizing hormone level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000514 blood progesterone level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0001822 blood prolactin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002335 blood segmented neutrophil count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000512 blood testosterone level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002411 both adrenal glands wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003016 gastrointestinal tract weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003029 gastrointestinal tract weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000017 heart weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002408 heart wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003022 hemoglobin distribution width 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000092 liver weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000096 lung weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002406 lung wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003696 plasma Complement C3a des Arg level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002240 plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003695 plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000029 platelet count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003021 reticulocyte count to total red blood cell count ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003060 serum KIM-1/TIM-1/HAVCR1 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003040 serum beta-2 microglobulin 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003042 serum calbindin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003044 serum clusterin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002779 serum cystatin C level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003046 serum glutathione S-transferase-alpha level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003048 serum glutathione S-transferase-u level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003056 serum lipocalin 2 level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003058 serum osteopontin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003279 serum sorbital dehydrogenase activity 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003050 serum tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003052 serum vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-a) 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000147 spleen weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002409 spleen wet weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000151 testis weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000610 thymus weight 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003020 total reticulocyte count 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003038 urine KIM-1/TIM-1/HAVCR level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000130 urine albumin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003024 urine chloride level to urine creatinine level ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003036 urine lipocalin 2 level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0003037 urine osteopontin level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000257 urine specific gravity 7241056 RS:0003393 LE-Lrrk2em1Sage-/- CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000379 blood pH 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000015 body temperature 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000012 body weight 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000002 heart rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000037 hematocrit 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000289 respiration rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000222 tidal volume 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 631163 RS:0000436 LE/BluGill CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6480220 RS:0003209 LE/Hkv.AR-Ednrbsl CMO:0001839 percentage of study population developing colonic aganglionosis during a period of time 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 629485 RS:0000431 LE/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302642 RS:0000441 LEA/Hkm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0001512 liver copper weight to liver dry weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0001511 liver copper weight to liver wet weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0003468 serum ceruloplasmin level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0003465 serum copper level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0003493 urine copper level to urine creatinine level ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302656 RS:0000442 LEA/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302729 RS:0000444 LEA/Tj CMO:0001810 pigmented coat/hair area to total coat/hair area ratio 1302729 RS:0000444 LEA/Tj CMO:0001811 pigmented dorsal coat/hair area to total dorsal coat/hair area ratio 1302729 RS:0000444 LEA/Tj CMO:0001812 pigmented ventral coat/hair area to total ventral coat/hair area ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0001512 liver copper weight to liver dry weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0001511 liver copper weight to liver wet weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0003465 serum copper level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302648 RS:0000446 LEC/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000012 body weight 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68074 RS:0001349 LETO CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000012 body weight 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000002 heart rate 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 60999 RS:0000121 LEW CMO:0001553 volumetric bone mineral density 1578716 RS:0001352 LEW.1AR1/Ztm CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 737657 RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737657 RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737657 RS:0000491 LEW.1AV1 CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 631598 RS:0000492 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Got154-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631598 RS:0000492 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Got154-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631595 RS:0000494 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631595 RS:0000494 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631595 RS:0000494 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 631596 RS:0000495 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Wox17)/Ubc CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631596 RS:0000495 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Rat92-D10Wox17)/Ubc CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631597 RS:0000496 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Wox17-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631597 RS:0000496 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D10Wox17-D10Rat135)/Ubc CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 8551866 RS:0003684 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551866 RS:0003684 LEW.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat203)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2307300 RS:0002061 LEW.1AV1/Kini CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 2307300 RS:0002061 LEW.1AV1/Kini CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001460 arthritic paw count 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 631581 RS:0000497 LEW.1F CMO:0001491 subjects with ankylosis to total subjects with arthritis ratio 2312352 RS:0002062 LEW.1N CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 2312352 RS:0002062 LEW.1N CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 2312352 RS:0002062 LEW.1N CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 2312352 RS:0002062 LEW.1N CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2313181 RS:0002063 LEW.1WR1/WorBrm CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 1578705 RS:0001355 LEW.BN-(D10Arb4-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578705 RS:0001355 LEW.BN-(D10Arb4-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578706 RS:0001356 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578706 RS:0001356 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Mco14)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578711 RS:0001357 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578711 RS:0001357 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578693 RS:0001358 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat221)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578693 RS:0001358 LEW.BN-(D10Mco17-D10Rat221)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578708 RS:0001359 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat221)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578708 RS:0001359 LEW.BN-(D10Mgh7-D10Rat221)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1578702 RS:0001360 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1578702 RS:0001360 LEW.BN-(D10Rat32-D10Rat133)/Ciml CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 1331818 RS:0000505 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Mco4)/Rj CMO:0002028 percentage of study population displaying Toxoplasma gondii brain cysts at a point in time 1331818 RS:0000505 LEW.BN-(D10Rat43-D10Mco4)/Rj CMO:0002031 serum anti-toxoplasma antibody titer 10402839 RS:0004074 LEW.SS-((D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10402842 RS:0004075 LEW.SS-(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 4142800 RS:0002461 LEW.SS-(D18Chm31-D18Mit8)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 4142799 RS:0002462 LEW.SS-(D2Uia5-D2Rat143)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10402852 RS:0004077 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)(D10Mgh6-D10Mgh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10402850 RS:0004076 LEW.SS-(D7Rat27-D7Mgh1)(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 4891051 RS:0000301 LEW.SS-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10402836 RS:0004073 LEW.SS-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000379 blood pH 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000015 body temperature 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000012 body weight 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000002 heart rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000289 respiration rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000222 tidal volume 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 737932 RS:0000509 LEW/Crl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 631576 RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 631576 RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 631576 RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 631576 RS:0000510 LEW/CrlCrlj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000420 body weight gain 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0001243 cerebrospinal fluid chloride level 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0002036 change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0002037 maximum change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559045 RS:0000816 LEW/Crlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 737963 RS:0000511 LEW/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 737963 RS:0000511 LEW/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 737963 RS:0000511 LEW/Cub CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737963 RS:0000511 LEW/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737963 RS:0000511 LEW/Cub CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737919 RS:0000513 LEW/Han CMO:0001456 percentage of study population developing chronic experimental arthritis during a period of time 737919 RS:0000513 LEW/Han CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737919 RS:0000513 LEW/Han CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 737919 RS:0000513 LEW/Han CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 1357957 RS:0001362 LEW/HanHfr CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 1357957 RS:0001362 LEW/HanHfr CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 1357957 RS:0001362 LEW/HanHfr CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 1357957 RS:0001362 LEW/HanHfr CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000015 body temperature 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000012 body weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000002 heart rate 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000029 platelet count 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2303504 RS:0002065 LEW/JmsNgs CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1359003 RS:0000516 LEW/Jr CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737905 RS:0000518 LEW/Maas CMO:0002816 ratio of glomerular area occupied by activated mesangial cells to total glomerular area 737905 RS:0000518 LEW/Maas CMO:0002815 ratio of number of glomeruli with microaneurysms to number of total glomeruli 737905 RS:0000518 LEW/Maas CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0000012 body weight 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0000081 kidney weight 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0002816 ratio of glomerular area occupied by activated mesangial cells to total glomerular area 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0002815 ratio of number of glomeruli with microaneurysms to number of total glomeruli 1331815 RS:0000519 LEW/Mol CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 61104 RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 61104 RS:0000520 LEW/NCrl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000998 defecation rate 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0001514 number of 20 x 20 cm floor squares crossed into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000961 percentage of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634363 RS:0000523 LEW/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001513 liver copper weight to body weight ratio 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001512 liver copper weight to liver dry weight ratio 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001511 liver copper weight to liver wet weight ratio 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001507 liver total copper weight 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0000487 serum aldosterone level 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001174 serum corticosterone level 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0001171 serum phospholipid level 631579 RS:0000525 LEW/OlaHsd CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631593 RS:0000528 LEW/Rj CMO:0001990 blood CD45RC(high) CD8 T cell count to CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell count ratio 631593 RS:0000528 LEW/Rj CMO:0002307 blood CD45RC(high) CD8 T cell count to total CD8 T cell count ratio 631593 RS:0000528 LEW/Rj CMO:0001991 blood CD45RC(low) CD8 T cell count to total CD8 T cell count ratio 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 724570 RS:0000529 LEW/Rkb CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2325206 RS:0002367 LEW/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003607 calculated plasma triglyceride level 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003734 plasma arginine level 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003739 plasma arginine level to asymmetric dimethylarginine level ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003735 plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine level 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003736 plasma symmetric dimethylarginine level 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 737922 RS:0000531 LEW/SsNHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302701 RS:0000532 LEW/SsNSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0003671 Bowman's capsule diameter 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0000012 body weight 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737930 RS:0000533 LEW/Ztm CMO:0003670 renal cortex thickness 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302621 RS:0000535 LEXF10A/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302616 RS:0000536 LEXF10B/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302612 RS:0000537 LEXF10C/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302638 RS:0000538 LEXF11/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302641 RS:0000539 LEXF1A/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 4140413 RS:0002455 LEXF1B/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 4140413 RS:0002455 LEXF1B/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 4140413 RS:0002455 LEXF1B/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302666 RS:0000540 LEXF1C/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302605 RS:0000541 LEXF2A/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302710 RS:0000542 LEXF2B/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302646 RS:0000543 LEXF2C/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7349321 RS:0003521 LEXF2D/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 7349321 RS:0003521 LEXF2D/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 7349321 RS:0003521 LEXF2D/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 7349321 RS:0003521 LEXF2D/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302707 RS:0000544 LEXF3/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302604 RS:0000545 LEXF4/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302723 RS:0000546 LEXF5/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 4140405 RS:0002447 LEXF6A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 4140405 RS:0002447 LEXF6A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 4140405 RS:0002447 LEXF6A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 4140405 RS:0002447 LEXF6A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302617 RS:0000547 LEXF6B/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302652 RS:0000548 LEXF7A/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302649 RS:0000549 LEXF7B/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302597 RS:0000550 LEXF7C/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302653 RS:0000551 LEXF8A/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7349322 RS:0003523 LEXF8B/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 7349322 RS:0003523 LEXF8B/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 7349322 RS:0003523 LEXF8B/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 7349322 RS:0003523 LEXF8B/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 4140408 RS:0002450 LEXF8C/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 4140408 RS:0002450 LEXF8C/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 4140408 RS:0002450 LEXF8C/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 4140408 RS:0002450 LEXF8C/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302699 RS:0000552 LEXF8D/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001911 percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001267 percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001907 post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001904 post-insult time to onset of leukemia 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302618 RS:0000553 LEXF9/Stm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0003555 plasma insulin level to plasma glucose level ratio 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0002997 urine sodium level to body weight ratio 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 2313343 RS:0002068 LH-Chr 13BN/Mav CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 12903251 RS:0004422 LH-Chr 17LN/Aek CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 12903251 RS:0004422 LH-Chr 17LN/Aek CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12903251 RS:0004422 LH-Chr 17LN/Aek CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12903257 RS:0004421 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rs199194111-rs105876746)/Aek CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 12903257 RS:0004421 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rs199194111-rs105876746)/Aek CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12903257 RS:0004421 LH.LH-Chr 17LN-(rs199194111-rs105876746)/Aek CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0003216 aorta weight to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000012 body weight 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0003555 plasma insulin level to plasma glucose level ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000907 renal blood flow rate 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0001955 renal blood flow rate to kidney weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0003218 renal vascular resistance to kidney weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0003217 urine albumin level to urine total protein level ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000759 urine protein excretion rate 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0002997 urine sodium level to body weight ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0002999 urine sodium level to urine potassium level ratio 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10021 RS:0000556 LH/Mav CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000608 absolute change in diastolic blood pressure 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0003216 aorta weight to body weight ratio 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 60990 RS:0000554 LH/MavRrrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0002806 body weight area under curve (AUC) 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0002804 body weight to body length (nose to rump) ratio 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0003886 combined renal and gonadal fat pad weight 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000002 heart rate 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0003452 maximum slope of body weight growth curve 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10755352 RS:0004090 LH/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0003216 aorta weight to body weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000012 body weight 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000907 renal blood flow rate 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0003218 renal vascular resistance to kidney weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0003217 urine albumin level to urine total protein level ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1581645 RS:0001366 LL/Mav CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10022 RS:0000560 LN/Mav CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10022 RS:0000560 LN/Mav CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 10022 RS:0000560 LN/Mav CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61015 RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc CMO:0000608 absolute change in diastolic blood pressure 61015 RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 61015 RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61015 RS:0000559 LN/MavRrrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0002806 body weight area under curve (AUC) 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0002804 body weight to body length (nose to rump) ratio 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0003886 combined renal and gonadal fat pad weight 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000002 heart rate 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0003452 maximum slope of body weight growth curve 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10755354 RS:0004091 LN/MavRrrcAek CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 38456008 RS:0000563 LOU/C CMO:0003633 age at time of death of ileocecal immunocytoma-free subjects 38456008 RS:0000563 LOU/C CMO:0003634 ileocecal immunocytoma latency period 38456008 RS:0000563 LOU/C CMO:0003572 percentage of study population developing intestine tumors during a period of time 1357985 RS:0000565 LOU/Ins CMO:0001203 percentage of study population developing hematuria during a period of time 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0000012 body weight 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0001424 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis duration 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003568 liver adult Schistosoma mansoni worm count 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003588 maximum tumor size decrease to pretreatment tumor size ratio 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003569 percent protection by treatment for Schistosoma mansoni 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003572 percentage of study population developing intestine tumors during a period of time 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0001422 post-insult time to onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003867 post-treatment survival time from drug-treated IgM immunocytoma 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003589 time from start of drug therapy to immunocytoma regrowth 60988 RS:0000566 LOU/M CMO:0003590 time from therapy-induced maximal immunocytoma size decrease to regrowth of tumor to a diameter of 10 mm 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002002 aorta wall extracellular elastin dry weight to aorta wall dry weight ratio 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002003 aorta wall extracellular elastin dry weight to aorta wall extracellular collagen weight ratio 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002564 arterial internal elastic lamina rupture composite score 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002562 number of ruptures of the internal elastic lamina of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002563 number of ruptures of the internal elastic lamina of the renal arteries 8662449 RS:0003786 LOU/MBbb CMO:0002566 patent ductus arteriosus score 126779578 RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl CMO:0002218 change in body weight to initial body weight ratio 126779578 RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl CMO:0003866 post-treatment survival time from doxorubicin-treated IgM immunocytoma 126779578 RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 126779578 RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 126779578 RS:0004900 LOU/MWsl CMO:0003700 subcutaneous tumor diameter measurement 7401261 RS:0003566 LOU/NimrOlaHsd CMO:0001299 plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0000012 body weight 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 10024 RS:0000573 M520/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302728 RS:0000575 MES/Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000968 artery diameter 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000971 artery inner diameter 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0003014 artery lumen to artery total diameter ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0003013 artery tunica media to artery total diameter ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002790 artery tunica media width to artery inner diameter ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000012 body weight 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002783 glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000081 kidney weight 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002905 plasma vasopressin level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0001955 renal blood flow rate to kidney weight ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0003683 renal plasma flow (inulin) 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0001898 renal vascular resistance 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0003850 total kidney protein to kidney weight ratio 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000762 urine chloride excretion rate 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 2307317 RS:0000577 MHS CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003858 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003860 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell Na+ import rate 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003856 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003853 rate constant of red blood cell Na+/K+ ATPase activity 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003855 rate constant of red blood cell Na-K-Cl cotransport activity 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003863 rate constant of red blood cell sodium/potassium passive permeability 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003772 red blood cell ATP level 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003771 red blood cell potassium level 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0003770 red blood cell sodium level 10025 RS:0000578 MHS/Gib CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000012 body weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800692 RS:0003627 MKO/Tami CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000968 artery diameter 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000971 artery inner diameter 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0003014 artery lumen to artery total diameter ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0003013 artery tunica media to artery total diameter ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002790 artery tunica media width to artery inner diameter ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000012 body weight 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002783 glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000081 kidney weight 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002905 plasma vasopressin level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0001955 renal blood flow rate to kidney weight ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0003683 renal plasma flow (inulin) 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0001898 renal vascular resistance 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0003850 total kidney protein to kidney weight ratio 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000762 urine chloride excretion rate 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 60992 RS:0000580 MNS CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003858 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003860 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell Na+ import rate 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003856 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003855 rate constant of red blood cell Na-K-Cl cotransport activity 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003863 rate constant of red blood cell sodium/potassium passive permeability 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003772 red blood cell ATP level 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003771 red blood cell potassium level 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0003770 red blood cell sodium level 10028 RS:0000581 MNS/Gib CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2325146 RS:0002408 MNS/NMco CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 2325146 RS:0002408 MNS/NMco CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 2325146 RS:0002408 MNS/NMco CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 70449 RS:0000589 MR/N CMO:0000012 body weight 70449 RS:0000589 MR/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000012 body weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559043 RS:0001372 MV/Opu CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002968 afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002975 afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002973 afferent arteriolar resistance 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002977 afferent colloid osmotic pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000012 body weight 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002985 efferent arteriolar hydraulic pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002976 efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002972 efferent arteriolar resistance 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002978 efferent colloid osmotic pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002969 glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002979 glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002986 glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002984 mean proximal tubular hydraulic pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002946 single nephron filtration fraction 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002945 single nephron glomerular filtration rate 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0002974 total arteriolar resistance 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 68098 RS:0000592 MW CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002968 afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002975 afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002973 afferent arteriolar resistance 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002977 afferent colloid osmotic pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000012 body weight 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002985 efferent arteriolar hydraulic pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002976 efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002972 efferent arteriolar resistance 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002978 efferent colloid osmotic pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002969 glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002979 glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0003635 glomerular sieving coefficient for albumin 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002986 glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002784 kidney sclerotic glomerular volume to total kidney glomerular volume ratio 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000081 kidney weight 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002984 mean proximal tubular hydraulic pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002500 plasma direct renin activity level 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0003636 proximal tubule albumin uptake to tubule area ratio 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0001914 renal plasma flow 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002945 single nephron glomerular filtration rate 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000450 tibia length 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0002974 total arteriolar resistance 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0003594 urine albumin level to urine osmolality ratio 68099 RS:0000594 MWF CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003847 body length, crown to rump 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003797 number of glomeruli per kidney 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003849 number of glomeruli per kidney to number of ureteric bud tips per kidney ratio 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0003848 number of ureteric bud tips per kidney 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1641831 RS:0001373 MWF-Chr 6SHR/Rkb CMO:0000999 urine albumin level to urine low molecular weight protein ratio 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2312609 RS:0002073 MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000012 body weight 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000081 kidney weight 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 731185 RS:0000595 MWF/Fub CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003847 body length, crown to rump 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000012 body weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003748 glomerular volume per podocyte 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003745 heart left ventricle interstitial fibrotic lesion area to total heart left ventricule area ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003746 heart left ventricle perivascular fibrotic lesion area to total heart left ventricule area ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000002 heart rate 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000017 heart weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003674 kidney glomerular density 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003488 kidney glomerular surface area 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003747 kidney interstitial fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000081 kidney weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003721 mesenteric artery adventitial thickness 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003720 mesenteric artery media thickness 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003719 mesenteric artery wall thickness 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0002079 neonatal body weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003797 number of glomeruli per kidney 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003849 number of glomeruli per kidney to number of ureteric bud tips per kidney ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0002954 number of podocytes per kidney glomerulus 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003848 number of ureteric bud tips per kidney 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003717 pulse wave velocity 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000450 tibia length 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 724569 RS:0000596 MWF/FubRkb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0002790 artery