# RGD-PIPELINE: ftp-file-extracts # MODULE: uniprot-annotations-version-1.0.2 (Oct 10, 2019) # GENERATED-ON: 2023/05/20 # PURPOSE: uniprot annotations with references # ONTOLOGY: GO: Cellular Component # CONTACT: rgd.data@mcw.edu # FORMAT: tab delimited text # #COLUMN INFORMATION: # #1 GENE_RGD_ID unique RGD_ID of the annotated gene #2 GENE_SYMBOL official symbol of the annotated gene #3 UNIPROT_ID UniProtKB ID #4 PMID PubMed ID #5 ONTOLOGY ontology category #6 EVIDENCE evidence GENE_RGD_ID GENE_SYMBOL UNIPROT_ID PMID ONTOLOGY EVIDENCE 69123 LEP A4D0Y8 29089335 GO: Cellular Component IEP 69123 LEP D3HIE0 29089335 GO: Cellular Component IEP 69123 LEP P41159 29089335 GO: Cellular Component IEP 69123 LEP Q56A88 29089335 GO: Cellular Component IEP 69123 LEP Q6NT58 29089335 GO: Cellular Component IEP