tunica media width to artery inner diameter ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003868 blood B-type natriuretic peptide level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000012 body weight 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003607 calculated plasma triglyceride level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003840 cardiac myocyte cross-sectional area 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003657 central venous pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000427 food intake rate 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000002 heart rate 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0002406 lung wet weight to body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003658 number of capillaries per cardiomyocyte 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003838 number of capillaries per cross-sectional area of left ventricular myocardium 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003734 plasma arginine level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003739 plasma arginine level to asymmetric dimethylarginine level ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003735 plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000029 platelet count 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001955 renal blood flow rate to kidney weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001898 renal vascular resistance 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0001953 right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000220 systemic vascular resistance 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 737906 RS:0000593 MWF/Hsd CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003671 Bowman's capsule diameter 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003673 Bowman's capsule volume 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002968 afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002975 afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002973 afferent arteriolar resistance 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002977 afferent colloid osmotic pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000012 body weight 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002985 efferent arteriolar hydraulic pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002976 efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002972 efferent arteriolar resistance 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002978 efferent colloid osmotic pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002969 glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002979 glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003709 glomerular filtering surface area to glomerular volume ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002986 glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003865 healthy glomeruli to total glomeruli ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003674 kidney glomerular density 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000081 kidney weight 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003708 mean length density of glomerular capillaries 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002984 mean proximal tubular hydraulic pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003716 mesangium volume per glomerulus 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003402 mesangium volume to glomerulus volume ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002954 number of podocytes per kidney glomerulus 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003715 podocyte foot process height 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003714 podocyte foot process width 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003713 podocyte slit width 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003643 ratio of area of glomerular capillary peripheral tuft not covered by podocytes to total area of glomerular capillary peripheral tuft 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003686 ratio of renal plasma flow to kidney weight (PAH) 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003685 ratio of renal plasma flow to kidney weight (inulin) 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003812 renal cortex cross-sectional area 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003670 renal cortex thickness 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003684 renal plasma flow (PAH) 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003683 renal plasma flow (inulin) 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002946 single nephron filtration fraction 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0002945 single nephron glomerular filtration rate 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0001000 superficial glomerulus count 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003710 total filtering surface area per glomerulus 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003712 total pericapillary slit length 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003750 volume of glomerular capillary tuft not affected by sclerosis 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003751 volume of glomerular capillary tuft occupied by sclerosis 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003864 volume of glomerular capillary tuft occupied by sclerosis to volume of total glomerular capillary tuft ratio 25314294 RS:0004778 MWF/Ztm CMO:0003752 volume of kidney cortical interstitium to total volume of kidney cortex ratio 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002968 afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002975 afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002973 afferent arteriolar resistance 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002977 afferent colloid osmotic pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000012 body weight 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002985 efferent arteriolar hydraulic pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002976 efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002972 efferent arteriolar resistance 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002978 efferent colloid osmotic pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002969 glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002979 glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002783 glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002986 glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000081 kidney weight 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002984 mean proximal tubular hydraulic pressure 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0003684 renal plasma flow (PAH) 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002782 renal plasma flow to body weight ratio 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002946 single nephron filtration fraction 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002945 single nephron glomerular filtration rate 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0002974 total arteriolar resistance 6482298 RS:0003240 MWF/ZtmRrrc CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000603 blood CD25 cell count to CD4 cell count ratio 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000604 blood CD25 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000596 blood CD4 cell count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000598 blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000597 blood CD8 cell count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000012 body weight 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000998 defecation rate 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0001045 number of periods of voluntary immobility 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0001039 number of stretched-attend posture movements 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0001047 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during a period of time 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0001037 time to first movement outside a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 2314001 RS:0002074 N:HS CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302678 RS:0000600 NAR/Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 2311073 RS:0002075 NBL/CrCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000012 body weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559031 RS:0001374 NE/Mave CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2306034 RS:0002077 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314314 RS:0002078 NER.F344-(D1Mgh6-D1Rat132)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7800694 RS:0003628 NER.F344-(D1Rat132)(D5Rat100)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314313 RS:0002079 NER.F344-(D5Rat100-D5Rat234)/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 628486 RS:0000606 NER/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68104 RS:0002080 NIG-III/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 38500209 RS:0004791 NISAG CMO:0003510 plasma 11-dehydrocorticosterone level 38500209 RS:0004791 NISAG CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 38500209 RS:0004791 NISAG CMO:0003514 plasma corticosterone level to 11-dehydrocorticosterone level ratio 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000012 body weight 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0003883 serum carbon dioxide level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2314009 RS:0002539 NMcwi:HS CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0000012 body weight 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001556 bone mineral content to body weight ratio 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001560 bone polar moment of inertia to body weight ratio 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001517 number of photobeam interruptions in an experimental apparatus 1641877 RS:0001376 NP.P-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002354 blood CD4 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002355 blood CD8 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002705 bone section mineralized tissue volume 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002713 bone section trabecular thickness 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002707 bone section volume fraction 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0002311 bone trabecular cross-sectional area 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000323 osteoclast cell count 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0003225 osteoclast surface area to total bone area ratio 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0003223 percentage of CD4 positive cells expressing interferon gamma 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0003224 percentage of CD8 positive cells expressing interferon gamma 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1566440 RS:0001410 NTac:SD CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000015 body temperature 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000012 body weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000002 heart rate 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000029 platelet count 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 4140404 RS:0002446 ODS-Gulood/od/ShiJcl CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000012 body weight 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0001162 intramuscular fat area 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0001161 intramuscular fat area to body weight ratio 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 61014 RS:0000284 OLETF CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000088 abdominal fat pad weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000012 body weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000355 mesenteric fat pad weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000630 pancreas weight to body weight ratio 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000626 pancreas wet weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 734526 RS:0000625 OLETF/Got CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302716 RS:0000632 OM/NSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000012 body weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304038 RS:0001989 OP/Jtt CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001661 femur cross-sectional area 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001674 femur stiffness 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001677 femur total energy absorbed before break 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002840 neuron golgi apparatus area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002836 neuron lysosome area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002832 neuron mitochondrion area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002844 neuron rough endoplasmic reticulum area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002848 neuron vacuole area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0001586 percentage of study population developing cataract during a period of time 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002453 percentage of study population developing retinopathy during a period of time 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002824 serum osteocalcin level 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0002820 serum type I collagen C-terminal telopeptide level 68114 RS:0000634 OXYS/Nov CMO:0003891 total bone mineral density 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0000012 body weight 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001556 bone mineral content to body weight ratio 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001560 bone polar moment of inertia to body weight ratio 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001517 number of photobeam interruptions in an experimental apparatus 1641856 RS:0001380 P.NP-(D4Rat119-D4Rat55)/Iusm CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0001094 area of liver occupied by fibrotic lesions to total liver area ratio 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000092 liver weight 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0002982 plasma angiotensin I level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0002980 ratio of the area occupied by cysts to the total area of the kidney 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 1580542 RS:0001381 PCK-Pkhd1pck/CrljCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 728161 RS:0000126 PD/Cub CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61006 RS:0000224 PVG CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 737658 RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 737658 RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 737658 RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 737658 RS:0000644 PVG.1AV1 CMO:0001466 serum orosomucoid 1 level 8551868 RS:0003687 PVG.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 8551868 RS:0003687 PVG.1AV1.DA-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat84)/Kiru CMO:0001450 post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis 2307157 RS:0002085 PVG.1AV1/Kini CMO:0001453 percentage of study population developing experimental arthritis during a period of time 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 629486 RS:0000645 PVG/OlaHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302722 RS:0000647 PVG/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307138 RS:0002086 PXO1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307132 RS:0002089 PXO10/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307356 RS:0002090 PXO2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307355 RS:0002091 PXO3-1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307116 RS:0002092 PXO3-2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307135 RS:0002093 PXO4/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307128 RS:0002094 PXO5-1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307117 RS:0002095 PXO5-2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307137 RS:0002096 PXO6-1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307125 RS:0002097 PXO6-2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307130 RS:0002098 PXO6-3/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307119 RS:0002099 PXO7-1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307122 RS:0002101 PXO8-1/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307131 RS:0002102 PXO8-2/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000012 body weight 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 2307118 RS:0002103 PXO9/Cub CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003787 debris zone thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003082 full retina thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003729 optokinetic reflex 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003702 photopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003669 photoreceptor inner segment thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003084 retinal inner layer thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003668 retinal inner nuclear layer thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003442 retinal outer nuclear layer photoreceptor nucleus count to layer length ratio 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003086 retinal outer nuclear layer thickness 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003706 scotopic A wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1358259 RS:0000655 RCS-p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1358278 RS:0000656 RCS-rdy+ p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003706 scotopic A wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1358278 RS:0000656 RCS-rdy+ p+/LavRrrc CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302660 RS:0000659 RCS/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1358258 RS:0000660 RCS/LavRrrc CMO:0003656 b-wave amplitude of ERG waveform 1358258 RS:0000660 RCS/LavRrrc CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 68122 RS:0000652 RCS/N CMO:0003703 ERG oscillatory potential 68122 RS:0000652 RCS/N CMO:0003702 photopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 68122 RS:0000652 RCS/N CMO:0003706 scotopic A wave amplitude of ERG waveform 68122 RS:0000652 RCS/N CMO:0003705 scotopic B wave amplitude of ERG waveform 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0000998 defecation rate 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0001045 number of periods of voluntary immobility 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0001039 number of stretched-attend posture movements 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0001037 time to first movement outside a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68123 RS:0000663 RHA/N CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000012 body weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302624 RS:0000667 RICO/Ngs CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0000998 defecation rate 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0001045 number of periods of voluntary immobility 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0001039 number of stretched-attend posture movements 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0001037 time to first movement outside a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 68126 RS:0000671 RLA/N CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 38549341 RS:0004796 RP/AEurRijHsd CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 38549341 RS:0004796 RP/AEurRijHsd CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 38549341 RS:0004796 RP/AEurRijHsd CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 38549341 RS:0004796 RP/AEurRijHsd CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 2314496 RS:0002108 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Mgh11)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314500 RS:0002110 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat101)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314493 RS:0002111 SBH.SBN-(D1Mgh2-D1Rat74)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314494 RS:0002112 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat123)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314498 RS:0002113 SBH.SBN-(D1Rat137-D1Rat83)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314501 RS:0002114 SBH.SBN-(D1Wox11-D1Rat137)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000012 body weight 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0003220 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter to body weight ratio 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0002869 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter to body weight ratio 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000017 heart weight 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631572 RS:0000677 SBH/Ygl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2314499 RS:0002116 SBN.SBH-(D1Mgh17-D1Mgh14)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314497 RS:0002117 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat101-D1Rat74)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314492 RS:0002118 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat148-D1Rat89)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314495 RS:0002119 SBN.SBH-(D1Rat27-D1Mit7)/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000012 body weight 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631573 RS:0000679 SBN/Ygl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002989 adrenal gland renin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000167 adrenal gland wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002756 anogenital distance to cube root of body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003182 aqueous humor uptake index of digoxin 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003185 aqueous humor uptake index of quinidine 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003179 aqueous humor uptake index of verapamil 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000549 blood albumin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002402 blood albumin level to blood globulin level ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000576 blood alkaline phosphatase activity level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000123 blood bilirubin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000502 blood calcium level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000538 blood creatinine level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000366 blood differential white blood cell count 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002398 blood globulin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000504 blood phosphate level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000496 blood potassium level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000499 blood sodium level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000012 body weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000165 both lungs wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003183 brain uptake index of digoxin 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003186 brain uptake index of quinidine 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003177 brain uptake index of verapamil 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002045 change in body weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002289 duration of loss of righting reflex 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001916 effective renal plasma flow 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003133 elimination half-life of nifedipine in the plasma 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000427 food intake rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002783 glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002950 heart left atrium weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003471 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter to posterior wall thickness ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003243 heart left ventricle infarction area to total heart left ventricle area ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003482 heart left ventricle interstitial angiotensin II level during a period of time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003481 heart left ventricle interstitial bradykinin level during a period of time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003483 heart left ventricle interstitial epinephrine level during a period of time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003484 heart left ventricle interstitial norepinephrine level during a period of time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000002 heart rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002952 heart right atrium weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000777 heart right ventricle weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002953 heart septum weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000017 heart weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000037 hematocrit 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003072 intestine trypsin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000335 left atrium weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003200 left ventricle end-diastolic wall stress 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003201 left ventricle end-systolic wall stress 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000096 lung weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003139 nifedipine mean residence time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002754 percentage of study population developing anorectal malformation during a period of time 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002982 plasma angiotensin I level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003207 plasma bradykinin level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001008 plasma epinephrine level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003140 plasma nifedipine clearance 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003136 plasma nifedipine level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003138 plasma nifedipine level area under curve 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001010 plasma norepinephrine level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000029 platelet count 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003244 ratio of the area occupied by interstitial collagen to the total area of the heart left ventricle 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001914 renal plasma flow 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002782 renal plasma flow to body weight ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003184 retinal uptake index of digoxin 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003187 retinal uptake index of quinidine 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003178 retinal uptake index of verapamil 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000336 right atrium weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002101 serum immunoglobulin E level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003066 serum interleukin-4 level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003068 serum interleukin-9 level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002963 serum parathyroid hormone level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000568 serum testosterone level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001542 serum total immunoglobulin E level 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000173 testis wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003137 the first 120min of plasma nifedipine level area under curve 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002736 time to locate a hidden target platform in an experimental apparatus 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000759 urine protein excretion rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002758 urine protein level to urine creatinine level ratio 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0002419 uterus wet weight 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0000994 velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003173 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in aqueous humor 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003170 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in brain 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003172 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in retina 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003175 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in retina 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003176 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in aqueous humor 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003174 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in brain 70508 RS:0000681 SD CMO:0003141 volume of distribution of nifedipine in the blood 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0003026 serum total bile acid 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 12904730 RS:0004437 SD-Abcb11em1Sage CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003182 aqueous humor uptake index of digoxin 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003185 aqueous humor uptake index of quinidine 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003179 aqueous humor uptake index of verapamil 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003183 brain uptake index of digoxin 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003186 brain uptake index of quinidine 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003177 brain uptake index of verapamil 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003184 retinal uptake index of digoxin 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003187 retinal uptake index of quinidine 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003178 retinal uptake index of verapamil 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003173 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in aqueous humor 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003170 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in brain 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003172 verapamil apparent influx permeability clearance in retina 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003175 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in retina 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003176 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in aqueous humor 12904057 RS:0004432 SD-Abcb1aem1Sage-/- CMO:0003174 verapamil equilibrated distribution volume in brain 13792683 RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 13792683 RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ CMO:0003227 serum calcium to serum phosphate ratio 13792683 RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 13792683 RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ CMO:0003231 serum phosphate level to serum pyrophosphate ratio 13792683 RS:0004628 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/+ CMO:0003228 serum pyrophosphate level 13792682 RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 13792682 RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- CMO:0003227 serum calcium to serum phosphate ratio 13792682 RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 13792682 RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- CMO:0003231 serum phosphate level to serum pyrophosphate ratio 13792682 RS:0004627 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju+/- CMO:0003228 serum pyrophosphate level 10413852 RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 10413852 RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- CMO:0003227 serum calcium to serum phosphate ratio 10413852 RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 10413852 RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- CMO:0003231 serum phosphate level to serum pyrophosphate ratio 10413852 RS:0004085 SD-Abcc6em2Qlju-/- CMO:0003228 serum pyrophosphate level 12903250 RS:0004428 SD-Ahrem1Sage CMO:0003903 plasma IDL and LDL cholesterol 12903250 RS:0004428 SD-Ahrem1Sage CMO:0003901 plasma chylomicron and VLDL cholesterol level 12903250 RS:0004428 SD-Ahrem1Sage CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000143 adrenal gland weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0002402 blood albumin level to blood globulin level ratio 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000034 blood basophil count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0002340 blood non-specified leukocyte count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000012 body weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000407 both ovaries weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0003019 both ovaries weight to body weight ratio 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000137 brain weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000637 epididymides weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000017 heart weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000037 hematocrit 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000081 kidney weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000092 liver weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000096 lung weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000333 pancreas weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000615 pituitary gland weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000029 platelet count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000847 prostate gland weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0003026 serum total bile acid 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000147 spleen weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000610 thymus weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0002390 thyroid gland weight 13838845 RS:0004674 SD-Ahrem2Sage CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000012 body weight 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0003161 serum C-reactive protein level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0003197 serum oxidized LDL level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0003199 serum reactive oxygen metabolite level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 12880021 RS:0004423 SD-Apoeem1Sage CMO:0000650 serum very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0003021 reticulocyte count to total red blood cell count ratio 13792607 RS:0004626 SD-Cd59em1Ask+/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000037 hematocrit 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000029 platelet count 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0003021 reticulocyte count to total red blood cell count ratio 13792606 RS:0004625 SD-Cd59em1Ask-/- CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000037 hematocrit 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000642 litter size 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0003881 percentage of study population developing meconium ileus during a period of time 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000062 plasma bicarbonate level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0002401 plasma globulin level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000217 plasma magnesium level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0003878 plasma urea level 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0003879 ratio of survivors of meconium ileus to total study population during a period of time 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 151356958 RS:0005134 SD-Cftrem1Apb CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003153 maximum trachea cartilage thickness 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003146 nasal septum epithelium intracellular mucus area to basement membrane width ratio 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003150 trachea cartilage area 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003151 trachea cartilage area to trachea lumen circumference ratio 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003154 trachea epithelial layer thickness 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003149 trachea lumen circumference 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003155 trachea submucosal gland area 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003156 trachea submucosal gland area to trachea lumenal circumference ratio 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003157 trachea submucosal gland intracellular mucus area 14392817 RS:0004682 SD-Cftrem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003158 trachea submucosal gland intracellular mucus area to total trachea submucosal gland area ratio 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003153 maximum trachea cartilage thickness 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003146 nasal septum epithelium intracellular mucus area to basement membrane width ratio 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003150 trachea cartilage area 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003151 trachea cartilage area to trachea lumen circumference ratio 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003154 trachea epithelial layer thickness 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003149 trachea lumen circumference 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003155 trachea submucosal gland area 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003156 trachea submucosal gland area to trachea lumenal circumference ratio 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003157 trachea submucosal gland intracellular mucus area 14392815 RS:0004681 SD-Cftrem1Sage-/- CMO:0003158 trachea submucosal gland intracellular mucus area to total trachea submucosal gland area ratio 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000037 hematocrit 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000642 litter size 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0003881 percentage of study population developing meconium ileus during a period of time 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000062 plasma bicarbonate level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0002401 plasma globulin level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000217 plasma magnesium level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0003878 plasma urea level 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0003879 ratio of survivors of meconium ileus to total study population during a period of time 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 151356959 RS:0005135 SD-Cftrem2Apb CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003133 elimination half-life of nifedipine in the plasma 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003139 nifedipine mean residence time 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003140 plasma nifedipine clearance 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003136 plasma nifedipine level 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003138 plasma nifedipine level area under curve 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003137 the first 120min of plasma nifedipine level area under curve 14696722 RS:0004751 SD-Cyp3a23/3a1em1Myliu,Cyp3a2em1Myliu CMO:0003141 volume of distribution of nifedipine in the blood 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000549 blood albumin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000576 blood alkaline phosphatase activity level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000123 blood bilirubin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0002242 blood creatine kinase activity level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000538 blood creatinine level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0002239 blood gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0002398 blood globulin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000028 blood protein measurement 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0001348 mean platelet volume 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000048 plasma direct bilirubin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000047 plasma indirect bilirubin level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0001350 platelet distribution width 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0003233 platelet-large cell ratio 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0001349 plateletcrit 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0003232 red blood cell distribution width- standard deviation 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 13792795 RS:0004633 SD-Fhem1+/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000549 blood albumin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000576 blood alkaline phosphatase activity level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000123 blood bilirubin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0002242 blood creatine kinase activity level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000538 blood creatinine level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0002239 blood gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0002398 blood globulin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000028 blood protein measurement 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000037 hematocrit 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0001348 mean platelet volume 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000048 plasma direct bilirubin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000047 plasma indirect bilirubin level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000029 platelet count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0001350 platelet distribution width 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0003233 platelet-large cell ratio 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0001349 plateletcrit 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0003232 red blood cell distribution width- standard deviation 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000041 red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 13792794 RS:0004632 SD-Fhem1+/- CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0002240 plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0002401 plasma globulin level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 14696715 RS:0004746 SD-Htr7em1Msu CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 12910101 RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 12910101 RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12910101 RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12910101 RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 12910101 RS:0004461 SD-Ldlrem1 CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0003905 area of atherosclerotic lesion to total artery area ratio 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000209 blood fibrinogen level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0003065 blood interleukin-4 level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0003903 plasma IDL and LDL cholesterol 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000582 plasma adiponectin level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0003901 plasma chylomicron and VLDL cholesterol level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0001927 plasma interleukin-6 level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0003695 plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level 12904908 RS:0004448 SD-Ldlrem1Sage CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0001296 plasma glucagon level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 13792575 RS:0004621 SD-Lepem1Sage+/+ CMO:0003195 skeletal muscle triglyceride level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002354 blood CD4 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002355 blood CD8 lymphocyte count to total lymphocyte count ratio 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000349 blood insulin level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002705 bone section mineralized tissue volume 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002713 bone section trabecular thickness 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002707 bone section volume fraction 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0002311 bone trabecular cross-sectional area 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000323 osteoclast cell count 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0003225 osteoclast surface area to total bone area ratio 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0003223 percentage of CD4 positive cells expressing interferon gamma 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0003224 percentage of CD8 positive cells expressing interferon gamma 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0001296 plasma glucagon level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0003195 skeletal muscle triglyceride level 12904912 RS:0004449 SD-Lepem1Sage-/- CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0002791 heart interventricular end-diastolic septal wall thickness 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0003376 heart left ventricle end-diastolic internal diameter 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0003851 heart left ventricle end-systolic internal diameter 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000017 heart weight 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 149735898 RS:0005005 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000012 body weight 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0002791 heart interventricular end-diastolic septal wall thickness 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0002792 heart interventricular end-systolic septal wall thickness 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0003376 heart left ventricle end-diastolic internal diameter 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0003851 heart left ventricle end-systolic internal diameter 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000017 heart weight 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 126925949 RS:0004946 SD-Myh7bem1Blar+/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0002791 heart interventricular end-diastolic septal wall thickness 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0002792 heart interventricular end-systolic septal wall thickness 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0003376 heart left ventricle end-diastolic internal diameter 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0003851 heart left ventricle end-systolic internal diameter 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000017 heart weight 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 126925952 RS:0004947 SD-Myh7bem1Blar-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13208517 RS:0004500 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 13208517 RS:0004500 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13208517 RS:0004500 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 13208517 RS:0004500 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 13208518 RS:0004501 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 13208518 RS:0004501 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13208518 RS:0004501 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 13208518 RS:0004501 SD-Nfe2l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304041 RS:0002122 SD-Tg(CAG-Rgn)Slc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 629501 RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 CMO:0000012 body weight 629501 RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 629501 RS:0000687 SD-Tg(Ren2)27 CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13513909 RS:0004585 SD-Tg(Ren2)27-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 13513909 RS:0004585 SD-Tg(Ren2)27-/- CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13513909 RS:0004585 SD-Tg(Ren2)27-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13792705 RS:0004630 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ CMO:0000015 body temperature 13792705 RS:0004630 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 13792705 RS:0004630 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13792705 RS:0004630 SD-Trpv1em1Sage+/+ CMO:0002994 rate-pressure product 13792701 RS:0004629 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- CMO:0000015 body temperature 13792701 RS:0004629 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 13792701 RS:0004629 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13792701 RS:0004629 SD-Trpv1em1Sage-/- CMO:0002994 rate-pressure product 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68133 RS:0000704 SDJ/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000549 blood albumin level 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000549 blood albumin level 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000012 body weight 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000012 body weight 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629497 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631219 RS:0000709 SDT/Jcl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302695 RS:0000711 SER/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000012 body weight 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000002 heart rate 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0003567 measurement of minimal mechanical stimulus needed to elicit evasive reaction 61000 RS:0000015 SHR CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000017 heart weight 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000081 kidney weight 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2317891 RS:0002404 SHR-Chr 6MWF/Rkb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6480210 RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 6480210 RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb CMO:0002778 plasma cystatin C level 6480210 RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 6480210 RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb CMO:0001953 right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 6480210 RS:0003207 SHR-Chr 8MWF/Rkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1641875 RS:0001416 SHR-Chr YBN/Cub CMO:0001036 core body temperature 7241265 RS:0003412 SHR-Chr YWKY/Akr CMO:0001036 core body temperature 11040525 RS:0004100 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 11040525 RS:0004100 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11040525 RS:0004100 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 11040519 RS:0004098 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 11040519 RS:0004098 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11040519 RS:0004098 SHR-Ndufc2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 11040527 RS:0004101 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 11040527 RS:0004101 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11040527 RS:0004101 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 11040521 RS:0004099 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 11040521 RS:0004099 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11040521 RS:0004099 SHR-Ndufc2em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2300215 RS:0001638 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-D10Rat85)/Ipcv CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 2300215 RS:0001638 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-D10Rat85)/Ipcv CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2300217 RS:0001637 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-Srebf1)/Ipcv CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 2300217 RS:0001637 SHR.BN-(D10Mgh3-Srebf1)/Ipcv CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306893 RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk CMO:0000012 body weight 2306893 RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306893 RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306893 RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2306893 RS:0002147 SHR.BN-(D16Rat87-D16Mgh1)/Jk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 628908 RS:0000721 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 628908 RS:0000721 SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306892 RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk CMO:0000012 body weight 2306892 RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306892 RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306892 RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2306892 RS:0002154 SHR.BN-(D2Rat114-D2Rat123)/Jk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631578 RS:0000717 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv CMO:0000012 body weight 631578 RS:0000717 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631578 RS:0000717 SHR.BN-(D2Rat171-D2Arb24)/Ipcv CMO:0001601 saccharin intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 2306895 RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk CMO:0000012 body weight 2306895 RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306895 RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306895 RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2306895 RS:0002155 SHR.BN-(D2Rat226-D2Rat294)/Jk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001409 artery lumen area 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 2316928 RS:0002378 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001417 lesioned artery residual lumen area 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001409 artery lumen area 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 2316925 RS:0002376 SHR.BN-(D3Rat159-D3Rat1)/Mco CMO:0001417 lesioned artery residual lumen area 2306894 RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk CMO:0000012 body weight 2306894 RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306894 RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk CMO:0000002 heart rate 2306894 RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2306894 RS:0002156 SHR.BN-(D4Rat33-D4Rat54)/Jk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 634382 RS:0000723 SHR.BN-(D5Wox12-D5Wox20)/Ipcv CMO:0000012 body weight 634382 RS:0000723 SHR.BN-(D5Wox12-D5Wox20)/Ipcv CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001409 artery lumen area 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 2316927 RS:0002377 SHR.BN-(D6Rat40-D6Rat170)/Mco CMO:0001417 lesioned artery residual lumen area 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002682 blood chylomicron cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002689 blood chylomicron triglyceride level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002679 blood glycerol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002692 blood high density lipoprotein particle diameter 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002686 blood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002693 blood low density lipoprotein particle diameter 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002687 blood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000648 blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002694 blood very low density lipoprotein particle diameter 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000012 body weight 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0001567 serum high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0001564 serum intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61106 RS:0000725 SHR.BN-(D8Mit5-D8Mgh6)/Ipcv CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 628907 RS:0000728 SHR.BN-RT1n CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 628907 RS:0000728 SHR.BN-RT1n CMO:0001567 serum high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 628907 RS:0000728 SHR.BN-RT1n CMO:0001564 serum intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level 628907 RS:0000728 SHR.BN-RT1n CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1600338 RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1600338 RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk CMO:0003682 percentage of full platelet aggregation generated by thrombin 1600338 RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk CMO:0000922 platelet intracellular calcium level 1600338 RS:0001419 SHR.F344-(D12Mgh5-D12Mgh6)/Snk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000012 body weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559048 RS:0001420 SHR.ODS-Gulood/Shi CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1641863 RS:0001422 SHR.PD-(D8Mgh9-D8Rat149)/Cub CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2314531 RS:0002162 SHR.SS-(D13Rat1-D13Mgh6)/Mco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2314532 RS:0002163 SHR.SS-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1641850 RS:0001424 SHR.WKY-(D1Got158-D1Got161)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1643002 RS:0001425 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Got161)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641858 RS:0001426 SHR.WKY-(D1Rat420-D1Rat278)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629487 RS:0000737 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 629487 RS:0000737 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629487 RS:0000737 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox19-D1Wox34)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631589 RS:0000740 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631589 RS:0000740 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631589 RS:0000740 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-D1Rat164)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631590 RS:0000741 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-Sah)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631590 RS:0000741 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-Sah)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631590 RS:0000741 SHR.WKY-(D1Wox34-Sah)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0000012 body weight 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7241794 RS:0003421 SHR/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000012 body weight 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 731186 RS:0000743 SHR/Fub CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003847 body length, crown to rump 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000012 body weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0001001 count of superficial glomeruli directly contacting the kidney surface 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0001002 count of superficial glomeruli not directly contacting the kidney surface 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000017 heart weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000536 kidney glomerulus count 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000081 kidney weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003797 number of glomeruli per kidney 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003849 number of glomeruli per kidney to number of ureteric bud tips per kidney ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0003848 number of ureteric bud tips per kidney 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0002778 plasma cystatin C level 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0001953 right kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000999 urine albumin level to urine low molecular weight protein ratio 631696 RS:0000744 SHR/FubRkb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302724 RS:0000745 SHR/Hcm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000871 adipocyte basal glucose uptake 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000870 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000015 body temperature 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000002 heart rate 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000029 platelet count 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 631577 RS:0000746 SHR/Izm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302620 RS:0000747 SHR/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61110 RS:0000749 SHR/Mol CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 61110 RS:0000749 SHR/Mol CMO:0000012 body weight 61110 RS:0000749 SHR/Mol CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61110 RS:0000749 SHR/Mol CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 61110 RS:0000749 SHR/Mol CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000012 body weight 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728194 RS:0000729 SHR/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728195 RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 728195 RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 728195 RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 728195 RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 728195 RS:0000750 SHR/N-cp CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000379 blood pH 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000015 body temperature 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001937 brain campesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001935 brain cholesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001936 brain phytosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001938 brain sitosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001941 liver campesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001942 liver phytosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001940 liver sitosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001944 plasma campesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001945 plasma phytosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0001943 plasma sitosterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1357994 RS:0000730 SHR/NCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000496 blood potassium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000499 blood sodium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000015 body temperature 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000002 heart rate 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002982 plasma angiotensin I level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002785 plasma angiotensin II level to plasma angiotensin I level ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000029 platelet count 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 629465 RS:0000752 SHR/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000877 adipocyte maximal free fatty acid secretion 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000868 adipocyte volume 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000012 body weight 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 61096 RS:0000753 SHR/NCruk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001409 artery lumen area 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001413 artery tunica media thickness 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000073 calculated heart weight 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000160 calculated kidney weight 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0003646 circular vessel area 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001417 lesioned artery residual lumen area 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 724574 RS:0000754 SHR/NHsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000012 body weight 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000258 urine pH 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 2325143 RS:0002406 SHR/NHsdMco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000958 amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000998 defecation rate 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0001514 number of 20 x 20 cm floor squares crossed into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000961 percentage of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 634364 RS:0000755 SHR/NIcoCrlf CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000012 body weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559042 RS:0001428 SHR/Nig CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000868 adipocyte volume 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0001036 core body temperature 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61100 RS:0000402 SHR/Ola CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000012 body weight 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001606 both epididymides wet weight 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001611 daily sperm count to epididymis weight ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000642 litter size 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000638 motile sperm count to total sperm count ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000644 normal sperm count to total sperm count ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001601 saccharin intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001603 seminal vesicle wet weight 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001567 serum high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001564 serum intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001576 serum intermediate density lipoprotein phospholipid level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001570 serum low density lipoprotein phospholipid level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001171 serum phospholipid level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0000650 serum very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001573 serum very low density lipoprotein phospholipid level 631848 RS:0000715 SHR/OlaIpcv CMO:0001609 sperm count to epididymis weight ratio 631604 RS:0000757 SHR/Snk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631604 RS:0000757 SHR/Snk CMO:0003682 percentage of full platelet aggregation generated by thrombin 631604 RS:0000757 SHR/Snk CMO:0000922 platelet intracellular calcium level 631604 RS:0000757 SHR/Snk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302680 RS:0000758 SHR/Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61010 RS:0000759 SHRSP CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 61010 RS:0000759 SHRSP CMO:0000012 body weight 61010 RS:0000759 SHRSP CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61010 RS:0000759 SHRSP CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61010 RS:0000759 SHRSP CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307169 RS:0002537 SHRSP.SHRSR-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 2307169 RS:0002537 SHRSP.SHRSR-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307169 RS:0002537 SHRSP.SHRSR-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2307167 RS:0002536 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307167 RS:0002536 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2307166 RS:0002535 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 2307166 RS:0002535 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307166 RS:0002535 SHRSP.SHRSR-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2302110 RS:0001683 SHRSP.WKY-(Apbb1-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 2302110 RS:0001683 SHRSP.WKY-(Apbb1-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304098 RS:0002487 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 2304098 RS:0002487 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4889411 RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0002162 absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio 4889411 RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 4889411 RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 4889411 RS:0002492 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Smu13-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000379 blood pH 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001013 brain infarction volume 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000231 cell membrane potential 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001018 change in cell membrane potential 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001036 core body temperature 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001035 head temperature 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1600343 RS:0001433 SHRSP.WKY-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2301371 RS:0001653 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Mit21-D2Rat157)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631279 RS:0000764 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Mit5)/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631279 RS:0000764 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Mit5)/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631279 RS:0000764 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Mit5)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631278 RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631278 RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631278 RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631278 RS:0000763 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Rat13-D2Rat157)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737863 RS:0000768 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737863 RS:0000768 SHRSP.WKY-(D2Wox9-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0002924 urine urea level 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0002926 urine urea level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432204 RS:0004558 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Mit10)/Gcrc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0002924 urine urea level 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0002926 urine urea level to urine creatinine level ratio 7411676 RS:0003568 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 13432200 RS:0004554 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat80)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432200 RS:0004554 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat80)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432200 RS:0004554 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Rat80)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13432201 RS:0004555 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Wox3)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432201 RS:0004555 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Wox3)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432201 RS:0004555 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-D3Wox3)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13432203 RS:0004557 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs197649383)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432203 RS:0004557 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs197649383)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432203 RS:0004557 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs197649383)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0002924 urine urea level 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0002926 urine urea level to urine creatinine level ratio 13432202 RS:0004556 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Mgh16-rs65433898)/Gcrc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 13432199 RS:0004553 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Wox20-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13432199 RS:0004553 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Wox20-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13432199 RS:0004553 SHRSP.WKY-(D3Wox20-D3Rat114)/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 731189 RS:0000772 SHRSP.WKY-(Klk1-D1Rat116)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304120 RS:0000779 SHRSP/2Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61116 RS:0000773 SHRSP/A3 CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000012 body weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000221 end-diastolic volume 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000181 end-systolic volume 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000002 heart rate 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003445 interstitial nephritis foci count 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003447 kidney glomerular lesion count 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003444 kidney total tubule cast count 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003443 kidney tubule regeneration foci count 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000081 kidney weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003497 net potassium efflux to blood lymphocyte dry weight ratio per unit time 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003496 net sodium influx to blood lymphocyte dry weight ratio per unit time 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0002487 ovary wet weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000615 pituitary gland weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003507 plasma proANF 31-67 peptide level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003800 ratio of deaths related to chronic hypertension to total study population during a period of time 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003810 ratio of deaths related to left ventricular hypertrophy to total study population during a period of time 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0003446 renal fibrosis foci count 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0002244 serum creatine kinase activity level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000668 serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000610 thymus weight 728184 RS:0000775 SHRSP/A3N CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003412 BAY 60-4552-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003415 GSK2181236A-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0001013 brain infarction volume 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003410 carbachol-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000197 cardiac output 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003413 concentration of BAY 60-4552 at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003416 concentration of GSK2181236A at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003409 concentration of carbachol at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000221 end-diastolic volume 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000181 end-systolic volume 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003631 multiregional glomerular filtration rate index 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003626 partial pressure of brain white matter oxygen 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003501 percentage of study population developing cerebral small vessel thrombosis and adjacent tissue infarction during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003499 percentage of study population developing cerebral beta-amyloid deposits during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003502 percentage of study population developing cerebral small perivascular bleeds and beta-amyloid deposits during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003503 percentage of study population developing cerebral small perivascular bleeds and no beta-amyloid deposits during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003500 percentage of study population developing cerebral small perivascular bleeds during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003649 percentage of study population developing kidney tubulointerstitial damage during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003504 percentage of study population developing renal vascular pathology during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003450 percentage of study population displaying glycosuria at a point in time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0001204 percentage of study population displaying hematuria at a point in time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003664 phenylephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of contractile force generated by potassium chloride 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003630 ratio of survivors of severe albuminuria to total study population during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0002737 ratio of survivors to total study population during a period of time 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000223 stroke volume 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0003440 time to peak measurement of Gd-DTPA uptake by kidney cortex 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2311051 RS:0002538 SHRSP/A3NCrl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1581618 RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb CMO:0000012 body weight 1581618 RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb CMO:0000002 heart rate 1581618 RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 1581618 RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1581618 RS:0001444 SHRSP/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000012 body weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559047 RS:0001445 SHRSP/Ezo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0002924 urine urea level 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0002926 urine urea level to urine creatinine level ratio 734759 RS:0000760 SHRSP/Gcrc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000015 body temperature 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000012 body weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000029 platelet count 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2325209 RS:0002368 SHRSP/Hos CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002162 absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000379 blood pH 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000015 body temperature 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001013 brain infarction volume 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000231 cell membrane potential 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001036 core body temperature 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001035 head temperature 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000002 heart rate 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000029 platelet count 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001786 stimulated renal sympathetic nerve activity to basal renal sympathetic nerve activity ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002569 urine norepinephrine excretion rate 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0002571 urine vanillylmandelic acid excretion rate 631599 RS:0000770 SHRSP/Izm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000015 body temperature 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000012 body weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000002 heart rate 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000029 platelet count 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1559041 RS:0001446 SHRSP/Ngsk CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302606 RS:0000778 SHRSP/Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2307161 RS:0002193 SHRSR.SHRSP-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 2307161 RS:0002193 SHRSR.SHRSP-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307161 RS:0002193 SHRSR.SHRSP-(D1Rat134-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2307160 RS:0002194 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307160 RS:0002194 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-D1Mit3)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2307159 RS:0002195 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 2307159 RS:0002195 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307159 RS:0002195 SHRSR.SHRSP-(Klk1-Mt1-ps1)/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2307168 RS:0002192 SHRSR/Bbb CMO:0000932 percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time 2307168 RS:0002192 SHRSR/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2307168 RS:0002192 SHRSR/Bbb CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302727 RS:0000780 SHRSR/Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2303116 RS:0002196 SPRD.WKY-(D10Rat91-D10Rat135)/Ibmm CMO:0000344 mammary tumor growth rate 2303116 RS:0002196 SPRD.WKY-(D10Rat91-D10Rat135)/Ibmm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1599760 RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0001084 mammary gland terminal end bud count 1599760 RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0000344 mammary tumor growth rate 1599760 RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1599760 RS:0001450 SPRD.WKY-(D18Wox8-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 2303117 RS:0002197 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)(D18Rat102-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0000344 mammary tumor growth rate 2303117 RS:0002197 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)(D18Rat102-D18Rat44)/Ibmm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1599763 RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm CMO:0001084 mammary gland terminal end bud count 1599763 RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm CMO:0000344 mammary tumor growth rate 1599763 RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1599763 RS:0001452 SPRD.WKY-(D5Rat190-D5Rat114)/Ibmm CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 737962 RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm CMO:0001084 mammary gland terminal end bud count 737962 RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm CMO:0000344 mammary tumor growth rate 737962 RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 737962 RS:0001449 SPRD/Ztm CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000012 body weight 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0002861 conduction velocity 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000002 heart rate 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000017 heart weight 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0002860 monophasic action potential 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 70453 RS:0000784 SR CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000012 body weight 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000420 body weight gain 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0001245 calculated plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003893 change in RSNA to change in MAP ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002036 change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0001246 cubic root of body weight to nasoanal length ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000002 heart rate 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003897 mean arterial pressure at the midpoint of a range of heart rates 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003894 mean arterial pressure at the midpoint of a range of renal sympathetic nerve activity 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003214 plasma urotensin II level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003892 range of RSNA changes during variation of MAP 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003896 range of heart rate variation during variation of mean arterial blood pressure 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002921 urine urotensin II level to urine creatinine level ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 634366 RS:0000785 SR/Hsd CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003859 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell K+ import rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003858 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000002 heart rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000017 heart weight 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003287 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure to left ventricular systolic blood pressure ratio 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003288 minimum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003861 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell K+ import rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003860 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell Na+ import rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003857 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell K+ import rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003856 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0003770 red blood cell sodium level 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000289 respiration rate 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 10040 RS:0000786 SR/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0003212 adrenal angiotensin II type 1 receptor density 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002674 average horizontal distance between subject and target during voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002678 difference between time of physical contact/close proximity of test subject and social stimulus during sample phase and test phase 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0001493 distance moved per unit of time into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0003377 glomerular angiotensin II type 1 receptor density 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000959 percentage of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000563 plasma estradiol level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0001174 serum corticosterone level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002906 serum vasopressin level 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0003839 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in pursuit of a target in an experimental apparatus 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002907 urine phosphate excretion rate 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002908 urine urea excretion rate 1582184 RS:0001454 SR/JrHsd CMO:0002416 uterus weight 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000012 body weight 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 737936 RS:0000787 SR/JrIpcv CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000221 end-diastolic volume 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000181 end-systolic volume 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002912 heart left ventricle diastolic volume-axis intercept 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002909 heart left ventricle end-diastolic elastance 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002910 heart left ventricle end-systolic elastance 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0003869 heart left ventricle plus septum weight to body weight ratio 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002913 heart left ventricle systolic volume-axis intercept 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000017 heart weight 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002918 kidney cortical adrenomedullin level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002917 kidney medullary adrenomedullin level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000081 kidney weight 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002959 number of nucleated cells per kidney glomerulus 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002404 ratio of change in renal sympathetic nerve activity 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0002958 urine aldosterone excretion rate 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903881 RS:0003329 SR/NEisSlc CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000012 body weight 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0002861 conduction velocity 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000002 heart rate 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000017 heart weight 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0002860 monophasic action potential 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0003214 plasma urotensin II level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 69369 RS:0000789 SS CMO:0002921 urine urotensin II level to urine creatinine level ratio 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687977 RS:0003160 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687979 RS:0003130 SS-Acad10em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000197 cardiac output 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0002496 heart left ventricle end-diastolic anterior wall thickness 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0003144 lung weight to tibia length ratio 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0001927 plasma interleukin-6 level 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000223 stroke volume 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6484715 RS:0003284 SS-Adora2bem2Mcwi CMO:0000450 tibia length 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686302 RS:0003017 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686300 RS:0003016 SS-Adra2aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686654 RS:0003044 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686652 RS:0003043 SS-Agtr1aem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686657 RS:0003045 SS-Agtr1aem5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686306 RS:0003019 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686304 RS:0003018 SS-Agtrapem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686662 RS:0003047 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686659 RS:0003046 SS-Agtrapem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686666 RS:0003049 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686664 RS:0003048 SS-Aldh2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687983 RS:0003161 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687981 RS:0003131 SS-Alms1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687985 RS:0003162 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687987 RS:0003132 SS-Apoeem7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687992 RS:0003163 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687989 RS:0003133 SS-Apoeem8Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687994 RS:0003164 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687996 RS:0003134 SS-Bcas3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686670 RS:0003051 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686668 RS:0003050 SS-Cdh13em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358178 RS:0000790 SS-Chr 10BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629521 RS:0000792 SS-Chr 11BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5683886 RS:0003040 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Arb13-D12Mit2)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5683890 RS:0003042 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi CMO:0000979 artery wall thickness to artery inner diameter ratio 5683890 RS:0003042 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5683888 RS:0003041 SS-Chr 12BN.SS-(D12Hmgc3-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000979 artery wall thickness to artery inner diameter ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358162 RS:0000793 SS-Chr 12BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629523 RS:0000794 SS-Chr 13BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2311082 RS:0002198 SS-Chr 13BN/McwiCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 2311082 RS:0002198 SS-Chr 13BN/McwiCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358152 RS:0000795 SS-Chr 14BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358163 RS:0000796 SS-Chr 15BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629524 RS:0000797 SS-Chr 16BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358171 RS:0000798 SS-Chr 17BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629525 RS:0000799 SS-Chr 18BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358174 RS:0000800 SS-Chr 19BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1641879 RS:0001456 SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb CMO:0000012 body weight 1641879 RS:0001456 SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1641879 RS:0001456 SS-Chr 19SHR/Rkb CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1600490 RS:0001457 SS-Chr 1BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629522 RS:0000801 SS-Chr 20BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0003725 renal afferent arteriole diameter 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629511 RS:0000802 SS-Chr 2BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358154 RS:0000803 SS-Chr 3BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629513 RS:0000804 SS-Chr 4BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688002 RS:0003166 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688006 RS:0003125 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688004 RS:0003136 SS-Chr 5BN-Cyp4a2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358114 RS:0000805 SS-Chr 5BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0003809 ratio of deaths related to DMBA toxicity to total study population during a period of time 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629514 RS:0000806 SS-Chr 6BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629515 RS:0000807 SS-Chr 7BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000948 percentage of study population developing mammary tumors during a period of time 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629518 RS:0000809 SS-Chr 9BN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1566437 RS:0001109 SS-Chr XBN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629517 RS:0000810 SS-Chr YBN/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 6484573 RS:0003267 SS-Clcn6em2Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1642277 RS:0001463 SS-Cpt2m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688000 RS:0003165 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5687998 RS:0003135 SS-Cybaem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686676 RS:0003053 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686672 RS:0003052 SS-Cyp1a1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686680 RS:0003055 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686678 RS:0003054 SS-Cyp1a1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686687 RS:0003057 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686684 RS:0003056 SS-Cyp1a1em5Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688008 RS:0003167 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688010 RS:0003126 SS-Ets1em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1642364 RS:0001467 SS-Ghsrm3Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688014 RS:0003168 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688012 RS:0003137 SS-Gpr183em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688018 RS:0003169 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688016 RS:0003138 SS-Gpr183em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688022 RS:0003170 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688020 RS:0003139 SS-Gpr183em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686311 RS:0003021 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686308 RS:0003020 SS-Hexim2em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688024 RS:0003171 SS-Itga9em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000498 blood bicarbonate level 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000497 blood chloride level 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000379 blood pH 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000496 blood potassium level 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000499 blood sodium level 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13782280 RS:0004609 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/+ CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000498 blood bicarbonate level 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000497 blood chloride level 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000379 blood pH 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000496 blood potassium level 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000499 blood sodium level 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000012 body weight 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13782351 RS:0004613 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu+/- CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000498 blood bicarbonate level 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000497 blood chloride level 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000379 blood pH 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000496 blood potassium level 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000499 blood sodium level 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 13782353 RS:0004614 SS-Kcnj1em1Kasu-/- CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686702 RS:0003063 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686700 RS:0003062 SS-Kcnq1em14Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1642271 RS:0001475 SS-Klf4m3Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000081 kidney weight 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0002949 urine podocalyxin excretion rate 6484719 RS:0003288 SS-Leprem2Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688026 RS:0003172 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688028 RS:0003140 SS-Mas1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688032 RS:0003173 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688030 RS:0003141 SS-Mmp2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688037 RS:0003174 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688034 RS:0003142 SS-Mmp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686706 RS:0003065 SS-Msraem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686704 RS:0003064 SS-Msraem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686710 RS:0003067 SS-Msraem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686708 RS:0003066 SS-Msraem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686715 RS:0003069 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686713 RS:0003068 SS-Mstnem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686721 RS:0003071 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686723 RS:0003072 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686718 RS:0003070 SS-Mstnem3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688039 RS:0003175 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688041 RS:0003127 SS-Mthfrem1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688069 RS:0003179 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688066 RS:0003149 SS-Ncf2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688045 RS:0003176 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688043 RS:0003143 SS-Nckap5em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688049 RS:0003177 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688047 RS:0003144 SS-Nckap5em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688053 RS:0003178 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688051 RS:0003145 SS-Nckap5em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688077 RS:0003180 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688080 RS:0003128 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688074 RS:0003150 SS-Nox4em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686728 RS:0003074 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686725 RS:0003073 SS-Nppaem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000233 PR interval 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000267 QRS duration 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000235 QT interval 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000232 RR interval 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0002791 heart interventricular end-diastolic septal wall thickness 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0002792 heart interventricular end-systolic septal wall thickness 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0002812 heart rate variability 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000037 hematocrit 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000029 platelet count 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686732 RS:0003076 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000233 PR interval 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000267 QRS duration 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000235 QT interval 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000232 RR interval 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0002791 heart interventricular end-diastolic septal wall thickness 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0002792 heart interventricular end-systolic septal wall thickness 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0002812 heart rate variability 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000037 hematocrit 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000029 platelet count 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686730 RS:0003075 SS-Nppbem2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686736 RS:0003078 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686734 RS:0003077 SS-Nppbem4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686740 RS:0003080 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686738 RS:0003079 SS-Plcd3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686744 RS:0003082 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686742 RS:0003081 SS-Plcd3em7Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686749 RS:0003084 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686747 RS:0003083 SS-Plekha7em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000017 heart weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003620 nephron count 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003027 renal cortex volume 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0003028 renal medulla volume 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 5686760 RS:0003089 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0001412 artery tunica media area 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000017 heart weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0003620 nephron count 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0003027 renal cortex volume 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0003028 renal medulla volume 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 5686758 RS:0003088 SS-Plekha7em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686764 RS:0003091 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686762 RS:0003090 SS-Plod1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686692 RS:0003059 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686689 RS:0003058 SS-Prokr1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686697 RS:0003061 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686695 RS:0003060 SS-Prokr1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 4139884 RS:0002438 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 4139884 RS:0002438 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 4139884 RS:0002438 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 4139884 RS:0002438 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi CMO:0000855 thymus wet weight 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688094 RS:0003182 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688092 RS:0003153 SS-Rag1em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 4139873 RS:0002427 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 4139873 RS:0002427 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 4139873 RS:0002427 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi CMO:0000855 thymus wet weight 4139873 RS:0002427 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688098 RS:0003183 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688096 RS:0003154 SS-Rag1em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686316 RS:0003023 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686314 RS:0003022 SS-Rasgrp3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688100 RS:0003184 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000012 body weight 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 12743611 RS:0004313 SS-Renem1Mcwi+/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688102 RS:0003155 SS-Renem1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686320 RS:0003025 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686322 RS:0003031 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000109 blood B lymphocyte count 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000110 blood T lymphocyte count 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0001495 blood mononuclear cell count 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0003166 blood regulatory T cell count to total T cell count ratio 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0003165 kidney total CD45 positive leukocyte count 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0003167 spleen regulatory T cell count to total T cell count ratio 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000147 spleen weight 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686318 RS:0003024 SS-Sh2b3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686766 RS:0003092 SS-Sh2b3em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 11553862 RS:0004231 SS-Shc1em1Mcwi CMO:0003725 renal afferent arteriole diameter 11553914 RS:0004233 SS-Shc1em4Mcwi CMO:0003725 renal afferent arteriole diameter 11553916 RS:0004234 SS-Shc1em5Mcwi CMO:0003725 renal afferent arteriole diameter 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686770 RS:0003094 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686768 RS:0003093 SS-Slc30a8em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686776 RS:0003096 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686772 RS:0003095 SS-Slc30a8em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003189 fully muscularized arterioles to total arterioles ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0002950 heart left atrium weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003193 heart left atrium weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0002952 heart right atrium weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003191 heart right atrium weight to left atrium weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003192 heart right atrium weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000777 heart right ventricle weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003280 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle plus septum weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003188 heart right ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000081 kidney weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000335 left atrium weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000092 liver weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0002995 liver weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000096 lung weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003144 lung weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003285 mean aortic pressure 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003190 non-muscularized arterioles to total arterioles ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000336 right atrium weight 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003281 right ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000450 tibia length 1599758 RS:0001480 SS-Sod3m1Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686780 RS:0003098 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686782 RS:0003099 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686778 RS:0003097 SS-Stk39em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686786 RS:0003101 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686788 RS:0003102 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686784 RS:0003100 SS-Tcf7l2em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688113 RS:0003186 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688111 RS:0003157 SS-Tfdp2em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2290429 RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2290429 RS:0001482 SS-Tg(ApoC3-CETP)53Opaz CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688119 RS:0003129 SS-Tgfb1em3Mcwi+/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688123 RS:0003188 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688121 RS:0003158 SS-Ube2q2em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686792 RS:0003104 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686794 RS:0003105 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686790 RS:0003103 SS-Ulk3em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686328 RS:0003027 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686330 RS:0003028 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686326 RS:0003026 SS-Ulk3em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688125 RS:0003159 SS-Ulk4em3Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686799 RS:0003107 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686797 RS:0003106 SS-Wdr72em1Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686335 RS:0003030 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5686332 RS:0003029 SS-Wdr72em2Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12802367 RS:0004400 SS.BN-(2340-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802367 RS:0004400 SS.BN-(2340-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 629510 RS:0000813 SS.BN-(D12Arb13-D12Rat79)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 7248456 RS:0000298 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3- D12Got29)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7248453 RS:0000368 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3-AU047911)/Mcwi CMO:0000979 artery wall thickness to artery inner diameter ratio 7248453 RS:0000368 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc3-AU047911)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7248454 RS:0000132 SS.BN-(D12Hmgc7-D12Hmgc6)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792944 RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792944 RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792944 RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792944 RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792944 RS:0004376 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792946 RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792946 RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792946 RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792946 RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792946 RS:0004378 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc354)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792947 RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792947 RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792947 RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792947 RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792947 RS:0004379 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc497)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792949 RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792949 RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792949 RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792949 RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792949 RS:0004381 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792948 RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792948 RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792948 RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792948 RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792948 RS:0004380 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792945 RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792945 RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792945 RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792945 RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792945 RS:0004377 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat130)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792939 RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792939 RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792939 RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792939 RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792939 RS:0004375 SS.BN-(D13Got42-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792226 RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792226 RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792226 RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792226 RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792226 RS:0004368 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792954 RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792954 RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792954 RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792954 RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792954 RS:0004386 SS.BN-(D13Got45-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303010 RS:0001729 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303010 RS:0001729 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303011 RS:0001730 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat57)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303011 RS:0001730 SS.BN-(D13Got51-D13Rat57)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792214 RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792214 RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792214 RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792214 RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792214 RS:0004372 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792217 RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792217 RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792217 RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792217 RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792217 RS:0004374 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1041-D13Hmgc885)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792212 RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792212 RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792212 RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792212 RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792212 RS:0004370 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1045)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792213 RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792213 RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792213 RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792213 RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792213 RS:0004371 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc1050)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792211 RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792211 RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792211 RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792211 RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792211 RS:0004369 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc1048-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12798530 RS:0004388 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc115-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798530 RS:0004388 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc115-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12792952 RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792952 RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792952 RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792952 RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792952 RS:0004384 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc354-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12798529 RS:0004387 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc37-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798529 RS:0004387 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc37-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12798532 RS:0004390 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc40-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798532 RS:0004390 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc40-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6907436 RS:0003364 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 6907436 RS:0003364 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc41-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 12792951 RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792951 RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792951 RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792951 RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792951 RS:0004383 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc5885-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12802366 RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 12802366 RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802366 RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802366 RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802366 RS:0004398 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-4582)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12802365 RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 12802365 RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802365 RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802365 RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802365 RS:0004397 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-D13Hmgc23)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 2293145 RS:0001486 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc64-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12798533 RS:0004391 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc85-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798533 RS:0004391 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc85-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12798531 RS:0004389 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc86-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798531 RS:0004389 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc86-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12792216 RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792216 RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792216 RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792216 RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792216 RS:0004373 SS.BN-(D13Hmgc885-D13Hmgc664)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792950 RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792950 RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792950 RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792950 RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792950 RS:0004382 SS.BN-(D13Mit5-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303006 RS:0001725 SS.BN-(D13Rat101-D13Rat46)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303006 RS:0001725 SS.BN-(D13Rat101-D13Rat46)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302985 RS:0001709 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302985 RS:0001709 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302985 RS:0001709 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12798538 RS:0004396 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc85)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798538 RS:0004396 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc85)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12798536 RS:0004394 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc86)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798536 RS:0004394 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Hmgc86)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 12798535 RS:0004393 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat115)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798535 RS:0004393 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat115)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2303001 RS:0001720 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303001 RS:0001720 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12798537 RS:0004395 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat20)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798537 RS:0004395 SS.BN-(D13Rat111-D13Rat20)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2303004 RS:0001723 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303004 RS:0001723 SS.BN-(D13Rat115-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303002 RS:0001721 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303002 RS:0001721 SS.BN-(D13Rat123-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 6907445 RS:0003366 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Rat101)/Mcwi CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 6907445 RS:0003366 SS.BN-(D13Rat124-D13Rat101)/Mcwi CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 2303007 RS:0001726 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat46)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303007 RS:0001726 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat46)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302994 RS:0001713 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302994 RS:0001713 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat61)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303005 RS:0001724 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat77)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303005 RS:0001724 SS.BN-(D13Rat127-D13Rat77)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12792953 RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 12792953 RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 12792953 RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12792953 RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 12792953 RS:0004385 SS.BN-(D13Rat130-D13Rat32)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302984 RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2302984 RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 2302984 RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302984 RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2302984 RS:0001711 SS.BN-(D13Rat151-D13Rat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302999 RS:0001718 SS.BN-(D13Rat178-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302999 RS:0001718 SS.BN-(D13Rat178-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303009 RS:0001728 SS.BN-(D13Rat183-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303009 RS:0001728 SS.BN-(D13Rat183-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2293146 RS:0001488 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2293146 RS:0001488 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2293146 RS:0001488 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688061 RS:0003147 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi+/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000012 body weight 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688063 RS:0003148 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/+ CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000002 heart rate 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 5688059 RS:0003146 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Got22)/Mcwi-Nckap5em4Mcwi-/- CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2293143 RS:0001489 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2293143 RS:0001489 SS.BN-(D13Rat20-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12802362 RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 12802362 RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802362 RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802362 RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 12802362 RS:0004399 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-RN34_13048990782)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12802363 RS:0004401 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802363 RS:0004401 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs106935835)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12802364 RS:0004402 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12802364 RS:0004402 SS.BN-(D13Rat25-rs198199323)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302989 RS:0001712 SS.BN-(D13Rat57-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302989 RS:0001712 SS.BN-(D13Rat57-D13Rat192)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303008 RS:0001727 SS.BN-(D13Rat61-D13GRat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303008 RS:0001727 SS.BN-(D13Rat61-D13GRat197)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2303003 RS:0001722 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303003 RS:0001722 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat127)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302987 RS:0001708 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat60)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302987 RS:0001708 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat60)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2302996 RS:0001715 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat88)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302996 RS:0001715 SS.BN-(D13Rat7-D13Rat88)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 12798534 RS:0004392 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 12798534 RS:0004392 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Got22)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6907438 RS:0003365 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Rat105)/Mcwi CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 6907438 RS:0003365 SS.BN-(D13Rat77-D13Rat105)/Mcwi CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 2302997 RS:0001716 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2302997 RS:0001716 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Got45)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 2293144 RS:0001490 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Rat179)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2293144 RS:0001490 SS.BN-(D13Rat91-D13Rat179)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 4145091 RS:0002482 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 4145091 RS:0002482 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 4145091 RS:0002482 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Arb3)/Mcwi CMO:0003809 ratio of deaths related to DMBA toxicity to total study population during a period of time 4145090 RS:0002481 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Got171)/Mcwi CMO:0003809 ratio of deaths related to DMBA toxicity to total study population during a period of time 4145089 RS:0002480 SS.BN-(D6Rat149-D6Rat18)/Mcwi CMO:0003809 ratio of deaths related to DMBA toxicity to total study population during a period of time 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358160 RS:0000815 SS.BN-(D8Rat163-D8Rat81)/Mcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 631605 RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 631605 RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631605 RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631605 RS:0000846 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Got101)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642287 RS:0001504 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642287 RS:0001504 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642287 RS:0001504 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642287 RS:0001504 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Mco84)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642279 RS:0001505 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642279 RS:0001505 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642279 RS:0001505 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642279 RS:0001505 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat161)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642285 RS:0001506 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642285 RS:0001506 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642285 RS:0001506 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642285 RS:0001506 SS.LEW-(D10Arb9-D10Rat57)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292389 RS:0001508 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Chm14)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551714 RS:0003651 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551718 RS:0003653 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000420 body weight gain 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0001243 cerebrospinal fluid chloride level 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0002036 change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0002037 maximum change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1579903 RS:0001507 SS.LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579898 RS:0001510 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm121)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579907 RS:0001509 SS.LEW-(D10Chm128-D10Chm169)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292386 RS:0001511 SS.LEW-(D10Chm155-D10Rat127)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292384 RS:0001512 SS.LEW-(D10Chm167-D10Chm257)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579913 RS:0001515 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm222)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292387 RS:0001516 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm259)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579901 RS:0001513 SS.LEW-(D10Chm224-D10Chm6)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292388 RS:0001517 SS.LEW-(D10Chm246-D10Chm257)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8657135 RS:0003776 SS.LEW-(D10Chm280-D10Chm216)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325798 RS:0002417 SS.LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 631220 RS:0000844 SS.LEW-(D10Mco1-D10Mco31)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1642970 RS:0001520 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642970 RS:0001520 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642970 RS:0001520 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642970 RS:0001520 SS.LEW-(D10Mco113-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728396 RS:0000845 SS.LEW-(D10Mco15-D10Mgh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292385 RS:0001521 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got107)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579914 RS:0001522 SS.LEW-(D10Mco30-D10Got92)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1641872 RS:0001523 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mco41)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1641853 RS:0001524 SS.LEW-(D10Mco38-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642272 RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642272 RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642272 RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642272 RS:0001519 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642971 RS:0001525 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642971 RS:0001525 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642971 RS:0001525 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642971 RS:0001525 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco129)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642969 RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642969 RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642969 RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642969 RS:0001526 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco134)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642972 RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642972 RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642972 RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642972 RS:0001527 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Mco143)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642968 RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642968 RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642968 RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642968 RS:0001528 SS.LEW-(D10Mco84-D10Rat58)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642288 RS:0001529 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642288 RS:0001529 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642288 RS:0001529 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642288 RS:0001529 SS.LEW-(D10Mco89-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641849 RS:0001530 SS.LEW-(D10Mit1-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734480 RS:0000884 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 734480 RS:0000884 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734480 RS:0000884 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734480 RS:0000884 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Mgh1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641866 RS:0001531 SS.LEW-(D10Mit10-D10Rat24)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728140 RS:0000819 SS.LEW-(D10Rat11-D10Mgh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728388 RS:0000848 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Mgh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728386 RS:0000849 SS.LEW-(D10Rat119-D10Rat133)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551711 RS:0003650 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551716 RS:0003652 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2292390 RS:0001514 SS.LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579894 RS:0001532 SS.LEW-(D10Rat204-D10Rat9)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728384 RS:0000852 SS.LEW-(D10Rat24-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 724577 RS:0000853 SS.LEW-(D10Rat27-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1642283 RS:0001518 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642283 RS:0001518 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642283 RS:0001518 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642283 RS:0001518 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Got93)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1642275 RS:0001533 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1642275 RS:0001533 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1642275 RS:0001533 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1642275 RS:0001533 SS.LEW-(D10Rat29-D10Mco88)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728394 RS:0000854 SS.LEW-(D10Rat55-D10Rat13)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 724572 RS:0000856 SS.LEW-(D10Wox51-D10Rat27)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325801 RS:0002418 SS.LEW-(D16Chm36-D16Mit2)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 8551742 RS:0003663 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)(D18Rat101-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421612 RS:0003583 SS.LEW-(D16Chm48-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301247 RS:0001644 SS.LEW-(D16Got3-D16Rat112)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358168 RS:0000857 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631585 RS:0000822 SS.LEW-(D16Mit2-D16Rat12)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325803 RS:0002419 SS.LEW-(D16Rat112-D16Chm60)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358150 RS:0000859 SS.LEW-(D16Rat12-D16Chm23)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358161 RS:0000860 SS.LEW-(D16Rat38-D16Chm66)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728148 RS:0000823 SS.LEW-(D16Uia2-D16Rat12)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551732 RS:0003659 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551734 RS:0003660 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421621 RS:0003586 SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000420 body weight gain 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0001243 cerebrospinal fluid chloride level 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0002036 change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0002037 maximum change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1559035 RS:0001491 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 7421617 RS:0003584 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat65)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559034 RS:0001492 SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421619 RS:0003585 SS.LEW-(D17Chm85-D17Chm71)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559037 RS:0001493 SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734473 RS:0000861 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 734473 RS:0000861 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000073 calculated heart weight 734473 RS:0000861 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734473 RS:0000861 SS.LEW-(D17Mco3-D17Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1559032 RS:0001494 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1559033 RS:0001495 SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-Prl)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421623 RS:0003587 SS.LEW-(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8657079 RS:0003775 SS.LEW-(D18Chm124-D18Chm126)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301383 RS:0001656 SS.LEW-(D18Chm31-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301384 RS:0001657 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301381 RS:0001654 SS.LEW-(D18Chm41-D18Rat92)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301388 RS:0001661 SS.LEW-(D18Chm56-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551789 RS:0003681 SS.LEW-(D18Chm59-D18Rat1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551782 RS:0003678 SS.LEW-(D18Chm90-D18Chm4)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301382 RS:0001655 SS.LEW-(D18Chm91-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301385 RS:0001658 SS.LEW-(D18Rat29-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301249 RS:0001646 SS.LEW-(D18Rat30-D18Chm29)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551787 RS:0003680 SS.LEW-(D18Rat55-D18Mgh2)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301386 RS:0001659 SS.LEW-(D18Rat61-D18Rat45)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2301387 RS:0001660 SS.LEW-(D18Rat67-D18Rat55)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551785 RS:0003679 SS.LEW-(D18Wox7-D18Rat67)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551755 RS:0003668 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421599 RS:0003578 SS.LEW-(D1Chm64-D1Rat19)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2316653 RS:0002372 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Got46)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2316653 RS:0002372 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Got46)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2316654 RS:0002373 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/1Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2316654 RS:0002373 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/1Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2316655 RS:0002374 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/2Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2316655 RS:0002374 SS.LEW-(D1Mco102-D1Mco129)/2Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685797 RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 9685797 RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 9685797 RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 9685797 RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 9685797 RS:0003864 SS.LEW-(D1Mco134-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 734481 RS:0000862 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Mco35)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 734481 RS:0000862 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Mco35)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734481 RS:0000862 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Mco35)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 734479 RS:0000863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 734479 RS:0000863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734479 RS:0000863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734479 RS:0000863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000002 heart rate 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 2292653 RS:0001534 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco101)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685785 RS:0003859 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco54)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685791 RS:0003861 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco61)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292648 RS:0001496 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292648 RS:0001496 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292648 RS:0001496 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292648 RS:0001496 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292647 RS:0001497 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292647 RS:0001497 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292647 RS:0001497 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292647 RS:0001497 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat106)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292649 RS:0001498 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292649 RS:0001498 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292649 RS:0001498 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292649 RS:0001498 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/1Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292650 RS:0001499 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292650 RS:0001499 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292650 RS:0001499 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292650 RS:0001499 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat131)/2Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685787 RS:0003860 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat200)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728159 RS:0000830 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728159 RS:0000830 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728159 RS:0000830 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728159 RS:0000830 SS.LEW-(D1Mco36-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728143 RS:0000827 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728143 RS:0000827 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728143 RS:0000827 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728143 RS:0000827 SS.LEW-(D1Mco38-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357975 RS:0000866 SS.LEW-(D1Mco4-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685795 RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 9685795 RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 9685795 RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 9685795 RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 9685795 RS:0003863 SS.LEW-(D1Mco55-D1Wox6)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357983 RS:0000867 SS.LEW-(D1Mco75-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357977 RS:0000868 SS.LEW-(D1Mco8-D1Rat213)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292652 RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292652 RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292652 RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292652 RS:0001500 SS.LEW-(D1Mco85-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728162 RS:0000829 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728162 RS:0000829 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728162 RS:0000829 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728162 RS:0000829 SS.LEW-(D1Mco87-D1Rat71)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2292651 RS:0001501 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2292651 RS:0001501 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2292651 RS:0001501 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2292651 RS:0001501 SS.LEW-(D1Mco99-D1Rat49)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728165 RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728165 RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728165 RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728165 RS:0000824 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mco36)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728152 RS:0000825 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728152 RS:0000825 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728152 RS:0000825 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728152 RS:0000825 SS.LEW-(D1Rat196-D1Mgh7)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000012 body weight 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 9685793 RS:0003862 SS.LEW-(D1Rat200-D1Mco136)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000002 heart rate 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 731190 RS:0000870 SS.LEW-(D1Rat211-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 8551752 RS:0003667 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421603 RS:0003579 SS.LEW-(D1Rat320-D1Mgh32)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728134 RS:0000831 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728134 RS:0000831 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728134 RS:0000831 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728134 RS:0000831 SS.LEW-(D1Rat35-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728163 RS:0000828 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 728163 RS:0000828 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 728163 RS:0000828 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 728163 RS:0000828 SS.LEW-(D1Uia2-D1Rat49)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 8551750 RS:0003666 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421606 RS:0003581 SS.LEW-(D1Uia4-D1Rat320)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631571 RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 631571 RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631571 RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631571 RS:0000871 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Mco38)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4107063 RS:0002424 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 4107063 RS:0002424 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 4107063 RS:0002424 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107063 RS:0002424 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat124)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357987 RS:0000865 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1357987 RS:0000865 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357987 RS:0000865 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1357987 RS:0000865 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat18)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357986 RS:0000875 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat211)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4107065 RS:0002425 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 4107065 RS:0002425 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 4107065 RS:0002425 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107065 RS:0002425 SS.LEW-(D1Uia8-D1Rat213)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579896 RS:0001535 SS.LEW-(D2Rat18-D2Chm277)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1549794 RS:0000876 SS.LEW-(D2Rat199-D2Mco17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551737 RS:0003661 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551739 RS:0003662 SS.LEW-(D2Uia5-D2Mit6)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 731194 RS:0000879 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 731194 RS:0000879 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 731194 RS:0000879 SS.LEW-(D3Chm64-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301248 RS:0001645 SS.LEW-(D3Got33-D3Chm68)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357981 RS:0000880 SS.LEW-(D3Mco21-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 8551730 RS:0003658 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551727 RS:0003657 SS.LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2325796 RS:0002416 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm57)/Ayd CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 1357982 RS:0000881 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm63)/Ayd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1357982 RS:0000881 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm63)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357982 RS:0000881 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Chm63)/Ayd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 731192 RS:0000882 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat130)/Ayd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357988 RS:0000878 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1357988 RS:0000878 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357988 RS:0000878 SS.LEW-(D3Rat52-D3Rat17)/Ayd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2301246 RS:0001643 SS.LEW-(D3Rat61-D3Wox1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7794706 RS:0003613 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794700 RS:0003611 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco41)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7777140 RS:0003604 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794691 RS:0003607 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794698 RS:0003610 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7777135 RS:0003602 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/1Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7777143 RS:0003605 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/2Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794694 RS:0003608 SS.LEW-(D5Mco39-D5Mco57)/3Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7777138 RS:0003603 SS.LEW-(D5Mco41-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7777180 RS:0003606 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/1Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794704 RS:0003612 SS.LEW-(D5Mco42-D5Mco47)/2Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7794696 RS:0003609 SS.LEW-(D5Mco43-D5Mco47)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7421610 RS:0003582 SS.LEW-(D5Mit5-D5M4Mit14)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734474 RS:0000883 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 734474 RS:0000883 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000073 calculated heart weight 734474 RS:0000883 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 734474 RS:0000883 SS.LEW-(D5Mit9-D5Mco10)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579902 RS:0001536 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat108)/JrMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579899 RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 1579899 RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579899 RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi CMO:0000908 renal arterial blood flow rate 1579899 RS:0001537 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat31)/JrMcwi CMO:0001850 urine fractional sodium excretion 1579911 RS:0001538 SS.LEW-(D5Rat130-D5Rat72)/Mcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 4891048 RS:0000211 SS.LEW-(D7Rat73-D7Rat128)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551757 RS:0003669 SS.LEW-(D7Uia3-D7Mgh1)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551725 RS:0003656 SS.LEW-(D8Chm12-D8Rat15)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357180 RS:0000841 SS.LEW-(D8Chm14-D8Rat16)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357189 RS:0000840 SS.LEW-(D8Rat56-D8Rat51)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551721 RS:0003654 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551723 RS:0003655 SS.LEW-(D8Rat58-D8Chm12)(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1549808 RS:0000885 SS.LEW-(Prlr-D2Rat143)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357190 RS:0000886 SS.MNS-(Adh1-D2Mit5)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357190 RS:0000886 SS.MNS-(Adh1-D2Mit5)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357195 RS:0000895 SS.MNS-(Aldoc-D10Mco1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357195 RS:0000895 SS.MNS-(Aldoc-D10Mco1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641859 RS:0001539 SS.MNS-(D10Bra1-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631587 RS:0000892 SS.MNS-(D10M11Mit119-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631587 RS:0000892 SS.MNS-(D10M11Mit119-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357183 RS:0000893 SS.MNS-(D10Mco10-Aldoc)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1357183 RS:0000893 SS.MNS-(D10Mco10-Aldoc)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631586 RS:0000888 SS.MNS-(D10Mco14-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631586 RS:0000888 SS.MNS-(D10Mco14-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289916 RS:0001541 SS.MNS-(D10Mco15-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289824 RS:0001544 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289824 RS:0001544 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289824 RS:0001544 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289824 RS:0001544 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got101)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289822 RS:0001545 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289822 RS:0001545 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289822 RS:0001545 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289822 RS:0001545 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got112)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289820 RS:0001546 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289820 RS:0001546 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289820 RS:0001546 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289820 RS:0001546 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/1Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289826 RS:0001547 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289826 RS:0001547 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289826 RS:0001547 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289826 RS:0001547 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/2Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289821 RS:0001548 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289821 RS:0001548 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289821 RS:0001548 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289821 RS:0001548 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Got91)/3Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289827 RS:0001543 SS.MNS-(D10Mco30-D10Mco31)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1641869 RS:0001549 SS.MNS-(D10Mco31-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289819 RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289819 RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289819 RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289819 RS:0001550 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Got99)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2289823 RS:0001551 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2289823 RS:0001551 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289823 RS:0001551 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2289823 RS:0001551 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco30)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1641871 RS:0001542 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mco31)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1641860 RS:0001552 SS.MNS-(D10Mco62-D10Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289917 RS:0001553 SS.MNS-(D10Mco70-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631606 RS:0001540 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Mit11)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289913 RS:0001554 SS.MNS-(D10Rat13-D10Rat12)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2289825 RS:0001555 SS.MNS-(D10Rat24-D10Mco31)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7421649 RS:0003595 SS.MNS-(D2Chm153-D2Chm410)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421647 RS:0003594 SS.MNS-(D2Chm161-D2Chm410)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358177 RS:0000898 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Mit14)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358169 RS:0000899 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358172 RS:0000900 SS.MNS-(D2Chm25-Fgg)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421643 RS:0003592 SS.MNS-(D2Chm254-D2Chm161)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551774 RS:0003675 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551772 RS:0003674 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551776 RS:0003676 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551778 RS:0003677 SS.MNS-(D2Chm33-Tm2sf1),LEW-(D3Rat2-D3Chm79)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421654 RS:0003597 SS.MNS-(D2Chm366-D2Rat52)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421638 RS:0003590 SS.MNS-(D2Chm381-D2Chm225)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421651 RS:0003596 SS.MNS-(D2Chm442-D2Chm410)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358165 RS:0000902 SS.MNS-(D2Chm51-D2Rat341)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551759 RS:0003670 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551761 RS:0003671 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38),LEW-(D10Got112-Igfbp4)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421636 RS:0003589 SS.MNS-(D2Chm90-D2Rat38)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421634 RS:0003588 SS.MNS-(D2Got93-D2Rat222)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728172 RS:0000889 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0001646 aorta smooth muscle cell count per unit vessel length 728172 RS:0000889 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0001649 heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 728172 RS:0000889 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0001652 heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 728172 RS:0000889 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357984 RS:0000901 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd CMO:0001646 aorta smooth muscle cell count per unit vessel length 1357984 RS:0000901 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd CMO:0001649 heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357984 RS:0000901 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd CMO:0001652 heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357984 RS:0000901 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat166)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0001646 aorta smooth muscle cell count per unit vessel length 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0000716 blood vessel contractile force measurement 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0001649 heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0001652 heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0001658 logarithm of the concentration of angiotensin II at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357978 RS:0000903 SS.MNS-(D2Mit6-D2Rat303)/Ayd CMO:0001656 receptor-dependent blood vessel maximum contractile force to receptor-independent blood vessel maximum contractile force ratio 7421640 RS:0003591 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm161)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551766 RS:0003673 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Chm10-D10Rat11)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 8551763 RS:0003672 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419),LEW-(D10Rat194-D10Chm243)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7421645 RS:0003593 SS.MNS-(D2Rat155-D2Chm419)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358156 RS:0000904 SS.MNS-(D2Rat183-D2Chm113)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000012 body weight 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358167 RS:0000905 SS.MNS-(D2Wox27-Adh1)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 728170 RS:0000890 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Mit14)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1357979 RS:0000906 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0001646 aorta smooth muscle cell count per unit vessel length 1357979 RS:0000906 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0001649 heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357979 RS:0000906 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0001652 heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 1357979 RS:0000906 SS.MNS-(Mme-D2Rat131)/Ayd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579697 RS:0001556 SS.SHR-(D13Rat63-D13Mit1)/Mco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000258 urine pH 1579703 RS:0001559 SS.SHR-(D2Rat61-D2Mco18)/Mco CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 2314530 RS:0002200 SS.SHR-(D8Uia1-D8Rat90)/Mco CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 11354926 RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 11354926 RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 11354926 RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 11354926 RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 11354926 RS:0004203 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Got111)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11354928 RS:0004204 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco114)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11354903 RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 11354903 RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 11354903 RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 11354903 RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 11354903 RS:0004201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco121)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11354901 RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 11354901 RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 11354901 RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 11354901 RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 11354901 RS:0004200 SS.SHR-(D9Mco110-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002711 bone section connectivity density 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002706 bone section mineralized tissue surface area 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002705 bone section mineralized tissue volume 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002708 bone section surface density 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002704 bone section total volume 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002712 bone section trabecular number 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002714 bone section trabecular separation 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002713 bone section trabecular thickness 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002707 bone section volume fraction 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0002732 tibia midshaft cortical thickness 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0001716 tibia midshaft endosteal cross-sectional area 11354924 RS:0004202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco113-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0001715 tibia midshaft total cross-sectional area 11354930 RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 11354930 RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000002 heart rate 11354930 RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 11354930 RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 11354930 RS:0004205 SS.SHR-(D9Mco115-D9Mco124)/Bj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0001193 age at time of death 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0001191 heart left ventricle end-diastolic area 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0001192 heart left ventricle end-systolic area 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903925 RS:0003337 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco105)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903922 RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903922 RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903922 RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903922 RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903922 RS:0003336 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco106)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903917 RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903917 RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903917 RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903917 RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903917 RS:0003334 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco109)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000002 heart rate 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303152 RS:0002201 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903914 RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903914 RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903914 RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903914 RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903914 RS:0003333 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat55)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903912 RS:0003332 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat89)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903912 RS:0003332 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Rat89)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903920 RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903920 RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903920 RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903920 RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903920 RS:0003335 SS.SHR-(D9Mco72-D9Uia4)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000002 heart rate 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2303150 RS:0002202 SS.SHR-(D9Mco74-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903928 RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903928 RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903928 RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903928 RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903928 RS:0003338 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Got111)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903934 RS:0003340 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903934 RS:0003340 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903934 RS:0003340 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903934 RS:0003340 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco91)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303153 RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303153 RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303153 RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303153 RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303153 RS:0002203 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Mco93)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903932 RS:0003339 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903932 RS:0003339 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903932 RS:0003339 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903932 RS:0003339 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat52)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903936 RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 6903936 RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903936 RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 6903936 RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903936 RS:0003341 SS.SHR-(D9Rat7-D9Rat84)/Mco CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2303149 RS:0002204 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303149 RS:0002204 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303149 RS:0002204 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303149 RS:0002204 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco73)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303151 RS:0002205 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303151 RS:0002205 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303151 RS:0002205 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303151 RS:0002205 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco77)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303154 RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303154 RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303154 RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303154 RS:0002206 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Mco85)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000002 heart rate 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1579702 RS:0001561 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat64)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303148 RS:0002207 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2303148 RS:0002207 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303148 RS:0002207 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303148 RS:0002207 SS.SHR-(D9Wox16-D9Rat76)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1299869 RS:0000909 SS.SR-(Cyp11b1)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1299869 RS:0000909 SS.SR-(Cyp11b1)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1299869 RS:0000909 SS.SR-(Cyp11b1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737864 RS:0000914 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737864 RS:0000914 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737864 RS:0000914 SS.SR-(D13Mit9-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737867 RS:0000910 SS.SR-(D13N1-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737867 RS:0000910 SS.SR-(D13N1-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7771589 RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 7771589 RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7771589 RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 7771589 RS:0003598 SS.SR-(D2Rat352-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0002303 artery wall thickness to artery total diameter ratio 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306823 RS:0002214 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Mco CMO:0000994 velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0002303 artery wall thickness to artery total diameter ratio 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000012 body weight 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306820 RS:0002213 SS.SR-(D3Arb14-D3Mco36)/Mco CMO:0000994 velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 1559044 RS:0001562 SS.SR-(D3Mco19-D3Mco5)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1559044 RS:0001562 SS.SR-(D3Mco19-D3Mco5)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1559044 RS:0001562 SS.SR-(D3Mco19-D3Mco5)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582187 RS:0001563 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582187 RS:0001563 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582187 RS:0001563 SS.SR-(D3Mco24-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582192 RS:0001564 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got159)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582192 RS:0001564 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got159)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582192 RS:0001564 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got159)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582185 RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582185 RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582185 RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582185 RS:0001565 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Got166)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582188 RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582188 RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582188 RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582188 RS:0001566 SS.SR-(D3Mco36-D3Mco46)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582189 RS:0001567 SS.SR-(D3Mco39-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582189 RS:0001567 SS.SR-(D3Mco39-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582189 RS:0001567 SS.SR-(D3Mco39-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582194 RS:0001568 SS.SR-(D3Mco78-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1582194 RS:0001568 SS.SR-(D3Mco78-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1582194 RS:0001568 SS.SR-(D3Mco78-D3Got130)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0002303 artery wall thickness to artery total diameter ratio 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 2306816 RS:0002208 SS.SR-(D7Mco19-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000994 velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 4107057 RS:0002422 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Rat81)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 4107057 RS:0002422 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Rat81)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107057 RS:0002422 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Rat81)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1299879 RS:0000911 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Wox19)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1299879 RS:0000911 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Wox19)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1299879 RS:0000911 SS.SR-(D7Mco7-D7Wox19)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4107052 RS:0002420 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Mgh5)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 4107052 RS:0002420 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Mgh5)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107052 RS:0002420 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Mgh5)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4107055 RS:0002423 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat176)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 4107055 RS:0002423 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat176)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107055 RS:0002423 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat176)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4107048 RS:0002421 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat189)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 4107048 RS:0002421 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat189)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 4107048 RS:0002421 SS.SR-(D7Rat16-D7Rat189)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1299868 RS:0000912 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 1299868 RS:0000912 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1299868 RS:0000912 SS.SR-(D7Uia1-D7Mco7)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737868 RS:0000913 SS.SR-(Syt2-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737868 RS:0000913 SS.SR-(Syt2-D13Mit1)/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7771600 RS:0003599 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 7771600 RS:0003599 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7771600 RS:0003599 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 7771600 RS:0003599 SS.SR-(rs106870553-rs63922710)/Opaz CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7365043 RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 7365043 RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7365043 RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7365043 RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 7365043 RS:0003553 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs106808193)/Opaz CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 7365040 RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 7365040 RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 7365040 RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 7365040 RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 7365040 RS:0003552 SS.SR-(rs65785750-rs13452155)/Opaz CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737907 RS:0000915 SS.SR-Inha/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 737907 RS:0000915 SS.SR-Inha/Jr CMO:0000073 calculated heart weight 737907 RS:0000915 SS.SR-Inha/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 737907 RS:0000915 SS.SR-Inha/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1357179 RS:0000920 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme),MNS-(D10Mit11-D10M11Mit119)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631607 RS:0000919 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme)/Mco CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631607 RS:0000919 SS.WKY-(D2N35-Mme)/Mco CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002504 E wave deceleration time 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002789 E/A wave ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001199 both kidneys wet weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001123 calculated heart left ventricle weight 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001201 epididymal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0003193 heart left atrium weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0003210 heart left ventricle weight to right ventricle weight ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002993 heart left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure to heart left ventricular end-diastolic diameter ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001198 heart weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002991 inguinal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002995 liver weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002556 myocardial performance index 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002996 pancreas weight to tibia length 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002994 rate-pressure product 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0003803 ratio of survivors of metabolic syndrome to total study population during a period of time 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0002990 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0003215 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001731 tibia straight segment length 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000591 urine protein level 13432151 RS:0004552 SS.ZUC-Leprfa+/+/Slc CMO:0000625 urine total protein level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002504 E wave deceleration time 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002789 E/A wave ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000574 blood alanine aminotransferase activity level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000580 blood aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000012 body weight 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001199 both kidneys wet weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001123 calculated heart left ventricle weight 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001201 epididymal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003193 heart left atrium weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003210 heart left ventricle weight to right ventricle weight ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002993 heart left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure to heart left ventricular end-diastolic diameter ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000238 heart posterior wall thickness 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000002 heart rate 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001198 heart weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002991 inguinal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002995 liver weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003286 mesenteric fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002556 myocardial performance index 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002996 pancreas weight to tibia length 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002994 rate-pressure product 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003803 ratio of survivors of metabolic syndrome to total study population during a period of time 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0002990 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000583 serum adiponectin level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000362 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003215 serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001731 tibia straight segment length 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000591 urine protein level 13432148 RS:0004550 SS.ZUC-Leprfa-/-/Slc CMO:0000625 urine total protein level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000012 body weight 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000420 body weight gain 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0001245 calculated plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0001243 cerebrospinal fluid chloride level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003898 cerebrospinal fluid potassium level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0001244 cerebrospinal fluid sodium level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003893 change in RSNA to change in MAP ratio 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0001246 cubic root of body weight to nasoanal length ratio 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000002 heart rate 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000037 hematocrit 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003897 mean arterial pressure at the midpoint of a range of heart rates 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003894 mean arterial pressure at the midpoint of a range of renal sympathetic nerve activity 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003892 range of RSNA changes during variation of MAP 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0003896 range of heart rate variation during variation of mean arterial blood pressure 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 634365 RS:0000922 SS/Hsd CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002538 absolute change in hematocrit 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001197 body weight to tibia length ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001199 both kidneys wet weight to tibia length ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001201 epididymal fat pad weight to tibia length ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000427 food intake rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001198 heart weight to tibia length ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0001400 maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002459 phenylephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force at baseline 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002460 potassium chloride-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force at baseline 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000450 tibia length 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0003663 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2308886 RS:0002215 SS/HsdMcwiCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001193 age at time of death 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001646 aorta smooth muscle cell count per unit vessel length 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002303 artery wall thickness to artery total diameter ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000501 blood uric acid level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000716 blood vessel contractile force measurement 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000012 body weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000420 body weight gain 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002711 bone section connectivity density 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002706 bone section mineralized tissue surface area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002705 bone section mineralized tissue volume 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002708 bone section surface density 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002704 bone section total volume 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002712 bone section trabecular number 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002714 bone section trabecular separation 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002713 bone section trabecular thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002707 bone section volume fraction 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003859 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell K+ import rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003858 bumetanide-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000073 calculated heart weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000160 calculated kidney weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001243 cerebrospinal fluid chloride level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002036 change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001482 heart isovolumetric relaxation time 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001486 heart left atrium end-diastolic diameter 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001485 heart left atrium end-systolic diameter 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001488 heart left atrium fractional shortening 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000986 heart left ventricle anterior wall thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001649 heart left ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001191 heart left ventricle end-diastolic area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001192 heart left ventricle end-systolic area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000239 heart left ventricle posterior wall thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000002 heart rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001652 heart right ventricle deoxyribonucleic acid content to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000017 heart weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001658 logarithm of the concentration of angiotensin II at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002037 maximum change in heart rate to change in mean arterial blood pressure ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003287 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure to left ventricular systolic blood pressure ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003288 minimum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003861 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell K+ import rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003860 ouabain- and bumetanide-resistant red blood cell Na+ import rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003857 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell K+ import rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003856 ouabain-sensitive red blood cell Na+ export rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001481 peak aortic velocity 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001656 receptor-dependent blood vessel maximum contractile force to receptor-independent blood vessel maximum contractile force ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0003770 red blood cell sodium level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000289 respiration rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0002732 tibia midshaft cortical thickness 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001716 tibia midshaft endosteal cross-sectional area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001715 tibia midshaft total cross-sectional area 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 10041 RS:0000817 SS/Jr CMO:0000994 velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0003212 adrenal angiotensin II type 1 receptor density 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002674 average horizontal distance between subject and target during voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002678 difference between time of physical contact/close proximity of test subject and social stimulus during sample phase and test phase 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0001493 distance moved per unit of time into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0003377 glomerular angiotensin II type 1 receptor density 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000959 percentage of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000563 plasma estradiol level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0001174 serum corticosterone level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002906 serum vasopressin level 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0003839 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in pursuit of a target in an experimental apparatus 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002907 urine phosphate excretion rate 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002908 urine urea excretion rate 1582190 RS:0001481 SS/JrHsd CMO:0002416 uterus weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000109 blood B lymphocyte count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000110 blood T lymphocyte count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001495 blood mononuclear cell count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000379 blood pH 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003166 blood regulatory T cell count to total T cell count ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000078 body length, nose to tail 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000015 body temperature 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000197 cardiac output 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002967 extensor digitorum longus muscle weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003189 fully muscularized arterioles to total arterioles ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002944 glomerular filtration rate to kidney weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002950 heart left atrium weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003193 heart left atrium weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002597 heart left ventricle end-diastolic posterior wall thickness 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002496 heart left ventricle end-diastolic anterior wall thickness 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000002 heart rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002952 heart right atrium weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003191 heart right atrium weight to left atrium weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003192 heart right atrium weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000777 heart right ventricle weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003280 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle plus septum weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003188 heart right ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003165 kidney total CD45 positive leukocyte count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003163 kidney total CD3 positive T cell count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000081 kidney weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000335 left atrium weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000092 liver weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002995 liver weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000096 lung weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003144 lung weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003285 mean aortic pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001128 middle cerebral artery inner diameter 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003190 non-muscularized arterioles to total arterioles ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001190 percent change in middle cerebral artery inner diameter 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001927 plasma interleukin-6 level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000345 post-insult time to mammary tumor formation 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001897 ratio of change in renal blood flow rate to kidney weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003725 renal afferent arteriole diameter 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000908 renal arterial blood flow rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000289 respiration rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000336 right atrium weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003281 right ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003145 single kidney weight to tibia length ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0003167 spleen regulatory T cell count to total T cell count ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000147 spleen weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000223 stroke volume 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000855 thymus wet weight 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000450 tibia length 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002966 tibialis anterior muscle weight to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000222 tidal volume 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000764 urine creatinine excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001850 urine fractional sodium excretion 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0002949 urine podocalyxin excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000625 urine total protein level 61499 RS:0000811 SS/JrHsdMcwi CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000012 body weight 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 737912 RS:0000923 SS/JrIpcv CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631695 RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb CMO:0000012 body weight 631695 RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb CMO:0000914 heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio 631695 RS:0000925 SS/JrRkb CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000015 body temperature 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000012 body weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0001840 heart left ventricle end-systolic posterior wall thickness 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000988 heart left ventricle relative wall thickness 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000002 heart rate 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0001546 myocardial clearance rate 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0001545 myocardial flow rate 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000029 platelet count 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2325202 RS:0002409 SS/JrSeac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000012 body weight 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0002070 creatinine clearance to total kidney weight ratio 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000002 heart rate 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000258 urine pH 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 724573 RS:0000924 SS/JrTol CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000221 end-diastolic volume 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000181 end-systolic volume 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002912 heart left ventricle diastolic volume-axis intercept 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002909 heart left ventricle end-diastolic elastance 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002910 heart left ventricle end-systolic elastance 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0003869 heart left ventricle plus septum weight to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002913 heart left ventricle systolic volume-axis intercept 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000017 heart weight 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002918 kidney cortical adrenomedullin level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002917 kidney medullary adrenomedullin level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000081 kidney weight 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000328 neuron count 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002959 number of nucleated cells per kidney glomerulus 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002404 ratio of change in renal sympathetic nerve activity 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0003487 serum NAG activity level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001037 time to first movement outside a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0002958 urine aldosterone excretion rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0001902 urine total protein excretion rate to body weight ratio 6903879 RS:0003328 SS/NEisSlc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000037 hematocrit 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000642 litter size 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000062 plasma bicarbonate level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000065 plasma calcium level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0002243 plasma creatine kinase activity level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0002401 plasma globulin level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000217 plasma magnesium level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0003878 plasma urea level 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 151356957 RS:0005133 Sah:SD CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000538 blood creatinine level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000117 blood free fatty acids level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0002898 blood glycated albumin level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000052 blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000053 blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000051 blood total cholesterol level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000118 blood triglyceride level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0002896 urine 3-hydroxybutyrate level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0002897 urine acetoacetone level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0000383 urine glucose level 2314928 RS:0002216 Slc:W CMO:0002698 urine ketone body level 151347873 RS:0005130 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 151347873 RS:0005130 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ CMO:0000012 body weight 151347873 RS:0005130 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 151347873 RS:0005130 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa+ CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 12859278 RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 12859278 RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- CMO:0000012 body weight 12859278 RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 12859278 RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 12859278 RS:0004403 Slc:ZUC-Leprfa-/- CMO:0003608 plasma triglyceride level area under curve 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000012 body weight 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0001166 kidney glomerulus diameter 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000084 single kidney wet weight 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1579693 RS:0001576 T2DN/Mcwi CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000015 body temperature 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000012 body weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000002 heart rate 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000029 platelet count 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68147 RS:0000931 THE/Utp CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000015 body temperature 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000012 body weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000002 heart rate 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000029 platelet count 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68148 RS:0000932 TLE/Utp CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302623 RS:0000934 TM/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302655 RS:0000938 TO/Hkm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68152 RS:0000937 TO/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302702 RS:0000940 TRM/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302679 RS:0000941 TRMR/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302674 RS:0000953 VF/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 8655992 RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin CMO:0000012 body weight 8655992 RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin CMO:0000427 food intake rate 8655992 RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 8655992 RS:0003774 W-LeprfaNin CMO:0002456 plasma retinol level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000012 body weight 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000420 body weight gain 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0003846 hepatic extraction fraction 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000092 liver weight 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000633 liver weight to body weight ratio 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0002448 plasma malondialdehyde level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0002245 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level to alanine aminotransferase activity level ratio 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0002241 serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0003841 serum non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0002041 serum uric acid level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0003845 urine 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine level 41404661 RS:0004852 W/Jpe CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0003593 capillary number to soleus muscle fiber number ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0003591 soleus muscle weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0003592 soleus muscle weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302672 RS:0000963 W/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 8655977 RS:0003771 W/Nin CMO:0000012 body weight 8655977 RS:0003771 W/Nin CMO:0000427 food intake rate 8655977 RS:0003771 W/Nin CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 8655977 RS:0003771 W/Nin CMO:0002456 plasma retinol level 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0001661 femur cross-sectional area 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0001674 femur stiffness 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0001677 femur total energy absorbed before break 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0002824 serum osteocalcin level 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0002820 serum type I collagen C-terminal telopeptide level 152995284 RS:0005145 W/Nov CMO:0003891 total bone mineral density 61008 RS:0000967 WAG CMO:0000012 body weight 61008 RS:0000967 WAG CMO:0003567 measurement of minimal mechanical stimulus needed to elicit evasive reaction 61008 RS:0000967 WAG CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003534 CD11b/c+ splenocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003540 CD11b/c+ splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003539 CD3+ splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003517 CD3+ thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003530 CD4+CD25+ thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003537 CD4+CD25- splenocyte count to total splenocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003528 CD4+CD8+ thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003527 CD4+CD8- thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003529 CD4-CD8+ thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003523 G0 stage diploid thymocyte count to total thymocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003524 G2/M stage tetraploid thymocyte count to total thymocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003808 amount of time spent exploring a familiar object in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003807 amount of time spent exploring a novel object in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003796 amount of time spent making head dipping movements in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003790 amount of time spent making rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003804 amount of time spent making stretched-attend posture movements in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003521 apoptotic hypodiploid thymocyte count to total thymocyte count ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000012 body weight 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0002411 both adrenal glands wet weight to body weight ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001749 duration of grooming in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003616 free water reabsorption level to body weight ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000467 gestation period length 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003617 kidney cortex hyaluronic acid level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003621 kidney cortex hyaluronidase activity to total protein level ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003618 kidney papilla hyaluronic acid level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003622 kidney papilla hyaluronidase activity to total protein level ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000642 litter size 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003794 number of head dipping movements in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001751 number of periods of grooming in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001752 number of rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001039 number of stretched-attend posture movements 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003788 percentage of 13 cm2 floor sectors crossed into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000961 percentage of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000959 percentage of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003510 plasma 11-dehydrocorticosterone level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003514 plasma corticosterone level to 11-dehydrocorticosterone level ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001566 plasma high density lipoprotein phospholipid level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0002923 plasma osmolality 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0002117 spleen cell count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001375 stillborn offspring number 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001843 thymocyte count 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003789 time to first grooming within an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003795 time to first head dip within an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003791 time to first rearing within an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0003805 time to first stretched-attend posture movement within an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0001443 total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus 8655639 RS:0003766 WAG/Nov CMO:0000385 urine osmolality 737946 RS:0000968 WAG/OlaHsd CMO:0003554 metastatic intraperitoneal tumor weight 737924 RS:0000969 WAG/Rij CMO:0000012 body weight 737924 RS:0000969 WAG/Rij CMO:0001801 percentage of study population developing colorectal tumors during a period of time 2303640 RS:0002248 WAG/RijCmcr CMO:0003665 dose of irradiation that is fatal to 50% of the total study population 2303640 RS:0002248 WAG/RijCmcr CMO:0003704 dose of whole thorax lung irradiation at which breathing rate increases for 50% of the total study population 2303640 RS:0002248 WAG/RijCmcr CMO:0003722 percentage of study population developing radiation pneumonitis during a period of time 2303640 RS:0002248 WAG/RijCmcr CMO:0003723 percentage of study population developing radiation-induced bone marrow disease during a period of time 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003598 liver MRI signal intensity to paravertebral muscle MRI signal intensity ratio (PD-weighted) 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003599 liver MRI signal intensity to paravertebral muscle MRI signal intensity ratio (T2-weighted) 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003603 liver iron weight to liver dry weight ratio 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003602 liver iron weight to liver wet weight ratio 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003600 liver tumor MRI signal intensity to paravertebral muscle MRI signal intensity ratio (PD-weighted) 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003601 liver tumor MRI signal intensity to paravertebral muscle MRI signal intensity ratio (T2-weighted) 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003605 liver tumorous lesion iron weight to liver tumorous lesion dry weight ratio 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003604 liver tumorous lesion iron weight to liver tumorous lesion wet weight ratio 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003554 metastatic intraperitoneal tumor weight 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003610 metastatic liver tumor number 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003434 metastatic lung tumor number 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003609 metastatic subcutaneous tumor weight 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003613 number of large metastatic liver tumors 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003612 number of medium-sized metastatic liver tumors 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0003611 number of small metastatic liver tumors 2312498 RS:0002249 WAG/RijCrl CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0001071 area of individual liver tumorous lesion 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003516 area of necrosis in liver tumorous lesion 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003515 necrotic liver tumorous lesion area to total liver tumorous lesion area ratio 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0001594 percentage of study population developing liver tumors during a period of time 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1357953 RS:0000970 WAG/RijHfr CMO:0001078 volume of individual liver tumorous lesion 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000012 body weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 10042 RS:0000971 WAG/RijKyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0001213 percentage of study population developing chronic pancreatitis during a period of time 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 634369 RS:0000976 WBN/KobSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0001877 non-tongue squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0001879 number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 5 mm 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0001876 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0001875 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue maximum tumor diameter 61007 RS:0000982 WF CMO:0001878 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue tumor number 1641878 RS:0001579 WF.BBDR-(Clcn1-D4Rat228)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357196 RS:0000985 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat265)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357196 RS:0000985 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat265)/Wor CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1357172 RS:0000986 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357172 RS:0000986 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1357176 RS:0000987 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat96)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357176 RS:0000987 WF.BBDR-(D4Arb29-D4Rat96)/Wor CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1357192 RS:0000988 WF.BBDR-(D4Got39-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357192 RS:0000988 WF.BBDR-(D4Got39-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1641852 RS:0001580 WF.BBDR-(D4Got48-D4Got43)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357193 RS:0000989 WF.BBDR-(D4Got51-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001114 percentage of study population developing diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357193 RS:0000989 WF.BBDR-(D4Got51-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357187 RS:0000990 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat16-D4Got39)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1641868 RS:0001581 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat93-D4Rat228)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357194 RS:0000991 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat96-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001136 percentage of study population developing type 1 diabetes mellitus during a period of time 1357194 RS:0000991 WF.BBDR-(D4Rat96-D4Rat44)/Wor CMO:0001582 post-insult time to onset of diabetes mellitus 1359010 RS:0000992 WF.BBDR-ART2a/Wor CMO:0001114 percentage of study population developing diabetes mellitus during a period of time 728389 RS:0000994 WF.COP-(D2Mit29-D2Rat201)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134951 RS:0002609 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/1Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134953 RS:0002610 WF.COP-(D7Rat39-D7Uwm12)/2Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1358921 RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop CMO:0001950 number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 3 mm 1358921 RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop CMO:0001896 post-insult time to onset of moribundity 1358921 RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop CMO:0001876 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 1358921 RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop CMO:0001875 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue maximum tumor diameter 1358921 RS:0000999 WF.DA-(D19Mit1-D19Mit6)/Kop CMO:0001878 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue tumor number 4892563 RS:0002541 WF.WKY-(D5Rat26-D5Uwm42)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907061 RS:0003350 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm78)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907080 RS:0003354 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm81)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907054 RS:0003347 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm67-D5Uwm98)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907063 RS:0003351 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Got18)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907057 RS:0003348 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm61)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907084 RS:0003355 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm92)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907059 RS:0003349 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm76-D5Uwm98)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907104 RS:0003363 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm77-D5Uwm91)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907087 RS:0003356 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm84)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907090 RS:0003357 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm93)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907076 RS:0003352 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm78-D5Uwm98)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907100 RS:0003362 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm91)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907098 RS:0003361 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm82-D5Uwm92)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907096 RS:0003360 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm85-D5Uwm92)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907094 RS:0003359 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm87-D5Uwm92)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907092 RS:0003358 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm88-D5Uwm92)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 6907078 RS:0003353 WF.WKY-(D5Uwm95-D5Uwm98)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 634359 RS:0001000 WF.WKY-(D5Wox7-D5Uwm37)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134683 RS:0002604 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/1Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134685 RS:0002605 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat128)/2Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134692 RS:0002608 WF.WKY-(D7Rat171-D7Rat45)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134687 RS:0002606 WF.WKY-(D7Rat51-D7Rat128)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 5134689 RS:0002607 WF.WKY-(D7Uwm25-D7Rat128)/Uwm CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0001795 benign colorectal tumor number 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0001799 benign colorectal tumor surface area measurement 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0001803 percentage of study population developing benign colorectal tumors during a period of time 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002071 percentage of study population developing poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumors during a period of time 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002072 percentage of study population developing well differentiated malignant colorectal tumors during a period of time 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002076 poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumor number 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002078 poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002075 well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor number 1641864 RS:0001590 WF/CrCrli CMO:0002077 well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 734761 RS:0001004 WF/Kga CMO:0001950 number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 3 mm 734761 RS:0001004 WF/Kga CMO:0001896 post-insult time to onset of moribundity 734761 RS:0001004 WF/Kga CMO:0001876 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number 734761 RS:0001004 WF/Kga CMO:0001875 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue maximum tumor diameter 734761 RS:0001004 WF/Kga CMO:0001878 squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue tumor number 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000012 body weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302622 RS:0001005 WF/Kop CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000012 body weight 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000420 body weight gain 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000002 heart rate 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000777 heart right ventricle weight 737917 RS:0001006 WF/Mol CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 737908 RS:0000984 WF/NHsd CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 737908 RS:0000984 WF/NHsd CMO:0001522 percentage of study population developing experimental autoimmune neuritis during a period of time 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000012 body weight 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002760 cardiac muscle fiber diameter 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0003169 cerebrum infarct volume to total cerebrum volume ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0001211 creatinine clearance to body weight ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0003208 glucose disappearance constant 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000002 heart rate 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002840 neuron golgi apparatus area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002836 neuron lysosome area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002832 neuron mitochondrion area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002844 neuron rough endoplasmic reticulum area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002848 neuron vacuole area to neuron cytoplasm area ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0002954 number of podocytes per kidney glomerulus 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0003643 ratio of area of glomerular capillary peripheral tuft not covered by podocytes to total area of glomerular capillary peripheral tuft 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0003594 urine albumin level to urine osmolality ratio 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 13508588 RS:0001013 WI CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0002786 blood hemoglobin A1c level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000079 body length, nose to rump 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000012 body weight 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000137 brain weight 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000427 food intake rate 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000002 heart rate 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000017 heart weight 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000081 kidney weight 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000546 plasma free fatty acids level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000781 plasma leptin level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 13825199 RS:0004673 WI-Mc4rm1Hubr CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000012 body weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304222 RS:0002254 WIAR/Iar CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000012 body weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302694 RS:0001018 WKA/Seac CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000012 body weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302687 RS:0001019 WKAH/HkmSlc CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000015 body temperature 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000012 body weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000002 heart rate 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000037 hematocrit 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000029 platelet count 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 68184 RS:0001594 WKAH/Hok CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631276 RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 631276 RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 631276 RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 631276 RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 631276 RS:0001023 WKHA/Cfd CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002789 E/A wave ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002968 afferent arteriolar plasma flow rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002975 afferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002973 afferent arteriolar resistance 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002977 afferent colloid osmotic pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002790 artery tunica media width to artery inner diameter ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001772 blood ethanol clearance rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000049 blood urea nitrogen level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002688 blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000012 body weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001773 decrease in blood ethanol level to body weight ratio per unit time 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002985 efferent arteriolar hydraulic pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002976 efferent arteriolar plasma protein concentration 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002972 efferent arteriolar resistance 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002978 efferent colloid osmotic pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000180 ejection fraction 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001591 ethanol intake volume to total fluid intake volume ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002969 glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002979 glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000490 glomerular filtration rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002783 glomerular filtration rate to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002986 glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002740 heart angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002741 heart angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000982 heart left ventricle end-diastolic diameter 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000983 heart left ventricle end-systolic diameter 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000985 heart left ventricle fractional shortening 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000687 heart left ventricle infarction size to total heart left ventricle size ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000776 heart left ventricle weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002787 heart left ventricle weight to tibia length ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000238 heart posterior wall thickness 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000002 heart rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000987 heart ventricle septal wall thickness 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000017 heart weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001198 heart weight to tibia length ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002745 kidney angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002746 kidney angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001258 kidney fibrotic lesion area to total kidney area ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0003488 kidney glomerular surface area 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0003489 kidney glomerular tuft surface area 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002166 kidney renin level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002784 kidney sclerotic glomerular volume to total kidney glomerular volume ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001269 kidney sclerotic glomeruli count to total glomeruli count ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001954 left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001598 liver triglyceride level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002750 lung angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002751 lung angiotensin I converting enzyme activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002984 mean proximal tubular hydraulic pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0003567 measurement of minimal mechanical stimulus needed to elicit evasive reaction 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000551 plasma aldosterone level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000572 plasma angiotensin II level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000649 plasma very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002943 renal filtration fraction 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0003684 renal plasma flow (PAH) 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002782 renal plasma flow to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0001898 renal vascular resistance 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000057 serum creatinine level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002946 single nephron filtration fraction 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002945 single nephron glomerular filtration rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000450 tibia length 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0002974 total arteriolar resistance 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000763 urine calcium excretion rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000761 urine potassium excretion rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61103 RS:0000742 WKY CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 7241267 RS:0003413 WKY-Chr YSHR/Akr CMO:0001036 core body temperature 1598804 RS:0001597 WKY.GHS-(D1Rat32-D1Mit32) CMO:0000763 urine calcium excretion rate 7257722 RS:0003522 WKY.SHR-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat77)/Iwai CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 7257722 RS:0003522 WKY.SHR-(D1Mgh14-D1Rat77)/Iwai CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631592 RS:0001040 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631592 RS:0001040 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631592 RS:0001040 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat236-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631591 RS:0001041 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631591 RS:0001041 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631591 RS:0001041 WKY.SHR-(D1Rat56-D1M7Mit206)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000012 body weight 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 629482 RS:0001039 WKY.SHR-(D1Wox19-D1Mit2)/Njs CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631601 RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631601 RS:0001064 WKY.SHRSP-(Asgr1-Vamp2)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 4889414 RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0002162 absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio 4889414 RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 4889414 RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 4889414 RS:0002493 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat171-D1Wox33)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 728139 RS:0001045 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 728139 RS:0001045 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631694 RS:0001046 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631694 RS:0001046 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Rat200-D1Rat216)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302675 RS:0001051 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu13-D1Smu11)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 1302675 RS:0001051 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Smu13-D1Smu11)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000608 absolute change in diastolic blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0002375 absolute change in plasma epinephrine level 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0002377 absolute change in plasma norepinephrine level 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000231 cell membrane potential 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0002035 percent change in mean arterial blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0001786 stimulated renal sympathetic nerve activity to basal renal sympathetic nerve activity ratio 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0002569 urine norepinephrine excretion rate 1302636 RS:0001054 WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm CMO:0002571 urine vanillylmandelic acid excretion rate 631280 RS:0001059 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631280 RS:0001059 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631280 RS:0001059 WKY.SHRSP-(D2Mit5-D2Mgh12)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631281 RS:0001062 WKY.SHRSP-(Fst-Pklr)/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631281 RS:0001062 WKY.SHRSP-(Fst-Pklr)/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631281 RS:0001062 WKY.SHRSP-(Fst-Pklr)/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631600 RS:0001065 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631600 RS:0001065 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631600 RS:0001065 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat200)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 629495 RS:0001066 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat57)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 629495 RS:0001066 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat57)/Bbb CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 629495 RS:0001066 WKY.SHRSP-(Mt1pa-D1Rat57)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302689 RS:0001063 WKY.SHRSP-(Ntrk3-D1Smu13)/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 1302689 RS:0001063 WKY.SHRSP-(Ntrk3-D1Smu13)/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631693 RS:0001044 WKY.SHRSP-(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 631693 RS:0001044 WKY.SHRSP-(Shbg-Atp1b2)/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1579699 RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 1579699 RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 1579699 RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 1579699 RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 1579699 RS:0001600 WKY.WKHA-(D5Rat45-D5Rat245)/Cfd CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 1581635 RS:0001601 WKY/Bbb CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1581635 RS:0001601 WKY/Bbb CMO:0000002 heart rate 1581635 RS:0001601 WKY/Bbb CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1581635 RS:0001601 WKY/Bbb CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631275 RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd CMO:0000606 left ventricular end-diastolic blood pressure 631275 RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd CMO:0000605 left ventricular end-systolic blood pressure 631275 RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd CMO:0001746 maximum rate of negative change in left ventricular blood pressure 631275 RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd CMO:0001745 maximum rate of positive change in left ventricular blood pressure 631275 RS:0001068 WKY/Cfd CMO:0001747 time constant of left ventricular pressure decay 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000012 body weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304329 RS:0002272 WKY/Ezo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000292 pulse pressure 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000125 urine creatinine level 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0002930 urine potassium level to urine creatinine level ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0002928 urine sodium level to urine creatinine level ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0002924 urine urea level 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0002926 urine urea level to urine creatinine level ratio 734760 RS:0000761 WKY/Gcrc CMO:0000741 water drink intake rate 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302709 RS:0001071 WKY/Hcm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000608 absolute change in diastolic blood pressure 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002162 absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002375 absolute change in plasma epinephrine level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002377 absolute change in plasma norepinephrine level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000607 absolute change in systolic blood pressure 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0001634 absolute change in urine norepinephrine level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000871 adipocyte basal glucose uptake 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000870 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000015 body temperature 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000012 body weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000231 cell membrane potential 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000658 epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000002 heart rate 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000029 platelet count 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000635 retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000547 serum free fatty acids level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0001786 stimulated renal sympathetic nerve activity to basal renal sympathetic nerve activity ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002569 urine norepinephrine excretion rate 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0002571 urine vanillylmandelic acid excretion rate 631286 RS:0000771 WKY/Izm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000012 body weight 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000340 both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000037 hematocrit 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003445 interstitial nephritis foci count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003447 kidney glomerular lesion count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003444 kidney total tubule cast count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003443 kidney tubule regeneration foci count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000081 kidney weight 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003497 net potassium efflux to blood lymphocyte dry weight ratio per unit time 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003496 net sodium influx to blood lymphocyte dry weight ratio per unit time 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000029 platelet count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003800 ratio of deaths related to chronic hypertension to total study population during a period of time 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0003446 renal fibrosis foci count 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 70454 RS:0000714 WKY/N CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000708 FAPGG metabolism-surface area product 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000300 absolute change in blood pH 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000699 absolute change in body temperature 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000534 absolute change in heart rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000533 absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000298 absolute change in partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000299 absolute change in partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000595 absolute change in plasma renin activity level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000731 acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002853 aorta wall phosphorylated eNOS level to total eNOS level ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000198 arterial blood flow rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000033 blood eosinophil count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000031 blood lymphocyte count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000032 blood monocyte count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000030 blood neutrophil count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000379 blood pH 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000015 body temperature 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000012 body weight 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000703 calculated pulmonary vascular resistance normalized to body weight 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000724 concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000721 concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000726 concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000713 dose of methacholine at which pulmonary conductance is half its pretreatment value 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000221 end-diastolic volume 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000181 end-systolic volume 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002214 food intake weight to body weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000714 fractional change in blood vessel diameter per unit change in intravascular pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000665 heart contraction pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000775 heart effluent lactate dehydrogenase activity level normalized to heart weight 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000695 heart left ventricle infarction weight to total heart left ventricle weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000002 heart rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000108 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000733 hypoxia-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000169 kidney wet weight 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000018 left ventricular developed pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000006 left ventricular diastolic blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000007 left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000725 logarithm of the concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000722 logarithm of the concentration of phenylephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000727 logarithm of the concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (Log EC50) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000102 lung dry weight to body weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000728 maximum contractile force per wet weight of aorta 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002852 mesenteric artery phosphorylated eNOS level to total eNOS level ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000710 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product after auto-oxidation 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000709 methylene blue metabolism-surface area product without auto-oxidation 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000711 methylene blue to FAPGG metabolism-surface area product ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000132 minute ventilation 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003728 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003727 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of norepinephrine at which the force of blood vessel contraction is half the maximum value 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003726 norepinephrine-induced blood vessel contractile force expressed as percent of force of contraction to KCL 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003644 number of spontaneous locomotor movements per unit time 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000283 partial pressure of blood carbon dioxide (Pco2) 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000381 partial pressure of blood oxygen 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000749 percent change in arterial blood flow rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000742 percent change in heart rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000751 percent change in left ventricular developed pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000754 percent change in left ventricular systolic blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000531 percent change in respiration rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000532 percent change in tidal volume 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000288 percent change in ventilation 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000066 plasma anion gap 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000116 plasma renin activity level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0003810 ratio of deaths related to left ventricular hypertrophy to total study population during a period of time 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000289 respiration rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000575 serum alanine aminotransferase activity level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000550 serum albumin level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000577 serum alkaline phosphatase activity level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000581 serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000488 serum bicarbonate level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000503 serum calcium level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000489 serum chloride level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002856 serum fructosamine level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002399 serum globulin level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000543 serum glucose level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000542 serum phosphate level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000495 serum potassium level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000500 serum sodium level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000376 serum total bilirubin level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000661 serum total protein level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000587 serum urea nitrogen level 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000622 single kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000732 sodium nitroprusside-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000222 tidal volume 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000663 time to onset of heart contraction 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000664 time to peak heart contraction 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000365 total white blood cell count 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000757 urine albumin excretion rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0000756 urine total protein excretion rate 1358112 RS:0000731 WKY/NCrl CMO:0002859 water intake drink rate to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000015 body temperature 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000012 body weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001937 brain campesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001935 brain cholesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001936 brain phytosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001938 brain sitosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000002 heart rate 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001941 liver campesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001597 liver cholesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001942 liver phytosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001940 liver sitosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001944 plasma campesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001945 plasma phytosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001943 plasma sitosterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000029 platelet count 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000612 thymus weight to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 61119 RS:0001036 WKY/NCrlCrlj CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000879 absolute change in adipocyte free fatty acid secretion 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000873 absolute change in adipocyte glucose uptake 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000877 adipocyte maximal free fatty acid secretion 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000874 adipocyte maximal glucose uptake to basal glucose uptake ratio 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000868 adipocyte volume 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000012 body weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000005 diastolic blood pressure 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000530 heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000071 heart left ventricle wet weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0003280 heart right ventricle weight to left ventricle plus septum weight ratio 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000072 heart right ventricle wet weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000037 hematocrit 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000083 left kidney wet weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000778 mean pulmonary arterial blood pressure 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000082 right kidney wet weight 61097 RS:0001072 WKY/NCruk CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001414 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0003645 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area including tunica media 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001416 artery neointimal hyperplastic lesion area to total wall area ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000012 body weight 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000765 creatinine clearance 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001749 duration of grooming in an experimental apparatus 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000357 epididymal fat pad weight 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000343 mammary tumor number 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000009 mean arterial blood pressure 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002781 nose to rump body mass index 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002780 nose to tail body mass index 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000960 number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001752 number of rearing movements in an experimental apparatus 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001173 plasma corticosterone level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002778 plasma cystatin C level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000342 plasma insulin level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000356 retroperitoneal fat pad weight 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0001248 serum thyroid stimulating hormone level 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002770 skin chloride level to skin dry weight ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002775 skin chloride level to skin water level ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002772 skin potassium level plus skin sodium level to skin water level ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002773 skin potassium level to skin water level ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002769 skin sodium level to skin dry weight ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0002771 skin water level to skin dry weight ratio 61105 RS:0000916 WKY/NHsd CMO:0000760 urine sodium excretion rate 38549343 RS:0004797 WKY/NIcoCrlf CMO:0003547 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H21 infection at a point in time 38549343 RS:0004797 WKY/NIcoCrlf CMO:0003548 number of individuals in a study population displaying Haemophilus H35 infection at a point in time 38549343 RS:0004797 WKY/NIcoCrlf CMO:0003549 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurella pneumotropica infection at a point in time 38549343 RS:0004797 WKY/NIcoCrlf CMO:0003545 number of individuals in a study population displaying Pasteurellaceae infection at a point in time 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000012 body weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302614 RS:0001073 WKY/NMna CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000012 body weight 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000427 food intake rate 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0003403 kidney fractional mesangial volume 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0003401 kidney glomerulus basement membrane thickness 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0002247 kidney glomerulus volume 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0003389 kidney wet weight to body weight ratio 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0003716 mesangium volume per glomerulus 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0003405 serum 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha level 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0002856 serum fructosamine level 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 1566432 RS:0001602 WKY/NMolTac CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10046 RS:0001074 WKY/OlaHsd CMO:0001036 core body temperature 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000012 body weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302599 RS:0001076 WKY/Ta CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 737895 RS:0001070 WKY/Ztm CMO:0001084 mammary gland terminal end bud count 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 70455 RS:0001078 WKYO/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0002080 fetal body weight 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003816 number of blastocysts implanted per litter 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0002382 number of blastocysts/embryos lost postimplantation to litter size ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003834 number of fetuses with an ossified anterior arch of atlas to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003820 number of fetuses with brain hernia to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003824 number of fetuses with cardiovascular malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003832 number of fetuses with cervical rib variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003828 number of fetuses with cranial malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003819 number of fetuses with exencephaly to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003817 number of fetuses with external malformations to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003821 number of fetuses with eye malformations to total number of live fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003823 number of fetuses with hydrocephaly to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003826 number of fetuses with left umbilical artery to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003833 number of fetuses with lumbar rib variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003825 number of fetuses with renal malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003827 number of fetuses with skeletal malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003831 number of fetuses with sternum variations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003829 number of fetuses with vertebral malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003822 number of fetuses with visceral malformations to total number of fetuses ratio 127338473 RS:0004961 WM/Nem CMO:0003835 number of fetuses without an ossified first cervical vertebral body to total number of fetuses ratio 10045 RS:0001082 WN/N CMO:0000012 body weight 10045 RS:0001082 WN/N CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10045 RS:0001082 WN/N CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000012 body weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302664 RS:0001083 WNA/Nshm CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000105 body mass index (BMI) 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000012 body weight 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0001639 both inguinal fat pads weight to body weight ratio 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 67935 RS:0000065 WOKW CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000046 blood glucose level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000350 blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000105 body mass index (BMI) 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000012 body weight 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0001253 inguinal fat pad weight to body weight ratio 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000361 serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000358 serum insulin level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000780 serum leptin level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000363 serum total cholesterol level 737957 RS:0001087 WOKW/K CMO:0000360 serum triglyceride level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2314935 RS:0002275 WST.F344-Kmch/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304242 RS:0002278 WTC-Kcnq1dfkKyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2304221 RS:0002277 WTC-swh/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 2303792 RS:0002282 WTC.ZI-Atrnzi/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 10047 RS:0001090 WTC/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002645 bone ash content 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002646 bone calcium content 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002647 bone phosphorus content 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0000442 femur length 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002650 femur metaphysial anterior-posterior diameter 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002649 femur metaphysial mediolateral diameter 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0000444 femur weight 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002235 kidney glutathione level 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002236 kidney malondialdehyde level 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002480 liver glutathione level 9831158 RS:0003865 Y59/Zgd CMO:0002451 liver malondialdehyde level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000210 activated partial thromboplastin time 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002338 blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000368 blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000369 blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000026 blood hemoglobin level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000371 blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000374 blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002337 blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000015 body temperature 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000012 body weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000621 both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000164 both adrenal glands wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000085 both kidneys wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000140 both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000175 both testes wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000901 both testes wet weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000139 brain weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000155 brain wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000002 heart rate 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000074 heart weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000069 heart wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000037 hematocrit 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000141 liver weight as percentage of body weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000158 liver wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000156 lung weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000097 lung wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000290 mean corpuscular hemoglobin 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000291 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000038 mean corpuscular volume 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002339 non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000044 plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000056 plasma albumin level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002342 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000045 plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000043 plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000059 plasma chloride level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000537 plasma creatinine level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000042 plasma glucose level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000646 plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000647 plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000058 plasma phosphate level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000061 plasma potassium level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000060 plasma sodium level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002334 plasma total bilirubin level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000585 plasma total cholesterol level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000054 plasma total protein level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000548 plasma triglyceride level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000586 plasma urea nitrogen level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000029 platelet count 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000211 prothrombin time 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000025 red blood cell count 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000149 spleen weight to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000171 spleen wet weight 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000004 systolic blood pressure 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000260 timed urine volume 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0001968 timed urine volume to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000378 total plasma calcium level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002158 urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000382 urine chloride level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0002159 urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000128 urine potassium level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0001855 urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000129 urine sodium level 1302726 RS:0001103 ZI/Kyo CMO:0000027 white blood cell count 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0000012 body weight 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001556 bone mineral content to body weight ratio 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001560 bone polar moment of inertia to body weight ratio 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001517 number of photobeam interruptions in an experimental apparatus 634381 RS:0000610 iNP/Iusm CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0000012 body weight 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001556 bone mineral content to body weight ratio 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001226 bone mineral density 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001560 bone polar moment of inertia to body weight ratio 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001616 ethanol drink intake rate to body weight ratio 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001675 femur ultimate force 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001517 number of photobeam interruptions in an experimental apparatus 634380 RS:0000635 iP/Iusm CMO:0001728 total volumetric bone mineral density